ranchhorse's picture
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TRT and ED issues


Hi All

My first post! I'm 48 been lifting weights since 16 and active my whole life. Started to get my T levels checked a couple of years ago and they fluctuated from between 13 to 16 nmol/l. Too high for any clinic to touch you or GP in Canada. I decided to start TRT on my own after doing research. Before I started this sex drive was decreasing but I did not have any ED issues. When I started to pin it was 125ml of TC every 7 days. Within 2 weeks I started to get ED issues. After approx 7 weeks this started to go away. I had my T level checked at week 7 with the results below. I wanted to adjust my T levels to be in the high normal levels so I decided to adjust my dosage down to 75ml. Within a week the ED issues came back! WFT is causing this estrogen levels adjusting? I was not expecting this side effect at all.

2022 T Test
Testosterone 15.9 8.4-28.8 nmol/L
Testosterone Free Calculated 227 pmol/L
Testosterone Bioavailable Calculated 5.3 nmol/L
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 57.1 19.0-76.0 nmol/L

Most recent T Test at week 7
Testosterone A >52.0 nmol/L
Testosterone Bioavailable Calculated If the Total
Testosterone is <0.5 or >52, or if the SHBG is <2 or >180, the calculated Free Testosterone and Bioavailable Testosterone results cannot be computed.
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 56.9 nmol/L

I spoke with my doc and the test they run in Canada the top number is 52 it goes no further. My T could have in fact been higher then 52. I confirmed my dose with him. With such a wild swing in my T level made me question what else could be going on. My decision is to stop.

Crowcallsume's picture

What anti-estrogens are you taking? Are you getting any anxiety, sleeplessness or lack of some daily wood? Do you have drive but no driver?

miggymig's picture

Man I even smell test my dick gets hard. I'm on TRT but also take .5mg Cialis every day and I'm good I'll take 20mg once in a while for pumps and man that has the wife making me my favorite breakfast the next morning. Talk to you Dr

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Greg's picture

Maybe you're a Gelded Ranch horse.

ranchhorse's picture

Once you go down the TRT route that is what you turn into!

Primo Pantani's picture

I would definitely check e2, as some below me have said. I also think that ED is generally partially physical and partially mental. I’m only 37 and I’ve had ED with my wife a few times, always when things weren’t going well in our relationship. Then after it happened once, the next couple times I’d start thinking about it and it would happen again. This could be on a cruise with everything in range or on blast with test sky-high and 10 mg cialis on top, it doesn’t matter. For me it’s apparently 100% mental because now that we got our issues resolved I haven’t thought about it in months and haven’t had even a hint of ED. I see that you’re a bit older so it might be worth it to check in with your GP and cardiologist just to make sure everything is as it should be regarding BP, blood glucose and the like, but I’d guess that a little cialis or viagra as a confidence booster and a clear mind will get you where you wanna be. I think the other guys have roasted you enough about your “trt” dosage but I’ll just throw in that running your serum levels that high is going to lead to bad outcomes eventually, you gotta dial that in somewhere in the reference range. Anyway, good luck. I hope you get it figured out.

Gymmanager's picture

I agree a lot. It's mental. When I was on a lot of tren and decided to stray from my fiance , I had it all the time. Not with the side piece just with her because I was hiding it. Now I'm not lying anymore and don't even have to use my Viagra all the time.

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Sithx66's picture

Crazy how that works and how true that shit is

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ranchhorse's picture

I figured for sure I was going to get "roasted" all good. Thanks for your insight, for me I think its the change. I was surprised at my test result for such a low dose. I have adjusted it down and will get tested again in another 6 weeks. In Canada its $$ to pay for your own blood tests. For example a Bioavailable Testosterone test is approx $100 and must be requested thru a doctor. This specific test cannot be ordered for free from a doc, only a basic T test can. I'm been on blood pressure meds for years and my big concern before starting this was BP going up. So far really no change.

scoobydoo's picture

You should get your estrogen level checked to see where it's at.

ranchhorse's picture

Yes that is the plan on my next test.

Jockstrap's picture

You needed no trt. Its mental...placebo. whack off and be cured

smurfdude1234567's picture

For our American friends 13-16 nmol/l of test is equal to 375-461 ng/dL a pretty decent test level to begin with especially before lifestyle changes…

I am assuming instead of “125ml” and “75ml” you are meaning 125mg and 75mg??

The greater than 52 nmol/L is equal to our 1500 ng/dL cap (well 1499.784 but ya know). Really surprised to hear you got up to those levels off of 125mg.

Are you 100% dosing correctly?

There are hyper responders & converters, but it is very out of the normal.

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ranchhorse's picture

Yes correct 125mg and 75mg. The strength of my TC is 300mg so my dose to start was 0.4cc and now 0.25cc.

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