+ 2 How do you guys keep yourselves under control
So I'm on about week 5 of my cycle, everything is going great. I feel stronger I fatigue a lot less and have been able to add a lot of volume to my workouts. I'm performing better in bed with my fiance (yeah we got back together for anyone who knew my situation. I feel great mentally and emotionally and have had no negative sides other than elevated BP. But here's the problem, I don't get to spend a lot of time with my fiance, she's living about 80 miles away and we work different shifts so I get to spend every other weekend with her right now until we have enough money for an apartment or house. And I am horny almost constantly and have been obsessively lusting after other women and having to fight the urge to act on it. I'm a loyal guy, not just to my woman but my friends and family and cheating is not something I do. But I am so tempted to just go for every attractive woman I see and there's one I work with who's into me (every day she stands as close to me as possible and always comes out of her way to talk to me and I know I could do it. What do you guys recommend, is there something other than willpower I can use because this is hard. Hopefully I'm not the only guy here who has felt this way but I feel guilty for it and I don't want to do anything bad, I'm engaged and I believe cheating is wrong and I would never want to hurt her like that. Do I need to just start masturbating more often or is there something I can take that might curb my ridiculous sex drive? When I do see my fiance it's about all we do here lately lol over and over again and if I cheat I'll feel so guilty I'd have to come clean and end things and I know that's not worth it or the type of man I want to be. I'm not gonna cheat on her I just need to know if there's a way to make these thoughts chill out some or if it's just something I have to deal with. Hopefully this doesn't sound ridiculous or make me seem like a pos.
Normally I definitely look at other women and will think to myself yeah that'd be nice or whatever you know stuff like that. But now it's like obsessively thinking about screwing every attractive woman I see and wanting to act on it.
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Conscience? What's that? If you want to cheat, then cheat. Your over complicating things. Then there's always pornhub
People forget we are just smart animals. Gotta get you a girl that understands that and things go smooth there after.
Lol I'm not that guy anymore man
Willpower and jack off thats it. Getting it somewhere else ain't worth it if you really wanna keep this girl. I'm lucky as my gf want it all the time and sometimes she wants to play with girls so I get to play too.
I might be in a different camp here than some. Kind of a reply to Sackbird and JakeKO. I used to think the same way, living with someone before marriage would be nuts, and not having sex before marriage. But I do think there are many benefits to waiting for marriage, for both even. Alot of this will come from personal preference/experiences and spiritual beliefs. As for temptation, that's the devils playground my friend. Something we ALL battle with to some degree with one thing or another. Sounds like you found a good woman and she means alot to you. I hope all the best for you guys bro!
Yeah I wish we'd have both waited for marriage but it's too late for that. When I was younger I screwed every pretty girl I could but eventually it got old and wasn't fulfilling in any way except my ego. Nowadays even when I was single I don't have sex with just anyone m its meaningless and against my morals. I'm usually never even tempted to cheat regardless of how the girl looks. Thanks man
I wished I would've waited. My wife was def not my first, but I was hers..
Same. I had quite the man whoring era. From age ,18-28 I slept with every willing attractive woman and plenty who weren't so attractive lol. But I regret it. My fiance was married before me and had been with a few of her ex's but not anywhere near what I've done.
We will never know how many they have had before us. Cause we really dont want to know the truth
There’s no Chinese washey washey massage parlor near you?
If you love your fiance you wouldn't be looking for someone to co-sign this pleasure seeking behavior. Put the show on the other foot and act like you'd be on the receiving end of this.
I don't know you nor an I perfect by any means. If your going to want to do this broad a work please break it off with your fiance like a real man. Don't hurt your fiance bro. As yourself this question, so toveven love her or is this out of convenience or situational. If you loved your fiance imo you wouldn't have posted this. The real question here is if you still love your fiance. Gear makes me horny but my pleasure chasing makes me cheat,if this makes sense. But go with your gut and don't duck up another good woman's mental. Break it off before you start fucking the world.
Whole entire point of this post was that I'm not willing to cheat and trying to deal with the urges. And I don't believe that at all I love this woman to death and haven't and will not cheat on her but I am wanting to know how other men deal with the problem. Did you read my post or just take it majorly out of context lol
I'm not wanting someone to talk me into it. Where did you get that from brother? I'm here asking how people deal with the temptation so I can use that information
I don’t agree with the “if you love her you wouldn’t lust over other women.” I think it’s completely normal to still be attracted to other women even if you’re in love. Being in love doesn’t just shut off attraction. Now, acting on it is not normal nor is it okay.
@Shitsy43 if you love this woman, then do whatever you gotta do to not cheat. Jacking off more is probably the best option as long as it doesn’t take over your life. And work harder so you can get a place with her so you don’t have to wait two weeks to get laid.
@JakeKO brought up a great point too. Y’all being engaged before living together is pretty wild. A lot of things change when y’all live together. Privacy, alone time, sitting on the couch, etc… are all going to be gone lol. Y’all should definitely live together for a year or two before getting married. My wife and I lived together for 5 years before getting married. The hardest part of living together was the first six months and all the adjustments we both had to make in order to make it work.
Good luck with everything and keep us posted.
We've lived together before. We were apart for a few months and currently working on getting a place together lol. We've been together on and off for 4 years and lived together 3 different times. Just life stuff happened and we were evicted once and broke up twice
I gotcha bro. I’m in recovery myself so PM me if you need to talk about anything. No judgement ever. I’ve relapsed a few times since I’ve been with my wife and am so grateful she stuck around when she probably should have bailed. If your girl is a ride or die like mine, that should be all the more reason to stay faithful.
Yeah man, that's awesome. I'll send you a friend request. Cheating isn't an option as far as I'm concerned, I'm honestly upset with myself for even being as tempted as I have been
You’re not alone bro. 99% of us sex addicts while on cycle. Add a history of addiction to that and it’s even worse. I came off cycle and my total test levels were at 160 and I still wanted to fuck daily. I truly believe that most of us who have had drug/alcohol addiction problems in the past have issues with sex too.
I’ve been with my wife for almost 30 years. Yes we were both young teenagers (15 and 13), if I see an attractive female I’m definitely looking and possibly even thinking about tagging it. That being said, once she’s out of sight, she’s out of my mind. And I definitely agree that living together should come before marriage. We had 5 years of seeing if we were gonna make it before committing to marriage, even with a kid together already.
We have lived together a few different times. got evicted once and broke up and moved out twice and currently I'm in a sober living and she's with her parents and we're saving money for a place
Ok, Bro, this is a tough one. Chances are that if you’re feeling this way she may be feeling the same way. I’m not trying to be a dick, but having gone through an extremely bad divorce which is still affecting my current marriage due to sharing a child with my ex, child support, etc, I going to have to be pretty harsh with you.
1). If you’re going to cheat, or simply date, it should never be at work. That bitch will own you the second you’re done with the relationship. You’re putting your career and you current relationship in major jeopardy. Very bad idea!
2). Did you really get engaged before you lived together??? That’s also a recipe for destruction. How do you know you’ll be compatible living in the same space. It sounds easier that it is, and once a girl has her claws in you, it’s her way or she’s going to make you pay for it.
3). If you can’t help cheating, which I don’t suggest, but definitely understand, make it a stranger you meet at a bar. Give her a fake name, and get yourself a burner phone. Good luck
Not gonna cheat period brother. I was mainly wondering if it was just me who gets this tempted on test. And was also looking for advice on how people deal with it and don't cheat. But we have lived together multiple times before just currently are not. I'm in a sober home and she's with her parents while we save for a house. Cheating isn't an option for me because it's against my morals, and I don't want to hurt her. We have been together on and off for 4 years and lived together 3 different times and it was always pretty great unless we were fighting lol
Aren’t you the guy pinning TNE every day??? That could definitely be causing you lustful thoughts, Bro! That shit is crazy. I want to fuck a half hour after pinning that stuff
Lol no bro I am on 500 test weekly. first non warm cycle
wait till you try tren
You are not alone in that respect. It’s especially hard when your test levels are over 1000 on top of your blood flowing from lifting, and there’s a ton of gorgeous fit chicks in revealing clothing bending over in front of you. Beat your meat like it owes you money (not in the gym) and you will be okay. That’s what I do.
I agree. It's crazy because a high percentages of marriages begin with dating someone at work.
Man that living together is a big one, I highly suggest this young man spends at least a few months living with her before tying the knot. What if he farts a lot? Or she does? Or he leaves the seat up? The list is almost endless
I've lived with her before. 3 different times and they went well, currently I'm in sober living and she's with her parents and we are saving money for a house
Bro, I hate to sound like a total dick, but if you lived together multiple times, and you’re now in a sober home, it’s pretty obvious that things didn’t go so well. I don’t doubt how much you love each other, because I’m definitely not the holier than though type. I can write the most fucked up book about my life, Although, living together several times isn’t a good thing at all if you couldn’t hold it together. It means things went wrong several times. Be it addiction, money, etc,, something failed on several occasions.. My heart breaks for you, Bro! Life can be very fucking hard sometimes, and the wrong choices we continue to make don’t make it easier. Do your best to get your shit together and hopefully when you’re out of that place you don’t make the same mistakes. Godspeed, Bro!
Well the first time was way too soon after we met, like a couple of months and I was doing SARMs back then and was an asshole so we took a break, second time got evicted because landlord didn't want to fix the water, third time it involved my daughter and I had to go to rehab to get custody. Not really relationship related stuff except the first time. but I get what you're saying and appreciate the straight forwardness of it
I feel for you, Bro! My love formy daughter has caused me years of pain and suffering. Had to shave my head a few times to beat drug tests her cunt mother caused me to take. Literally years of hell. My daughter is now 19 and just as big a bitch as her mother. Completely jealous of my new family, and out to burn us every chance she can. It totally sucks. I could have saved myself from a lot of suffering had I just let her go years ago. I can only hope your daughter appreciates you and doesn’t turn out like mine, SMH
Past 2 women I had long term relationships were young when I got with them, still non judgemental and great fun to be around, never bitchy about others etc. My father would always say look at how their mothers are because thats likely what they will turn into and of course I said no way, they are not at all like that!!! Of Course, he was right wasn't he.
My wife is proving to be exactly like her mom, and as close to perfect as I could ever expect. Until I run Tren, then I don’t trust anyone again, LOL
Good for you bro, you’re going to be fine, on both points you mentioned. Just keep that chin up.
I respect your stance on not cheating.
I'll just keep it simple..you can be the absolute most loyal guy in the world. You could worship the ground your lady walks on but when you're full of testosterone or any stimulating hormone, it totally changes everything man. I promise you it makes it so much harder but let me be clear, it's not impossible. Hell basically it's the ultimate test of your love for her. I've been in your situation a few times so I know that feeling. Those damn hormones can be a mofo lol! At the end of the day it seems your conscience would bother you so you should do your best not to cheat. I say that because I'm one of those conscience driven guys but you seem to be bothered by it more. I wish you the best man.
Thanks brother, yes it would definitely bother me and I'd have to come clean if I did it and I know that would break her heart. It's good knowing it's not just me and that this is normal. I'll just be extra disciplined and get through it buddy I appreciate ya man
No problem. And sadly it's guys like you who are cheated on...go figure. Makes zero sense. Anyways good luck man
That's the sad truth been cheated on before and it's awful
How does a 1/4 million dollars in child support sound???
20 years = 240 month @ $1000 / month.
That’s what I’m talking about. My ex-witch is the biggest mutha fucker in my world. The bitch strikes every time she gets the chance and has used our daughter as a power tool for nineteen years
Lmao no bueno
just another dimension of staying disciplined, brother, like diet and training. Sure you might slip here and there and check a girl out or say something not entirely appropriate, just like you might have a donut or take an unscheduled rest day or skip your cardio. As long as you get back on track afterward, no harm no foul. If you do not have the will power to stay faithful to your woman while on cycle because you're just so uncontrollably horny you have three options. Cheat and lie to her face, stop using AAS, or leave her and fuck whoever whenever.
You're absolutely right brother I just need to practice discipline in this area. I haven't even flirted with any women just catching myself wanting to because I can tell a few are into me and it's tempting but not something I'm going to act on
Beat your meat, bro! Wank off 3 times a day if you must! Problem solved.
I’m somewhat in a sexless relationship at the moment because of my wife’s health condition along with us not having alone time from the kids but although it might not be optimal, I must remain supportive to her and my family. I don’t desire sex with other people I just want her to be healthy.
God bless you guys. I hope she gets well soon. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for the both of you
A piece of cake... get married or get older.
I don’t know about that, Bro, Proviron is a beautiful thing. We have sex just about every morning and every night, and I’m going to be 54 in a few months. Also, the GH and gear has me looking and feeling younger than I did at 35 years old, LOL.