press1's picture
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+ 3 What's Your Favourite Hobby after weightlifting?


I'm sure for most of us using gear that training/lifting is our favourite hobby and thing to be doing in life, but what is next on your list after that if you can't be in the gym slugging the Iron?'s picture

Well my favorite hobby was chasing Big Booty woman all over the Globe .

But now that I've been caged by an award winning PAWG ... She feeds me and waters me every day .

Lol no shit I've been playing Pickle Ball here lately and it's fun as hell, I've gotten to old for Paint Ball ....

press1's picture

We just need to get some Good Old Steroids in you again bro and all this Pickle Ball stuff will be but a distant memory, you'll be back prowling like a bitch on heat again in no time.

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iFit's picture

Scuba diving. Thought I was done with it as there was no were else to go then my kids took it up so enjoying it with them now.

Danlaroy's picture

Camping, hiking, rock climbing, sports, photography, etc.

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bigred250's picture

Outside of bodybuilding I have 3 freshwater aquariums and enjoy setting up neat aquascapes. Essentially that means making a natural appealing looking fish tank using real plants. It is surprisingly super low maintenance once everything is at equilibrium and something fun to look at. We recently have been breeding guppies and that’s fun to see them grow up haha. - It also lets me play God, and who wouldn’t enjoy that!

eighty7's picture

UncleYoked's picture

I remember this guy from Pan's Labyrinth

Greg's picture

Looks like my hind side... sexy.

eighty7's picture

He's was a big boy

press1's picture

Where these Giant Toads yours bud?

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eighty7's picture

African Bullfrog, he died about a year ago.

press1's picture

I nearly said I thought it was one of those!! What did you feed him - don't they eat mice and centipedes and stuff?

Got any more pictures?

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eighty7's picture

He was very big about 5lbs. He would eat full grown rats and lots of bugs. Not that I can upload no.

press1's picture

Blimey yeh - that's a Heavy frog!!!

Have you ever seen the feeding videos on youtube where they put them in see through boxes and drop all the rats and scorpions in and things and they just gobble them up, they are hilarious!!

Those big Dragon reptiles are pretty hostile - where they get hold of the rat and kill it by smashing its head off the side of the tank for 5 minutes lol

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press1's picture

What breed are they mate?

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Jockstrap's picture

Fishing and cigars

NWApatches's picture

Bass fishing or just whatever biting? You should see some small mouth I've landed. HuUuGE

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Jockstrap's picture

I tried to get into bass and caught a few lil ones. But its mainly boat needed. Trout in the mountains was my joy.

How big? My biggest was 12.5lb salmon.

Skinnyboy63's picture

My hobby

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wanted's picture

I dont agree either. We should do that to you
Leave the dogs home and wrestle one yourself that you might have something

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Stokes500's picture

Wtf man ….. that’s not right I’m not down with that shit. I have no problem with people hunting and killing animals there going to eat but kill them humanely. Killing animals for sport or fun is fucked up and using dogs is barbaric.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

I don't kill them

MOD Edit: Posted below...

Yes my dogs track them and hold them bay by barking at them then I come in with one catch dog and it catches it by the ear so I can go in and tie the hog up and relocate it to a place that they're allowed to be away from all crops and anything they can destroy I'm a state wildlife trapper I work for the state

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press1's picture

I Agree mate, its Fucked up getting your kicks out of sick shit like this watching an animal get torn to shreds by a load of dogs. Please can you remove this @Skinnyboy63

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Pumped_'s picture

Kim Jong Un executes his rivals with dogs. Imagine watching that?

simonmagus84's picture

Some sick ducks would masturbate watching that. You should watch the movie Luther on Netflix

Skinnyboy63's picture

It's how I make a living if I don't we won't have crops or anything they destroy everything yards crops we won't have oranges or anything if I don't remove them they don't get tortured shreds they get bit on the ear until I get there and remove the dog not dogs I only use 1 catch dog

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simonmagus84's picture

So that’s wild boar. Yeah they’re a threat to agriculture. I think it’s better to put some context before posting graphic images because it can be perceived a bit different. I know about that down south, they actually pay hunters otherwise we’re fucked. They’re an abomination.

Skinnyboy63's picture

You're right but I'm not good at explaining stuff

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simonmagus84's picture

You explained your stance fairly well. Give yourself some slack.

Stokes500's picture

Well i apologise then , from the picture it looked like there was 2 dogs mauling the hog . Sorry for over reaction

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Skinnyboy63's picture

No problem bud there's only one dog that catches it by the ear and I'm usually 10 ft away ready to get them off I tie the pig up and relocate them to a spot they're allowed I do not kill everything if I kill it I eat it

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NWApatches's picture

In the states its common and literally what the dogs are bred for. The hogs are extreme nuisance to farmland and will fuck shit up quick.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes thanks for telling it better

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wanted's picture

My dogs where bred to hunt bear and large animals
I keep there asses in my fenced in yard.

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Stokes500's picture

It’s still fucked up using dogs there’s more humaine ways. I’m not looking for an argument with nobody but I come here to this forum for bodybuilding/ weight training and related shit not to see dogs savage hogs

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SeeOhShow's picture

Oddly enough dogs with a “purpose” like this are some of the happiest dogs alive. End of the day dogs need jobs to do otherwise they go stir crazy. People often buy “working” dogs thinking they’re cute and leave them inside all day like they’re domesticated lap dogs. Some want to herd animals and some want hunt things. We let cats be outside cats and they go off killing every small creature they can find. This is really no different to that.

I don’t partake. Just offering some perspective.

press1's picture

For me personally, its the way its being done. If the dogs were used to flush the hogs out and then someone shot it in the head then thats fine, their numbers are kept under control and the land is not destroyed along with other potential farm animals that live there. But this animal is being torn apart by several other animals and at the same time being filmed by someone stood there who has already said he enjoys doing it. Fair enough I know this is viewed as normal in the country like Fox hunting is in some parts here, but to take some kind of enjoyment from it seeing an animal screaming for its life while it dies is particularly sinister to me.

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Skinnyboy63's picture

Yes my dogs track them and hold them bay by barking at them then I come in with one catch dog and it catches it by the ear so I can go in and tie the hog up and relocate it to a place that they're allowed to be away from all crops and anything they can destroy I'm a state wildlife trapper I work for the state

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press1's picture

Alright Buddy sorry for the confusion, from the picture it looks like the hog is apart to get torn from arse to ear by the other dogs - thats what happens over here with illegal fox hunting in the countryside. They will wear it down over miles on horseback together with a pack of hounds and then literally tear the thing to shreds while alive and all the huntsmen will watch it. It just comes across as similar with it already bleeding and the dog about to attack it. Call me a hypocrite I know even though I still eat meat, but I just hate seeing things suffering during its final moments in life. Even though its only a wild animal it still only gets one shot at life like we do and once its over its over Sad

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SeeOhShow's picture

My understanding is the dogs do just flush the hogs out for you to shoot them. Yea they nip and bite at the hog to get it to run, but I didn’t think it was a “sit back and them tear it apart scenario.” That would be extremely dangerous to the dogs. Hogs are tough and could absolutely hurt your dogs.

Skinnyboy63's picture

No they don't get torn apart there's one catch dog that goes in and catch it by the ears I don't kill the pigs I tie them up and relocate them to a place they're allowed to be I've tried traps they don't go in traps only the little ones once they get trapped smart they'll never go back in one then you have to use dogs the have body armor and the hogs really don't get hurt and if I didn't do this and others like me do it we would have no crops or oranges they eat baby cows they do a lot of damage they eat baby deer they eat everything

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SeeOhShow's picture

Oh I know exactly how destructive they are. Respect for relocating. I shoot on sight. I actually prefer the taste of wild pig over our fat pink domesticated ones. Has more red meat characteristics

Stokes500's picture

No its completely different cats room free hunt on there own accord that’s nature but taking dogs out purposely to hunt animals and mauling them is just fucking wrong. If I ever see anybody hurting or causing pain to an animal for fun or sport then I’m going make sure they know how that animal felt.
If you hunt for food fair enough or even pest control but not using dogs it’s barbaric

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sandman3698's picture

So dogs arent animals? They dont have a nature? You know bears kill for fun, cats kill for fun, dolphins rape, bears will eat cubs even if its their own so the mother will go back into heat. Female coyotes will attract domestic dogs with their heat scent to lure them in a trap to kill and eat them. Male pigs will eat piglets. Life isnt bambi.

Stokes500's picture

Your talking about the wild without man’s interference there really is a big difference ,

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sandman3698's picture

And Id also add, if your not a vegan, I would bet any money that the steak you ate came off a cow that was way more scared and in pain throughout its life and especially in the slaughterhouse moments before its unceramonious death, hanging upside down surrounded by the blood and guts of other cows before it got a bolt to the brain.

Pumped_'s picture

You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs.

sandman3698's picture

No theres really not. So dogs arent animals? Dogs dont have instincts? Dogs dont have a predator drive? Coupled with dogs being pack animals and WANTING a purpose within that pack.... So if a my dog attacks a robber and the robber shoots him, would you then hope I get shot so I know what its like? Since I didnt board the dog up to keep him out of that situation?

wanted's picture

If a robber shoots my dog that MOFO is going to die a painful & slow death
And the robber better shoot my ass if he shoots my dog
My dogs are my LIFE and as pack leader that guy better shoot all of us

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sandman3698's picture

100%. But Im also not pretending like my dog doesnt have an ingrain predatory nature. I see it everytime I let him out and there happens to be a chicken or cat a little to close to the door. I didnt train him to kill chickens or cats. He was actually raised by 2 girls and babied his whole life. Until they had to move and gave him to me. That dude would kill every other animal I own if I didnt have him restrained.