+ 1 First cycle @ 29yrs old. Test E only...
Whats up everyone. Been lifting for enough years that my genetic limitations have been met. I started powerlifting at 18, did that for around 5-6 years competitively. Took a break due to a disk issue in upper back. Diet is pretty basic: clean fats, higher protein (around 380-400), carbs 1st meal if not weight training or carbs right after weights (yams,sweet taters usually). My supplements are run year round as I try and be as healthy as I can. I run an all-inclusive multi, CLA, fish oil, milk thistle, etc.
Im not sure what to expect, as this is my first time using anabolics. The only thing that I can do is run my vitamins, keep my diet clean and consistant, keep the training intensity where it needs to be, and remember that post cycle therapy is just as important as anything.
Here is my cycle:
Test Enanthate - shots split up twice a week.
wk 1- 300mg
wk 2- 450mg
wk 3- 450mg
wk 4- 450mg
wk 5- 450mg
wk 6- 600mg
wk 7- 600mg
wk 8- 600mg
wk 9- 600mg
wk 10- 300mg
Post cycle therapy consists of Nolva & Clomid. Doses are taken daily and is run each week.
From my research, this seems to be ok for first time users, especially it being a lighter cycle. Would love to hear your guy's opinions and thoughts. I figured that if the stars align, I could expect maybe 8-10lb solid gains...? Up for discussion.
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Looks like you're good to go. Best of luck with your first cycle mate.
cdaddy7Looks like a winner to me a good solid cycle. You should yield very nicely. Gives me wood thinking back when my receptors was virgin.... The only thing I suggest is I didnt see an AI anywhere. I am a firm believer in starting it off the bat bc once the puffy, itchy nips start there is no going back. Check into aromasin( my personal fav) or arimidex. My theory is dont start nothing, wont be nothing. LOL Great lifting and cycle to you my man
Thanks cdaddy! LOL, I feel like your rapping at me! Sorry if I didnt post it, but yes, thanks to other guys on here, I will be running an AI at 12.5mg eod. Gyno isnt a friend I want to have. Thanks again bud.
cdaddy7I just want you to get the most out of your cycle and your hard earned cash for that gear my man
No doubt cdaddy, thanks bud! It seems a lot of people think pct as after thought, and I look at it that's paramount for keeping the gains. Dont want to look like a damn blowfish.
zewivery true..
Anonreally I would just run 500 all the way through or do your little later effect to 500 I wouldnt go over 500 the first cyele have a good ai and pct on hand too and your g2g
ok. Thanks zewi, will change to 12 weeks duration. My test is a 300mg per ml, so should I dose at 450mg, or bump to 600mg week? Ruski, will up the pct also. I need to order some aromosin I guess, as I dont have that right now. Thanks for helping me out guys. Last thing I want to do is screw up my first cycle. Im looking forward to the end of the cycle, and see what I have gained and maintained.
zewiDo 600 that's fine just have an AI and you are already fixing your pct you will be good. Reminder diet diet
and fix that pct. clomid 100 100 50 50. nolva 40 40 20 20. i recommend aromosin 12.5 eod. running an ai isnt a must unless gyno pops up, but you must keep it on hand.
zewiChange it to 12 weeks and don't pyramid the does.
Keep it
1-12 Test E @ 500mg a week split
You will see great results if your Diet is in check
x2 on dosage..
recommend clomid at 100/100/50/50.
your in for a treat bro, first cycles are always awesome (if ran properly and you work your ass off) good luck