Kirkham145's picture
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Gh and preworkout/clen


I am about to start gh again after 2 yrs off. Plan on doing 4ius a day at 445 am. I am now working out at 5m due to work. Would it be ok to take preworkout or possibly clen (havent decided on clen) along with the shot? I ask cause I've read it's not good to eat 30 mins before or after shot. I was also wondering if I do plan on taking preworkout or possibly clen.would it make sense to shoot post workout instead? Thanks people. Btw I did search and couldn't find anything on this specific question.

exoticnfit's picture

Instead of clen get a prescription from your doc for ALBUTEROL.

Excellent results without the harsh sides of Clen.

Easy to get prescribed considering most of us have allergies and/or asthmatic issues this time of year.

You want the pill form (2-4-8mg options) and likely the 2 or 4 so that way you can take it multiple times throughout the day given the half-life.

Its perfect compared to clen because its about 3-6hrs of effect vs 36hrs which means you can stop taking late afternoon so you can actually SLEEP.

Kirkham145's picture

Not that I want to use it as a preworkout but I want to stack it in with the hgh but like I mentioned before. They say nothing to eat 30 mins before or after the shot in the does that mean I can't take otc preworkout either? I. Normally get up at 445am take my preworkout and get to the gym by 5. So I'm planning on taking the gh at 445am and then gym. Would c4 preworkout be considered bad during that 30 minute before/After period is my question

SSDUSMC's picture

You do NOT want to inject hGH anywhere near the consumption of carbs (insulin response no-no). I wait 1.5 hours after eating carbs and 1 hour before eating carbs before I inject hGH. Insulin and hGH are antagonists of each other. When one is high the other is low.

If you are serious about the beneficial use and getting better results from your gh than you should spend some time studying about nutrient timing.


AmericanDream's picture

I may be old fashioned in the sense that I always advocate taking HGH not first thing in the morning.

The am right after you wake is the exact moment when your body's own natural GH production is at its peak. I personally try not to mess with that.
If you are sold on using clen then first thing is a great time to utilize that compound. It will improve your breathing and kick your metabolism in high gear for the rest of the day. Again, if clen is our choice, I usually advocate utilizing that compound in the early Am. Later in the day you risk interrupted sleep.

All this being said, you could certainly use both products timed together. It is merely a personal preference.

SSDUSMC's picture

Brother your statement about peak levels is about 6-12 hours off. Peak levels occur during deep sleep lasting 1.5-3.5 hours. If you wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep again you get a bonus peak secretion. HGH has smaller bursts throughout a 24 hour period but nowhere have I ever read, published or unpublished, that peak levels are at their highest first thing upon waken.

If you can share where you are getting your information that would be great to have and I would appreciate the information.


AmericanDream's picture

First of all thank you for your service. Second, if you notice the last statement I made I mentioned that one could certainly use both together , first thing. My opinion is based on studies I have seen and my own personal experience through experimentation.
While yes GH pulse about every 3 hours 24 hours a day. I think it is a very common fact the 24 hour GH secretion spikes during REM sleep. Which means extremely deep and uninterrupted sleep. So in my opinion, breaking the uninterrupted sleep would be counterproductive.
I have always found for me, A stimulant first thing, such a clen, or ECA followed by fasted cardio followed by HGH dosage followed and hour after first meal does tremendous to my raise my metabolism and strip away body fat. Again, you can use them both first in the morning. Most do. I just wanted to mention what works for me. A few reads if you like. and also a flex article in regards also . Again , thank you for you service and Happy 4th of July.

SSDUSMC's picture

Thank you for your kind words. It was my honor to serve.

The point of my post was to point out your misunderstanding of peak levels of GH and supplement timing of GH. It had nothing to do with the use of clen and/or combining the two. You stated, "The am right after you wake is the exact moment when your body's own natural GH production is at its peak". This statement is scientifically, and in recognized studies, incorrect.

It is also proven that breaking the sleep and reentering deep sleep will provide a SECOND gh pulse. If that is counterproductive in your opinion that is perfectly fine but that does not change the facts of the recognized studies in this area.

Many of us need to get up in the very early am (2-3am) to feed and we get the benefit of a second pulse once we re-enter deep sleep. The third pulse is unnatural and is provided by a 5-6am injection of gh.

Just keeping it straight AD so members are not unintentionally misinformed.


AmericanDream's picture

I understand what you are saying. But I believe my explanation of my comments was not as thorough.
First the posting was about the use of Clen and HGH together as it regards to timing and admiration. If you disagree with my opinion on the subject I understand. You seem to take exception to that fact I stated upon waking you have the most natural production in your body at that time. You speak of GH pulse in deep sleep, so then in turn, upon waking after deep sleep you have the most naturally produced Gh in your body at that time? Yes? Which in turn, is why you wish to attempt to renenter deep Stage 3 sleep twice an evening in order to attempt to maximize that natural production. I appreciate you wishing to educate if you feel I am unintentionally misinformed on the matter.

My opinion on the matter is this. Since Stage 3 sleep leads up to Rem sleep, perhaps I was explaining my actions incorrectly. I personally do not feel that it is ideal to properly reenter stage 3 sleep leading into REM multiple times in an evening. Figuring you are sleeping 6-8 hours interrupted.
Again, in my original posting , I found it counterproductive. Especially waking to eat then attempting to sleep again. If you are a very hard gainer or attempting a super bulk then maybe. But again it is not ideal in my opinion.
If you feel however, that breaking up your sleep, to eat, then renter sleep is better for you, that you able to, then I am happy that you have found what works for you which is what its all about.
Since the original post stating using clen and HGh together , one was presume this for a cut. As I stated , my protocol I have found is what works for me. Thanks for taking the time.

DragonDog's picture

I have to disagree. It is best to take GH as early as possible in the morning since the pituitary is already done releasing its own during REM sleep. This way, you are adding to the release rather than potentially interfering in its production due to the extended elevated IGF-1 levels.

SSDUSMC's picture


Trenabolic's picture

Are you considering using clen as a preworkout? To answer your question it is optimal to take on an empty stomach. Will it make much of a difference? Probably not.

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vhman's picture

Clen? Total garbage for your health, so I'm not sure why you're considering it. How about sticking to your hgh and maybe trying a traditional pre-workout drink and doing some fasted cardio in he morning. Diet, not drugs are your key.

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