Asarmento444's picture
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-1 Is it normal for my estrogen levels to be this high?


I've been talking eq600/test 500. I was under the impression eq acted as a aromatize inhibitor. I was wrong. Thinking this I stopped talking my armidex. Normally I would take a .25x4 a week. While cruising .25x 2. I've been cruising / blasting for almost 2 years now. This is only my second time getting full labs done. Testosterone/chlosterol etc not including estrogen, the 4th time in the past two years. I cant believe how high that number is, is that unheard of >4000 estrogen? Anyways I shouldn't have avoided getting my labs done, I'm glad I got them done and an going to get them done 4 times a year at least before and after cycle. I'm currently taking 1mg daily for the past 3 days to get that estrogen level down. Any serious suggestions would be appreciated?? Btw I just finished my blast cycle will go to cruise this Monday, and start HCG protocol.

Elon323's picture

Yeah, I think that it is normal that your estrogen level is high.

Sam I Am's picture

Damn bro you bought a bra yet?

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Asarmento444's picture

Nah bro lol. Surprisingly I don't have any gyno.

Sam I Am's picture

I’m sure that numbers not correct bud.
Listen to what those guys below told you and then retest.
If your nips get sore and you start listening to Abba (Nohomo) then start worrying..

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IrishMack's picture

Post a picture of your bloodwork. Because that's not possible even if you were actually a woman.

Asarmento444's picture Here they are. There's two pictures. Click on the first one and swipe over to see total estrogen.

Asarmento444's picture

Will do. I was trying to do that originally. How can I do that?

IrishMack's picture

Injecting chemicals into his body, and not understanding how they work, so he stops his anti estro because he is under the impression that he has over 4k in e2........its amazing how just a tiny bit of research could have made the op that much smarter...

Asarmento444's picture

I have over 4k in total estrogen. Not E2 I'm aware of that. I didn't stop my anti AI because I was under the impression I thought my E2 was over 4k. I lowered my does of AI cuz I was under the impression eq acted as an aromatize inhibitor. Didn't you read everything I wrote or are you just trying to start trouble? Seems like the 2nd one.

IrishMack's picture

Listen, any person with half a brain would have studied even a tiny bit before they started injecting chemicals into their body, any person starts to use the other half would have knows seeing their test come back with off the chart numbers would have questioned it straight back to the source. Also your post was removed from your outside link.

Asarmento444's picture

Your right on the sense of I should have read more, studied more, before putting chemicals in to my body. I cant argue with you on that one. The second one yes I was going to give the direct source, My lab a call on Monday on my day off and tell them they messed something up.

Asarmento444's picture

Lol I like that. Mediocre. Yes I get that I got the wrong test, total estrogen serum which is all 4 of the estrogens. Instead I should have got the more important type of estrogen E2 (Estradiol) test .

IrishMack's picture

What test did you do? A full female panel shows all estrogen, a male one wont.

On a side note, there are only 3 types of estrogen. E1, E2, and E3. Definitely trollin my man.

Asarmento444's picture

Yes your right there are 3 types of estrogen. Thanks for the correction. Yes the total estrogen serum.

Asarmento444's picture

100 mg of test every 5 days when cruising or trt. <4000 total estrogen serum. Currently just finished a blast though.

SouthernTiger's picture

Hey rusty - not sure that was helpful bro... His question was not "is 4000 total estrogen possible". It was "is this unheard of". Big difference. Your link highlights some of the points I made in my post but was more Tren specific, which appears irrelevant to the OP's case.

Again, I want to push the discussion to if the OP has experienced any estrogen side effects. That is a good starting point for this discussion...

Asarmento444's picture

My question was not is it possible. I know it's possible granted the lab didn't mess something up. I have labs showing it. It was is it "normal". Normal considering what I'm on and with me taking limited AI. I read the link I wrote it. It sounds crazy to me allso thinking I have as much estrogen as 20 women in me. At least that is.

Asarmento444's picture

Hey Rusty,
I got on the defensive side when you said "have you read the link or just auto reply". I realize now you were just trying to help originally when you posted that link. I honestly didn't even know what trolling was until I got a few minutes to look it up right now. Lol.

Anyways I didn't mean any harm by it. My bad, I apologize if I came across in a smart or sarcastic way or such . I'm not the "trolling" type and would hate to portray that of myself even to a stranger...

Asarmento444's picture
SouthernTiger's picture

Are you having any high estrogen side effects (water retention, gyno, high BP, etc.)? If not, I wouldn't be too worried. You may not have gotten the ultra-sensitive estrogen test and its picking up other forms of estrogen other than E2.

Makwa is spot on on his assessment of EQ. It's not an AI and in most people it aromatises to some degree. DHT derivatives do have some AI properties but not EQ.

Also - glad you have seen the light on getting blood tests. They are cheap and easy to do and will ensure that you know how YOU respond to different compounds and you will be able to see health side effects and take appropriate steps to mitigate them.

Asarmento444's picture

Yes I am. Nothing to crazy though. High normal blood pressure, which is normal for me, typically its perfect. No gyno but water retention is moderate at least, when I press on my skin you can see it.

Yes your right I got the total estrogen serum test done. First time I got the estradiol test. This one I got this time came in a bundle deal though. Lol. Is the E2 the most important?

My testosterone is only at 2100 now eq and test. When I got it done about 9 months ago it was at 3000,deca and test,4 weeks In to my blast. When I first got it done, my first ever cycle test, it was 3500. I guess your body gets used to it and it doesn't work as good?

SouthernTiger's picture

Alright dude, there's a lot to cover here...

First off, what is high normal BP for you? Elevated BP is the most common and easiest way to totally fuck your overall health. This is important...

In general, water retention without any other symptoms (high BP, high resting HR, urinary issues) is unimportant. Also, if you aren't developing boobs, you should be good as the body tends to keep the ratio of androgens to estrogens in a state of balance.

Blood tests are very important but the wrong tests for what we care about is a cardinal sin. If you want to accurately measure testosterone, you need to get the LC/MS-MS test. If you want to accurately measure estrogen levels, you need to get the "sensitive" estrogen test.

Your test levels are easily explainable if you didn't get the appropriate tests...

Asarmento444's picture

The tests for the testosterone were LC/MS-MS. I wasn't sure what that meant but now that I look at the tests some of them have LC/MS-MS after them. So still not sure why my test dropped so much? I

Allso see what you mean about the estradiol ultra sensitive LC/MS-MS test. I'll make sure I get these specified tests when I go to get my labs done after I'm done with my HCG protocol and in the future.

Thanks for all this good knowledge. I appreciate you talking time out to help me.

Asarmento444's picture

My BP was 140/96 when I donated blood a couple weeks ago. The first time I got my labs done it was E2 (estradiol) , along with total test and free test. This last time, the labs I'm referring to currently where the estrogen was 4000+ it was total estrogen along with total test, no free test. I'm not sure what you mean by Lc/MS-Ms? I go and get them done at a laboratory (quest diagnostics). I think that's what you mean is don't get them done at home or such? I wasn't exactly sure on what estrogen test to get as I didn't think it mattered. I'll make a mental note E2 is the important one.

Makwa's picture

EQ is not an AI. For a select few it may have some slight AI activity. I wouldn't deviate from your normal AI dosing when using EQ unless you can show through bloodwork that is does impact your estro levels. For most it does not, me included. Get back on your normal AI dose and retest in a couple of weeks. If starting HCG, remember that can significantly raise estro too.