trygve40's picture
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Mk 677 Cardarine pct


mk 677 and Cardarine pct. will mk 667 suppress testosterone production? Or is it okay to cruise between cycles with mk 677 and Cardarine ??

DbolAndAll's picture

none of those PED's are steroidal / hormonal so to answer your question no. the only thing that those 2 will benefit you is somewhat increased gh / igf1 and noticeable endurance gains. Using carderine in the past gave me good cardio gains ill use it post blast to recover lipids faster and to keep the heart healthy from all that nand im using.

GreatSpear's picture

Mk-667 will not suppress your HPTA or interfere with PCT, while referred to as a “SARM”, it is not and functions in an entirely different manner.

Similarly, Cardarine will not either as it is a PPAR agonist, not a “SARM”.

While they might be an addition to a PCT, they are not a PCT and will not restore your HPTA function.

trash300's picture

No and no!

Greg's picture

I don't know... is it ok to spam the site with the same post?