Snowdays's picture
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What's your Best Movements for Chest Training?


What are your best exercises for the chest part? Completely..
Basics bench presses or more like dumbbells?

Big Tone36's picture

Incline db fly, incline Smith machine, decline press

iFit's picture

I used to do them all then I got too tired lifting the dumbbells and too lazy to move the plates from one bar to another. So eight sets of flat bench and my chest looks better than ever.

DeeMan's picture

Dumbells are good but there's nothing like the flat bench. Makes my chest bigger no doubt.

tatsumaki's picture

i only do standard flat benchpress, one arm pushups and working towards planche pushups

Jameshobbis's picture

Any kind of dumbell Press but for me recently I feel I get a much better mind muscle connection on the Incline Smith Machine (not to high about a 45 degree angle). Can really focus on the contraction and take the muscle past failure

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RonDax's picture

Cable fly , bench press, iam trying always to go up on weights and be consisntent

TranceViking's picture

My favourite chest finisher is cable flies, going through every incline bench position, 3 sets for each and going to failure on last set. I only do this once a week to allow for recovery but do train chest twice a week with your standard flat bench (barbell) , incline bench (barbell) , weighted chest dips, dumbell chest pullovers.

alekaras's picture

Incline bench, flat bench, decline bench , dips with weights, and dumbbell flyes!

ONESICK's picture

I prefer machines and dumbells over the traditional barbell. Just getting a greater range of motion for me works well. Less risk involved.

Bill1976's picture

Dumbbells. You can manipulate them. Do a bench press and squeeze and make it a half fly half bench. You can sculpt your chest good with dumbells

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JohnJuice's picture

I do like dumbbells more than barbells, and before every dumbbell exercise, I like to do some pushups or even dips or fly's, to get my chest with some blood before I start my first exercise.

simonmagus84's picture

I commented before but I wanted to add to this. I personally don’t use barbell at all due to pain in shoulder joints and bicep tendons but I don’t experience this pain using high incline dumbbells. Heavy sets involve negatives followed by supersets. I also don’t do too much flat on general but I incorporate a lot of flies. Slow restricted cable flies on all angels really help with pectoral striations.

West78's picture

German volume training incline dumbell presses for ten sets then incline dumbell flies for ten sets. Thank me later

Bill1976's picture

Incline dumbbell all they way. You can get a great squeeze.

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TheSpartan's picture

Has anyone here tried reverse grip bench press? I've been seeing it more and more lately and I'm tempted to add it to my routine. What are your thoughts on the movement?

Bassnectar's picture

It’s all I do now, definitely feel it more that way.

Easy to do it with DBs but sometimes a hassle (tons of palm/wrist pressure) with BB/Smith Machine.

ONESICK's picture

I always thought it was some tiktok BS. Just trying it myself for comparison I don't get the full ROM that I do with standard bench press.

JEX30Sex's picture

Five sets on a flat bench press. Then I raise the bench one click every subsequent set until I'm almost isolating delts. Lay the bench back down repeat with dumbbell flies.