NoodlesSubQ's picture
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Need help! Running out of subQ injection spots.


Hello, i'm runing into a little problem, running out of injection spots. I'm running Testosterone E at 300mg/ml, and injecting .25mL into two spots, twice per week.Thats 4 injections per week total. I've been injecting into the spots around my bellybutton as per this tutorial.

Should I just be pushing .5mL into one spot twice a week instead? Where else can I inject subQ with a 1/2 inch needle? The spots from two weeks ago still have a little bump, so I want to wait until that goes away to inject more. I'm a pretty thin guy as is, and if I go much higher i'm afraid i'll be going IM instead.

Thank you for the help in advance.

ibaker1803's picture

I assume if you've been dedicated to the gym for a few years now you should have a little muscle on you. If so, slin pinning delts, pecs, and triceps IM using a 29g 1/2" should give you more than enough spots to rotate through. This is what I do. I use to pin subq but started getting nasty welts when I switched labs from one that used grape seed to one that used MCT carrier oil. Honestly I think I'm better off for it. Posted labs not too long ago which show the results of pinning roughly 30 units of test cyp 250mg/ml EOD for 6 weeks, which in summary was roughly 1650/550 total/free if I recall correctly. If you're trying to avoid peaks and troughs in your test levels by pinning subq, I think pinning EOD is gonna give you the stability you're looking for without needing to go the extra mile of pinning subq. The idea of subq is appealing to beginners cause it seems "safer" and is said to provide more stable blood concentrations, but honestly it presents it's own set of problems that I think aren't worth the negligible benefits.

Drexyl's picture

29g 1/2” slin pin is my go to, straight into the delt. Don’t try to pinch the skin and make any pockets, oil dissipates differently. This is why you’re getting lumps. I’d put a heating pad on those and change up your technique.

smoke1more's picture

I do the same 29g-28g x1/2 straight to the delt.

FatBoy26's picture

What about heating the oil up slightly? I’ve always done this. Either in the vial or the syringe.

Drexyl's picture

I do, vial in a heating pad. Touch it against my cheek to feel the temp. Even with heating it I still wouldn’t do the injection with the skin pull technique, it’s just not for oil. Think deep sub-q/shallow IM. With 1/2” my delt area is lean enough I can feel a slight difference in resistance when I’m in muscle tissue, try it. You’ll find your sweet spots.

FatBoy26's picture

Are you massaging throughout the day? That’s always helped me for water based sunQ injections. I can’t say I’ve done this with oils, only intra muscular.

Diesel77's picture

You are not limited to just the spots around your belly button. Anywhere you can pinch some fat off and inject will do, around the obliques etc.

FatBoy26's picture

That’s a really good picture link with the sites. Ty.
Gunna have some problems doing the back lol.

Diesel77's picture

For the hard to reach places, that's when the wife/gf come handy, especially if they're a registered nurse lol

FatBoy26's picture

I respect nurses. Worth their weight in gold…. Their schedule is extremely demanding…. I have a thing for short Filipina nurses. Not gunna lie

Diesel77's picture

7pm-7am shift...demanding for sure, work all night and dose off all day, but we all have our hurdles

FatBoy26's picture

If you’re running TRT the doc should of told you everything. I always thought TRT was test Cyp not E.

Love handles bro. I do believe the area around the belly button is the most absorbing though.

Pumped_'s picture

In Europe doctors use Enanthate and USA they use Cypionate. At least that was the customary.

FatBoy26's picture

Interesting. My understanding is there very little difference between the two compounds.

Pumped_'s picture

I Would say the difference is like 1.5 half life only but many bid to differ. Some even claim to feel different water retention or strength between the two. But half dozen or six, take a pick.