whynot_me's picture
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Calculate Calories


How do you work out your calories to lose weight or maintain etc.
I've used online calculators but they give various readings based on activity factor and I can't work that out, I'm mostly sat around apart from gym x3 days a week.

nic's picture

REDACTED measure everything you eat. Once you know what you're eating, see if you gain weight, stay stable, or lose weight. You adjust accordingly once you've found your set up, i.e. the food that keeps you stabie with weight. Then you start decreasing or adjusting the macros

anton_dev's picture

There’s plenty of apps that will help you find your maintenance but one way to do it yourself is to track your weight (log your weight, same time, every day) and track your intake. Then you can take an average over the week and see if your weight is stable, increasing, or decreasing. You can use this method to find your maintenance and then increase or decrease calories depending on your goal. My maintenance is 2900 cals. So when I want to cut, I lower my intake by about 500 cals per day which gets me to about 1 pound of weight loss per week.