NGaKo's picture
  • 40

My 8/4/8 weeks Mass Plan. Any Advice or Tips?


Hey There

Just want to share my 120 day mass plan and maybe someone have some ideas or good meals to share with me.

The focus here is on the meal plan but I will shortly talk about my training split and my coming cycle.
I don't post mg's because this shouldn't be an advice or misleading for ppl new to AAS.

So my training split looks like this :

Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Shoulder
Friday - Arms
Saturday - legs
Sunday - Chest ( repeat from beginning)

So it's a 5 Split 6 times a week with about 5 exercises per muscle group.
I do cardio every day in the morning for 15 to 25 minutes depending on my weight gain/loss.

I will cycle this while bulking:

Day 1-30 Oxymetholone
Day 1-90 Deca
Day 1-120 Susta
Day 1-120 HGH

Day 1-120 Roaccutane
Day 1-120 adex
Day 1-90 Caber ( just if needed)
Day 1-110 HCG ( 2x week)

After this I will lower test and add 8 week cut cycle but that's a different thing now.

So now to my supplementation first:

  • Whey
  • BCAA
  • Omega-3
  • L-Glutamine
  • Maltodextrin
  • Dextrose
  • creatine

I will use 3 shakes a day each with 500ml Water.

  1. 30g Whey/50g Malto/ 10g BCAA first thing in the morning
  2. Fast acting carbs and di-tripeptide supplements-> intra workout
  3. 40g Whey post workout

Now to my meal plan the most important thing.
I will eat 6 solid Meals a day every 2-3 hours.
Will look something like this:

  1. Meal

3 Whole Eggs
5 Egg-Whites
300g Rice ( cooked)
85g Turkey

  1. Meal

225g Turkey/Chicken
300g Pasta
150g Tomatoes ( for sauce)

  1. Meal Shake

200g Berries/Fruits
500ml Water
80g Oatmeal
30g Whey
15g Almond Butte

  1. Meal
    225g Chicken
    5 Tortillas (corn or whole wheat)
    50g avocado

  2. Meal

225g Beef or Fish
300g Potstoes or 300g cooked rice
Green Salad with Balsamico and olive oil

  1. Meal

7 Eggewhites
1 Banana
50g Oatmeal
30g Whey
30g Almond Butter

Or low fat sour cream with berries, Oatmeal, low fat milk and Whey.

( I will add vegetables to 2 meals a day )

So my question is does anyone have some tips to improve my plan or maybe would change something to get better results.

My plan is to add 8kg of weight wich should be about 3-4kg muscle and the rest bodyfat :/ Biggrin

So if anyone has some advice please let me know.

Thx NGaKo


The 6 Meals without supplements and shakes are about 4000 calories which are in form of

  • 78,5g Fat
  • 426g Carbs
  • 376g protein


So what I found And understand is this:

You need to time your macros around the training really good to get the most out of your training and get a high insulin and enough glucagon and aminoacids.

So 45-60 mins pre workout a solid meal with 50g fast acting Carbs and 40g Di-Tripeptides do. get a higher insulin so your body can transport the aminoacids and glucagon to your muscles. ( what insulin does)

15min pre workout I need to get 40g fast acting Carbs and 20g fast acting protein which is for holding your insulin high and having enough glucagon and aminoacids for your body available.

Intra workout I need a shake with some fast acting carbs and some more Di-Tripeptides to hold the high insulin trough the workout and get a high insulin sensitivity. Also you can hold you cortisol levels low so your body won't take aminoacids and glycagon out of the muscles or at least a lower amount.

After workout you need another protein shake with about 35-40g fast acting protein because you still have high insulin levels and your cortisol levels are lower then when not adding these nutritions around your workout.
So this leads do faster transport of Di-Tripeptides to your muscle.

All this leads to more energy more reps and longer training if you time them correctly.

I hope you see I'm really here to ask some questions and to learn and for sure I will learn and grow.

So what I know is that Carbs placed good pre/intra/postbwo bout you have better metabolism.
You need the high insulin and the Di-Tripeptides to hold your cortisol low while training and this leads to a lower energy use from your muscle and you add all these to your body so you use the nutritions you eat/drink instead of using protein and glucagon from ur muscle cells to get the energy.
So I need to manage my carbs around my workout and lower them at the evening/night and get higher protein instead
Also I need to add some healthy fats

P.s. I'll get these di- and tripeptides mostly through eggs or casein ( milk protein )

Edit: for sure I have tamoxifen and clomid on hands all the time but I thought this would be normal when talking about cycles like this and meal plans.
Sorry forget to add Tamox and clomid and also whole PCT but I was focusing on my meal plan not on my cycle that's a different thing .

I will lower carbs over all and add some protein instead.
And like you said I start at a lower calorie intake over all and will adjust it to my results.
I will also add some more whole wheat products with slower acting carbs at the morning and at the evening.

And about the drugs I need to say I start low and work my way up I don't run them all time high.
That's what works for me pretty good after being off for a few months.

Edit 3:
I decided to use this plan just for 8 Weeks straight. Then switching meals out and go for lower carbs/sugar to avoid that insulin sensitivity.
I don't know exactly what my meal plan looks like after this 8 weeks but will definitely lower calories intake over all for st least 4 weeks.
Lower carbs, higher healthy fats, high fiber foods and some high quality dairy products is what i will go for.

After these 4 weeks I going to up calories again for 8 weeks and I'm done after total of 20 weeks.

Training will be adjusted.

I know it's still not perfect but I got some really good tips and ask you for more tips/advice for meal plan and food timing.

Sorry for long post.

Spezial Thanks to giardap for pushing me the right was.
And thanks to all others who have me some opinions/tips.

giardap's picture

You will probably die in the coming years.

All that refined sugar. Badly timed = insulin issues fast
Oil foods badly timed = fat stores instead of fuel
Non-periodised training program = plateau fast
Starting at max cals (more or less) = plateau/fateau
Not periodising the food plan with insulin sensitivity resets = pre-diabetic soon

Basically, food plan is sh1t. It will destroy your insulin sensitivity, lead to hypos and prediabetes.

Then we have the drugggggssssss...
Taboo on top of the above = potential for death and guaranteed hypos (at a minimum)

Your ancilliary plan is insane
Steroids; No doubt, as you dont want to post doses (hiding them) they will be same approach as food... maxed out and guaranteed to fully plateau by week 8.
Perhaps HGH may help keep some gains and a bit of fat down but it will contribute to the prev mentioned hypos and cannot prevent a muscle building plateau.

Health-wise; The meds you are using will flip your lipids, hurt liver and kidneys, smash rbc through the roof, skyrocket shbg which will eat your test/estro.... will cause estro to go through the roof and on and on and on. Ox will pump up BP, sust will smash it up, and with the estro water retention it will fly up further... not to mention the rage that comes from ox and high bp. Gyno?? Ox plus high testo plus GH = massive gyno risk, regardless of ai (no serm plan?!?!).

So... advice based onall of that?

What's the fkn point? You will be dead before long or maybe just a fat woman.

NGaKo's picture

Hey Bro
Thanks for your advice I appreciate that.

Can you give me some more informations about meal timing.

I don't see the point where I fckd it up.
i just know now that the shakes need to be on different times and some need to be cut out.

But the meal plan looks solid for me.
So please help me I don't want to FCK my body like you describe that.

If you want I can send you a PM with my detailed Training

But thanks for the warning!!'

BTW I never had gyno problems

giardap's picture

Learn about glucagon and insulin, and how to time foods becomes more apparent

Your meal plan is rubbish.

Do some research on above and see what you come up with. Come back with what you learn to discuss.

3 gyno creating meds in your plan and no SERM.... do the maths... tick tock etc. Just a consideration. But ignore good advice if you like.

NGaKo's picture

Hey Bro

I want advice for sure that's why I'm asking. And maybe you need someone to push you in the right direction like you did.

So I did some research about the peri-workout phase and about timing nutritions right to get the best anabolic window.

So what I found And understand is this:

You need to time your macros around the training really good to get the most out of your training and get a high insulin and enough glucagon and aminoacids.

So 45-60 mins pre workout a solid meal with 50g fast acting Carbs and 40g Di-Tripeptides do. get a higher insulin so your body can transport the aminoacids and glucagon to your muscles. ( what insulin does)

15min pre workout I need to get 40g fast acting Carbs and 20g fast acting protein which is for holding your insulin high and having enough glucagon and aminoacids for your body available.

Intra workout I need a shake with some fast acting carbs and some more Di-Tripeptides to hold the high insulin trough the workout and get a high insulin sensitivity. Also you can hold you cortisol levels low so your body won't take aminoacids and glycagon out of the muscles or at least a lower amount.

After workout you need another protein shake with about 35-40g fast acting protein because you still have high insulin levels and your cortisol levels are lower then when not adding these nutritions around your workout.
So this leads do faster transport of Di-Tripeptides to your muscle.

All this leads to more energy more reps and longer training if you time them correctly.

I hope you see I'm really here to ask some questions and to learn and for sure I will learn and grow.

So what I know is that Carbs placed good pre/intra/postbwo bout you have better metabolism.
You need the high insulin and the Di-Tripeptides to hold your cortisol low while training and this leads to a lower energy use from your muscle and you add all these to your body so you use the nutritions you eat/drink instead of using protein and glucagon from ur muscle cells to get the energy.
So I need to manage my carbs around my workout and lower them at the evening/night and get higher protein instead am I right?
Also I need to add some healthy fats right?

P.s. I'll get these di- and tripeptides mostly through eggs or casein ( milk protein )

Thanks for this information bro

But instill ask you for more advice please because I really want to go healthy and don't want du FCK my body especially not with insulin sensitivity.

Edit: for sure I have tamoxifen and clomid on hands all the time but I thought this would be normal when talking about cycles like this and meal plans.
Sorry forget to add Tamox and clomid and also whole PCT but I was focusing on my meal plan not on my cycle that's a different thing .

I will lower carbs over all and add some protein instead.
And like you said I start at a lower calorie intake over all and will adjust it to my results.
I will also add some more whole wheat products with slower acting carbs at the morning and at the evening.

And about the drugs I need to say I start low and work my way up I don't run them all time high.
That's what works for me pretty good after being off for a few months.

Edit 3:
I decided to use this plan just for 8 Weeks straight. Then switching meals out and go for lower carbs/sugar to avoid that insulin sensitivity.
I don't know exactly what my meal plan looks like after this 8 weeks but will definitely lower calories intake over all for st least 4 weeks.
Lower carbs, higher healthy fats, high fiber foods and some high quality dairy products is what i will go for.

After these 4 weeks I going to up calories again for 8 weeks and I'm done after total of 20 weeks.

Training will be adjusted.

NGaKo's picture

Hey basskiller

I don't care to much about cheat meals because I hate sweets didn't ate them since more then 10 years I just love good food.

But if I like to cheat I get ma hands on some sushi or maybe Döner Kebab.

Also I don't like mc Donald's , Burger King, KFC etc. just don't like the taste of fat.

And sorry but I won't post dosage here because I don't want to give advice or dobt want someone to copy ma plan who don't have an idea what he's doing.
If you definitely want to know send me a pm I will tell you.

NGaKo's picture

Ok cool.
What fats do you prefer during your bulking diet?
Maybe I'll add some sunfloweroil/olive oil shots to get some more calories in.

Sam I Am's picture

Four shakes a day is a lot. Whole Foods are the best. Personally I’m a body part twice a week guy. I’ve had better results dropping my exercises to three per body part twice a week. I mainly do compound exercises when bulking.

Owes a Review × 1
NGaKo's picture

Maybe I'll take the pre bed shake away and add instead some cottage cheese or some oats with berries.

I also like to stick more to the basics and maybe I'll give it a try hitting every bodypart twice a week.

IrishMack's picture

You are focusing too much on those shakes, try taking away half of them, do a protein shake in the morning and one before bed. 26 week cycle? Are you purposely trying to fuck your hpta? You cannot bulk and cut in the same cycle it will not work no matter how long you push the cycle out for. You will be very dissappounted at the end of this cycle I can guarantee it. If your meal plan above is like that every day, you will be doing a cutting cycle after 12 days in because your body will subconsciously start hating the same foods every day and you will start to lose your appetite. That is science not broscience. At 25 years old you think you need all those drugs to grow?
Taking an ai from day one, taking hcg from day one, that tells me you plan on running high doses which does not match your physique from your pic.

NGaKo's picture

Thanks for your advice.
I think i definitely cut out the cutting cycle and will pct after 'the test Deca cycle.

And about the meal I don't worry that much I'm working in a kitchen since years so I know how to prepare exactly these foods in many different ways or switch some foods and get the same amount of fat/carbs/ protein +/- 5% so I'll be fine with the food intake.

And I really need the pre workout shake I'm really addicted to it.

But I can add another solid meal as post workout.

And the dosage is like i cycled before and get away with low to zero sides just some acne which I get on 250mg e5d but I handle it with roa low dose is enough.

A appreciate your advice sounds like you know exactly what ur talking about thanks for this!

Sam I Am's picture

Cottage cheese is a great before bed snack. I eat a bowl every night.

Owes a Review × 1
GrowMore's picture

I don't see mention of a pct, rather lower test dose and cut.. some more knowledgeable members will steer you in the right direction mate.

Great to see you laying everything out though.

Owes a Review × 1
Sam I Am's picture


Owes a Review × 1
NGaKo's picture

Thanks bro.

I will add at the end of the cycle a cutting cycle and new meal plan but Im still working on it it's not done now.

Will end complete cycle after 26 weeks and will PCT after that and stay off for 6 Month.

stairmaster's picture

Why Malto in shake 2 and 4?

100g before bed?

NGaKo's picture

Just to add some extra calories.
And pre bed so I don't wake up at night to eat and can sleep trough.

Happens most time to me when I eat that much all day I wake up at around 4 am and I'm hungry af

stairmaster's picture

Best way to get diabetic, eat regular meals instead !

Sam I Am's picture

Solid advice.

Owes a Review × 1
NGaKo's picture

Do you have any article about this?
The only thing I can find that it is critical if you are diabetic already.

German and Swiss studies Never found side effects hard like this when consuming maltodextrin.

NGaKo's picture

Never heard of someone getting diabetic because of maltodextrine.

Need to take a look at this

lethaltradeindustries's picture

Day 1-120 Slin (4on/4off post workout)

Remove this. Don't ask about it, dont talk about it, dont even think it here on eroids. BIG no no.
NGaKo's picture

Removed I'm sorry

lethaltradeindustries's picture

Nothing personal. I wont comment on your gear or meal choice because Im a noob. HOWEVER, If you want to bulk, look into a 3 day full body workout routine. Focus on dumbbell for your bench and shoulder work.

NGaKo's picture

Yes I thought about a push/pull/leg but mostly I feel better with a 5 split and I think I get better results what my experience is.