devind33's picture
  • 2

-2 Deca 250 vs. Sust 250


What's up guys!? Starting my second cycle as soon as it arrives in the next week or so. My first cycle consisted of just Sustanon 250 at 1cc a week. Now with that said, I am about to start up a 10cc vial of Deca 250... So can you guys please explain the differences between Sust 250 and Deca 250 please. Is either one more productive than the other? I'm a beginner so just looking for wise info. Thanks.

devind33's picture

How would I be screwed with 1 cc every week of deca? It's not a big enough of a dosage to do anything detrimental...

logan's picture

1 shot of 100mg of deca will shut down your test production 100%. Didn't you read everyone and my post? Or are you just so hard headed you won't listen.

logan's picture

he is responding to the hard headed dumb mother fr who started this post that will probably end up on hormone replacement therapy by the time he is 30 because he thinks he knows it all.

logan's picture

Some people have to learn the hard way.

devind33's picture

Not gonna lie these responses have shaken me up quite a bit. Didn't know deca will shut down my natural test completely. Wow.... Speechless. So if I have nolvadex for pct is that going to help? I already ordered the deca 250 so there's no turning back now

ruski's picture

so your telling me i need test? really? so my tren, deca, eq, var, dbol ,primo, gummy bears cycle is a bad idea? back to the drawing board.

ruski's picture

idk bro. bj's had a sale on gummies. im stocked for 5 cycles.

Undertaker's picture

Really..... Test is the base for every cycle my friend. I hope your not saying I ordered it so I have to do it. Just hold on to it. Do some reading and order a long E test. Will be doing yourself a big favor.

ps research an ai and proper pct

Glewisamt's picture

Hey brother I would seriously advise you to go and get at least one of jim lewylens books like anabolics 2011, or something very similar. I for one was young and fairly knowledgable on this subject well at least I thought so, and I decided to disregard precautions now I'm 30 and without outside test my levels are almost non existent. Decca is a highly anabolic (tissue building) substance, while test on the other hand is strongly androgenic ( masculinizing). Decca alone is typically not such a wise choice, now mixed with some other substances can give some quality fairly lean gains.

RickRock1086's picture

2 very different compounds. If a Deca cycle it's not done properly, you will end up with no sex drive/no hard dick it all. I'll suggest you, do some reading bro, avoid total failure and educate your self, it's just for your own damn good.

avery's picture

can you tell me what is best, a chicken or a fish?
an apple or an orange?
what do you guys think of doing a belly flop vs tripping on a curb?
you clearly have zero time invested in learning how to use these compounds correctly.

logan's picture

Here is some more advice go to forums then steroid cycles and find 2nd cycle advice by small guy and read all the positive comments to his post. That's a young man that has his head on straight. Remember RESEARCH!!!

logan's picture

These are different as night and day. sust will increase test levels while deca will completely shut them down. 1 100mg shot of deca will shut you down completely. Side affects include acne,water retention, loss of sex drive and oh yeah lets not forget impudence.Large abuse can lead to hormone replacement therapy by the time you are 40 Which means you have the hormones of a 60 year old at 40. This off the bat is a RED FLAG that you don't know enough about aas to be taking them. Brother there are a ton of members on here that have screwed their bodies up for life due to bad advice from others that don't have a clue and not using compounds correctly. My advice to you is google all the info you want about aas and also post questions. We are all here to help but again you are going down the wrong path my friend. If you have any respect for your body then RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. before you start any more cycles To my fellow members I up voted him back to zero just for at least asking for advice before he did something foolish.

fast48's picture



Undertaker's picture

There's the uncle zewi we all know and love. no homo. Nice to see you back in full form.

riproll4's picture
This is what happens to uncle Zew

fast48's picture

Grumbley poo just ripped my nads off......