sgtdavids's picture
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+ 2 seeking advise.. First time on Tren E


Hi guys,

I've decided to do a Tren E & Sustanon a 12 week cycle , i've only done 3 cycles so far in over 3 years mostly Sustanon, dbol, Anavar and Test E...

I did some reasearch on Tren cycles but cant really pin point the dosage... my goal is to bulk up and lose fat at the same time.

What do you guys think?? Is this doable or am i asking for heart attack?? Smile


Age 39,
Weght: 192
Hight: 6

Cycle would be:

'' Sustanon-350 ( 500mg ew) 1-12

'' Tren E (300mg ew) 2-12

'' Anavar (40mg ed)

"Arimidex (0.5 eod)

"PCT - Novadex , Clomid 14-18

TheFlash85's picture

Why do you feel the need to leap into tren?

Keepmovingforward's picture

I’ve never ran the stuff but I’ve flirted with the idea many times and still do. The way I understand it you better have your life in close to perfect order. If in a relationship you better make sure it’s better than good and if you have a job or career you care about also make sure it’s good. One bad day at work or with the lady and you might lose something you care about. I’ve seen guys on it and they are a bit snappy and don’t even realize it. The results seem amazing but there’s a lot that comes with it. They don’t call it the Tren train for nothing. I think there’s other compounds you could run and be happy. No rush In this game, it’s a marathon not a race.

fusebox's picture

Solid info. And it's actual personal experience. Welcome to level one.

Keepmovingforward's picture

Solid advice +1 from me. You’ll be fucked if you gotta deal with it for a few weeks if it sits uneasy. I’ve heard of guys getting the Tren flue and trying to survive until it clears out. Sounds like a fucked up few weeks. I haven’t touched the stuff yet I always hear mixed reviews plus I am in no rush to jump on that train.

press1's picture

So you can manage a straight 8 hours sleep without waking at all to eat?

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bbdoc's picture

You have a lot of wonderful substances before trying Tren... EQ is one of my fav. and Deca does good for putting mass... And for Tren E, 300 mg is too much (at least for me)
Id go with 600 EQ for 16 months instead of Tren E..

And when you are ready for Tren, try Tren A.. and Never do 300 mg tren if you don't have experience with it.

MedDx's picture

Only 3 cycles? No tren....

sgtdavids's picture

I’ll save the Tren for next time.. thanks guys!!! I appreciate all your comments, @20% body fat I guess I am asking for a heart attack Smile

hybriiid's picture

Not trying to be a dick, but running tren @20% bf is just extremely irresponsible. Focus on diet and also focus on some research next time as well

Also, stop ur cycle

alekaras's picture

this^^^ with 20%bf

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Makwa's picture

6' and 192 lbs with 20% BF makes me real hesitant about giving any type of cycle advice. You really have little muscle mass on your frame. The compounds you have chosen all scream that you are real inexperienced with cycling and nowhere near ready to be running advanced compounds such as sustanon and tren.

I would be more interested in how you have your diet laid out trying to achieve your goal of bulking and cutting at the same time. As far as that goal, try chasing two squirrels at the same time and you won't catch either one.

vhman's picture

Age: 39
Height: 6
Weight: 192
BF: 20%


alekaras's picture

if I was you id wait a couple cycles more and then I would run tren a not e !! if something goes wrong with e your fucked for atleast 2weeks until its out from you!! ace is best fast in fast out !! dose wise if its proper dosed 50eod is enough !! hope this helps stay safe !

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Diesel-1's picture

With only three cycles under your belt I wouldn't recommend running tren, much less Tren E. I'm sure you've read about the sides and everything that goes along with a tren cycle, it's no joke. I won't even mess with Tren E and I've been doing AAS for over a decade because when tren sides hit they hit hard. Easier to bail out with Tren ace, out of your system in a few days compared to Tren E you'll have to deal with the sides for at least a couple weeks after last pin. You might want to rethink this cycle.

press1's picture

You should NOT be giving advice on trenbolone - You are telling him to run tren ace for 9 weeks on his first run of it?!?...

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Makwa's picture

you have some good info in there but then you say "not advise" but you basically list a sample cycle for him to run which he is clearly not ready for. here is a sample cycle that I think would be better but don't run it is still giving advice, albeit bad advice

Bearded_muscle's picture

Drop the tren, run the sust and the var. maybe some proviron to stay dry and help the test do it’s thing.

Thank you for asking, the fact that you did shows you knew you didn’t need it.

Ogmudbone62113's picture

Great advice my bearded brother, couldn't agree more.