gucci7891's picture
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Calculating HCG :

There isn't a specific ratio of cc/ml to IU. It depends on how you mix it. It's quite simple. If you dillute 5,000 IUs HCG with 5ml (cc) solvent, the end result is 1,000 IUs per ml (cc). Divide the same 5,000 IUs with 10 ml (cc) and the end result is 500 IUs per ml (cc). Therefore, a large part depends on the concentration of HCG per ampoule or vial.

Mixing HCG :
(Items needed: bacwater h20 and some 5ml emty vials-get****).

1) Open hcg /amp with powder
2) Use a syringe to pull out 1cc of BacWater and put in amp with HCG
3) It will instantly dissolve
4) Then Use an empty 5ml vial (sterile and sealed) put 4ml of Bacwater in the vial
5) Take syringe and ad the mixed HCG solution to the 5ml vial
6) Shake it and you have 5000IU's of HCG
7) Than draw 1cc and inject
8) put the rest in the refrigerator

sobenubs27's picture


so 1000 or 2500 its?

sobenubs27's picture

Its my first cycle but its been a long cycle. About 30 weeks. i didn't want to blow up fast. so what is recommended for the pct for such a long cycle?

sobenubs27's picture

thanks for all the feedback.

gucci7891's picture

if its your first cycle and you have no testicle shrinkage hcg is not required..

if you still want to use it then 1000iu per week rite untill pct starts is more than enough. so you can start rite after your last test shot so you can do 2 shots a week 500iu or just do 1 shot of 1000iu

pct starts two weeks after last shot of test e

sobenubs27's picture

Found best syringe and bacwater. Thanks for the lesson though. needed it. How does this sound for a PCT. Next friday i take my last shot of tes. That same day i start 1/2mg of arimidex for 20 days. 3 days after tes my 30mg tabs of winny is over.The day after my first 1/2mg of arimidex i start 4 shots of 2500ius each of hcg every 5 days except the last one 7 days after previous. then day after last shot take 100mg of chlomid for 30 days. is that FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND????

sobenubs27's picture

Newbie let me get this str8t. so after putting 4ml of water then the 1ml with the hcg 5000ius i have 1000ius for every 1ml? also where can i get bacwater? wich is the best syringe for the hcg? so if i inject 3ccs after the mix i am getting 3,000ius. just wanted to be clear. thanks.

Gixxerboy07's picture

Great write up bro. Exactly what i was looking for. Thanks

mikuni46's picture

Thanks for the explanation, but where should i find thoose 5ml empty vials?

gucci7891's picture
Assbrown's picture

Don't shake it guys, Just swirl it around carefully.

gucci7891's picture

thats rite just swirl it

eatbig's picture

thank you. this is very helpful.

gucci7891's picture

no problem bro