Miczilla's picture
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Prefill syringes with peptides


I've bought me some cjc-1295 no dac / ipamorelin peptide mix 5mg/5mg.

Now I am wondering if it could do any harm if I were to prefill 50 syringes of 100 mcg and keep these safe in a box and store them in my fridge.

So I can just grab a syringe before I go to bed.

Is it safe to do this or does it increase the risk of an infection or something else that could go wrong?

If I were to do this would you recommend to also clean the needle with an alcohol swab before injecting?

Thanks in advance.

Conrad1980's picture

I can't get bac water.
Can I mix the peptides in sodium chloride and pre-fill the syringes and put them in the freezer?
Mod Grf1 29 and ipamorelin

Conrad1980's picture

Bac vann is actually on prescription here in Norway. So then it can be stopped at customs.

Benzyl alcohol is easy to buy, but it is not for injection and must be filtered and sterilized.

Pre-filling is probably not recommended, but will it spoil in the freezer? Or is the shelf life extended versus a refrigerator?

Miczilla's picture

Yeah I could do that.