Drexyl's picture
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+ 8 Regurgitating advice


I’ve been sitting back lately, mostly because I’ve been busy at work, but also because I’ve seen some members I’ll call “newish” giving some advice that’s questionable at best. I’m not going to call anyone out specifically, but some comments I saw on a Deca/EQ thread were concerning. Not everyone is going to be educated, not everyone is going to have years of experience under their belt, but what we do has been around for quite a long time, the cause and effect research has been done and is proven. The only thing I’m throwing out here, is don’t parrot things you saw in a YouTube video or something that you “think” is ok because you did it and it didn’t kill you. What we do can be done safely I’d done within reason and proper health monitoring is done. What we do can also kill you. Don’t post advice for the hopes of gaining karma points if you’re not sure of what you’re advising someone to do, you could really hurt someone else, or worse. Be well all of you, we have a great community here, let’s keep it going that way.

Makwa's picture

People should be able to learn from others experiences. Just because someone ran something crazy once and is still alive, doesn't really make them an expert yet, probably more like lucky Lol
Youtube is the worst for regurgitated advice Bad I know a guy who Knew a guy who had a brother-in-law that ran this one time and said it worked pretty good Lol

DeeMan's picture

Good deal

Catalyst's picture

Good post Drexyl.

Drexyl's picture

Thanks man, I definitely felt the need to speak up, some dangerous advice floating around lately.

DeeMan's picture

Drexyl honest opinion...Do you think this post will help anyone? If it helps one person I'll be glad.

Drexyl's picture

That’s exactly it my bro, out of everyone that sees it, member of the community or someone just being curious and considering doing what we do, if it helps one single person it’s a good thing.

DeeMan's picture

1000% agree!!!! This was definitely needed. Enjoy your weekend my man.

SeeOhShow's picture


Read his very last comment at the bottom. This post has already helped one person.

DeeMan's picture


NWApatches's picture

There is definitely some goofy ass opinions bouncing around here sometimes. There's certain guys I read everything they post up even if it doesn't pertain to what I'm doing right now just because I know they really know their shit and I do not. This forum is fucking gold for this thing of ours. Id really be lost without y'all!! I only wish I could have got some advice from the man, the myth and the legend himself. That rustyhooker y'all always reminisce about..

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Drexyl's picture

He’s in the middle.

Makwa's picture

The giant killer ROFL

alekaras's picture


NWApatches's picture

Bigger than what I pictured

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DeeMan's picture

At least you're humble enough to know that you don't know it all, hell no one does. But alot of guys are way too prideful. And if you say Hooker's name alot he'll come out! In fact he's reading this now.

simonmagus84's picture

I’m trying to lure him out of the shadows.

simonmagus84's picture

Thank you for posting this.

SeeOhShow's picture

I’m in the newish camp and the thing I dislike the most is when people say “don’t even bother running X compound unless at Y dosage.” Like EQ for example people say it’s a waste unless you run 700mg-1g. I think the community pushes too large of dosages. Most people here are not 30-50 lbs past their genetic limit and don’t need to be running grams of total gear. They don’t know how to eat and train properly, take 2 grams of total AAS in a cycle, gain 20 lbs (10-15 being fat/water/glycogen), then push that dosage advice along. The best cycles are the ones you don’t “feel” and is just doing its thing in the background while you diet and train properly. Those “feelings” of being on cycle are called side effects be it blood pressure or the plethora of mental sides like severe aggression, anxiety, paranoia, feeling like you’re the biggest baddest mfer in the room when you actually aren’t.

Regardless what people say ANY amount of additional exogenous anabolic hormones that push you to supra-physiological levels will promote tissue growth. Period. It may be slower than you’d like, but you’re still growing if you can diet and train properly even running low dosages of those “weak” compounds like primo, mast, EQ etc. People just don’t want to hear it’ll take a decade to get that Greek god body they want by running safer, lower dosages.

creatinehcl's picture

You are absolutely right and hit the right topic. I've always been annoyed when they say, for example, that you have to use at least 600mg of Durabolin to feel something, and I really feel even 300mg. Or for orals, you need 50mg to feel it, and I also feel 10mg. Lately I've been using 10mg of Anavar and Turinabol for a total of 20mg and the feeling is perfect both in and out of the gym.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Lol I’m glad to see you say this. Just today I took 10mgs of Anavar and wanted to find someone’s opinion on if that would be useful or a waste? I’ve been experimenting with doses with orals lately and I think a low dose in the am and maybe another around workout time would be beneficial. Perfect time to see your comment, now I know I didn’t waste those pills lmao

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DeeMan's picture

Well back in the day when pharmaceutical Anavar was first used those tabs came in 2.5mg a tab so they definitely knew much wasn't needed.

Drexyl's picture

Exactly this

DeeMan's picture

Yessir! You already know

SeeOhShow's picture

Whenever I take dbol I do 10mg pills 2-3x a day. That’s it. Never have any blood pressure issues and get noticeable strength increases each week in the gym. Var I do 10mg 2x a day. Never get the debilitating lower back/shin pumps either. I may not get as many benefits as those running the 50mg+ a day but I get zero of the sides. So that’s perfect to me. You definitely aren’t wasting it.

DeeMan's picture

This type of thing is what I've been doing for years, since I started using gear. Glad it works for you.

DeeMan's picture

It's one thing to see newbies saying this stuff but another thing to see veterans saying this. I just don't get it. Lol those guys should know better but obviously they don't

DeeMan's picture

I've seen this said over and over by vets and newbies on this forum and I try to correct that. There isn't a one shoe size approach.. Everyone doesn't need X amounts of gear. In fact it can be a bit reckless to suggest otherwise.

Stokes500's picture

This is absolutely spot on .. some people have freak genetics and also there’s hyper responsive people who get much more out of lower doses than the average joe .
Now you can get in great shape without gear and you can get in amazing condition and shape and bigger than most on lower amounts of gear …. But …. And here’s when the post gets me some negative feedback…. You are not going to be a mass monster running lower doses it just ain’t going happen. All these pros are not taking the 750mg ew they say they are there. So you want to be big you want to look great and people to know you work out lower doses will work and are all you need. You want to compete at the top level your going need grams and a few of them it’s that simple

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DeeMan's picture

I understand and you're right but from what I've seen most of the guys on this forum aren't competing or don't want to compete at that top level, they just workout and want gains. So yea recommending grams upon grams to the average guys isn't needed for sure and there's no argument there. Bottom line is the average guy could take average doses and still look good, just like alot of these guys I've seen on this forum. There's no need for those guys to blast to the moon and back and risk harm. It's the more is better mentality and that comes with consequences. Personally I don't have the best genetics but my method of dosing for cycles has worked for me and I've proven that many times. You and I chatted a few days ago which I enjoyed. Like I've always said, folks have to know what works for them and I wish everyone safety and the best.

SeeOhShow's picture

No I agree there as well. That’s why I said the 30-50 lbs past genetic limit part. But Brian Shaw or CBum or Larry Wheels ain’t lurking in this forum (I think) and offering dosage advice. I see guys with avg joe stats offering the advice of don’t even bother with compounds unless you run big dosages. You should know fairly quickly if you have mass monster genetics and work ethic and if you don’t, grams and grams of gear ain’t gonna change that.

Stokes500's picture


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Drexyl's picture

Spoken like a pro, spoken like a pro. Thank you for adding this.

creatinehcl's picture

I agree, but unfortunately today's youth believe absolutely everything they see on tiktok and other social networks. One video with a lot of views is enough for them to believe in anything without any questions! Facts are usually not interesting to that generation, but there has to be something wow that attracts views, and that is usually misinformation and lies. Unfortunately, those who give such advice are not knowingly giving bad advice. They are convinced that this is a fact because they saw it on tiktok

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DeeMan's picture

Hey...they may not knowingly know but those consequences couldn't care any less if they don't know lol. And no doubt there will be consequences. And some may not care but it's alot different when you're lying in a hospital bed..or even worse! Good point.

Drexyl's picture

Crazy part is someone can give dosage advice on here to a very green guy, has no idea. Guy kill’s himself, or something worse like a debilitating stroke, and the guy that gave the advice may never know. Or care, but never know. And keep giving that bad advice.

DeeMan's picture

Man I'm so glad that you posted this, seriously. This needs to be a reference that's paid attention to forever on eroids. I couldn't even begin to imagine given a guy reckless advice and then that same guy using my advice ends up dead. No different than someone committing murder in my eyes but obviously the justice system will see it different. If you don't have a conscience then someone probably wouldn't care, but I have a conscience that would bother me way too bad.

Jaxattax86's picture

Can confirm @DeeMan is a man of his word. I’ve asked him numerous times over the last few months for advice on things, and he’ll flat out say “I don’t feel comfortable giving out advice like that, because what works for me may not work for you”. He’s a stand up guy, with a wealth of knowledge and actually CARES about random people on the internet. Love ya dude.

DeeMan's picture

Much appreciated my brother. It kinda looks bad on me and I don't mind helping anyone because we all should be helping but my mind is somewhat messed up from years ago as a result of what I saw so I meant no disrespect to ya man. I think I gave you some advice though, but some things I wasn't familiar with like AIs, I've never taken them. You seem to be a good member who is definitely a benefit to this community. I'm a simple 70s gear dosage guy and it's 100% true. I'm not a sophisticated gear guy by choice.. But anyways thanks again and much love.

Jaxattax86's picture

Dude it doesn’t look bad at all. I MUCH rather someone give me the plain old truth than some bullshit they are making up to sound smart. By not giving me advice on what to take, in reality, was great advice. It made me look at things differently. That this shit can be dangerous. It’s not a race. Start slow, see how you respond. Don’t jump in head first taking a gram a week of something you’ve never taken before. Everyone reacts differently, so how you Dee may have responded to one thing, could be different than me.

A simple analogy could be someone using hard drugs asks me where to get heroin. I say “go to 5th and carol”. They go there, get something, and then die.

Could they have still died if I didn’t tell them? Sure. However, I did tell them, and having that on my conscious isn’t something I want. I thought I killed someone two years ago. It was one of the most traumatic things I experienced. Someone tried committing suicide by walking into my car at 40mph. Didn’t see him until he was on the hood of my car. For 10 min, he didn’t move. I thought he was dead. Thankfully, he wasn’t, and the entire accident the police put him at 100% fault.

So I can 10000000% understand why you choose to do what you do. I’m sure if I asked you about your experiences, or what compounds are more likely to do, you’d probably help out with that. As far as telling me what you think I should run, I don’t blame you for not wanting that on your conscious. Not everyone does the research or has everything on hand for side effects, etc and you don’t know that. You could be leading them into a disaster.

DeeMan's picture

+1 The exact point. Your comment puts it all together

Drexyl's picture

We owe it to the community to keep things respectable and safe. It’s why this forum exists to begin with, at its roots. Safety.

DeeMan's picture

I think you make a good point. See what some guys fail to understand is...some will take questionable advice from a newbie or some parrot and they'll add a bit of recklessness to the reckless advice that was given which can't be good as we all know. I've personally witnessed this many years ago and I'll say this, not only can someone mess themselves up but death can result from listening to and applying reckless ass advice. I see this totally different because I know what can happen. I've seen it up close. Just gotta be careful