IDS100's picture
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Started TRT 9mos ago - Diagnosis of prostatitis yesterday


Hi, Folks.

First post ever - forgive me if I say something stupid. Just looking for advice from people who have been at this longer than me.

I started TRT nine months ago with a prescription of .4ml test cyp 2x week. My levels came up to about 1200, I felt great, and my gains in the gym were awesome. After my six month labs, my TRT was adjusted to .5ml 2x week. In January, after noticing testicular atrophy, I got a prescription for HCG (.25 ml 2x week) from the same provider. The atrophy stopped and even reversed. On January 3 I started HGH, using the guidelines and dosing posted here: As my HGH dosage increased, I also increased my test, until I was at .75ml 2x week. That is the extent of my PED usage.

A week ago I was involved in a rollover accident and got banged up some. A few days later I couldn't pee. I thought the two were related (and so did the hospital) until a CT scan showed an inflamed prostate. But I was also running a fever and showed leukocytes and bacteria in my urine, indicative of an infection. I won't get the results of the urine culture back for a couple days, but am due to see urology tomorrow. For the time being I am catheterized (would not recommend) and on antibiotics for the infection. I am somewhat timid about reporting my PED use to a new doctor.

Checking to see if anyone here has run into a similar situation, or has any advice for me.

UncleYoked's picture

I like to add 5mg of a cialis to my daily regimen for prostate health.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

I was going to say sounds like a UTI which can really wreak havoc on your kidneys. But I see a few posts to below that you figured it out and got some antibiotics. Glad to hear

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smoke1more's picture

.4 ml yields 1200 should of lowered your dose that is not trt, and then you went up to .75 twice a week. Then add hgh which can raise your testosterone levels even more. May want to think about lowering your dosage of test.

juiceball8082's picture

You should always be open with your doctor, so you get proper treatment. If your prescribed, there is no reason to hide it. Shit the urologist may even prescribe you since your already prescribed and save you money.

Makwa's picture

Your levels were at 1200 which is above normal and they increased your dose even higher. Something seems off here.

Drexyl's picture

I’m probably reading too much into it, but HCG was from the same “Provider”, I’m highly doubtful it was an endo or urologist, probably a testosterone mill clinic. Which can be ok, but one has to take some accountability on their own end. I’ve shaken doctors hands and said no thank you in the past, if something seems off or wrong, well, it may be.

IDS100's picture

You're correct on the mill clinic thing. And I own the accountability of each choice I make. I did not pursue TRT because I had particularly low T - I wanted the benefits of higher T. Now just looking for helpful information if it's out there.

Makwa's picture

That's what happens when you consistently run high levels of test for that long. Go see a real doctor who will actually be interested in maintaining your health and not lining their pockets with your money at the expense of your health.

High test levels = high DHT = impacts on prostate

ibaker1803's picture

If you're going to be maintaining elevated T levels for a prolonged period of time for example as part of a blast/cruise protocol, would you suggest incorporating a DHT blocker to reduce DHT levels?

Makwa's picture

Now you have to deal with the side effects of the blockers like ED, reduced libido, depression, nausea etc. Just becomes a vicious cycle. Best advice when not running a cycle is to PCT if able to and go back to an actual TRT dose and let all hormones adjust to natural levels so the body is once again in homeostasis. You won't lose muscle mass if you eat properly to support any additional muscle you gained on cycle. All you are perpetuating with blast/cruise is the glycogen load and not any actual lean tissue. Reducing the androgen load to normal levels will also allow myostatin to reset so you will also gain more muscle on your next cycle compared to blasting and cruising.

IDS100's picture

I can manage the diet part fine. I can put in the work in the gym. But I admit I am low on the learning curve with this stuff, so I really appreciate the input from people who have made it work. Would you suggest rolling back T to 800 or so? Or cutting it all out until the prostate issue resolves.

Makwa's picture

If you have a perfectly functioning HPTA the last thing you want to do is ruin it by running exogenous testosterone and then you HAVE to pin test for the rest of your life. Sounds like you had a pefectly fine HPTA before you started pinning. You likely have already done some serious damage being on exogenous test for so long. Best scenario would be to do a power PCT and see if you can restore your HPTA and then don't do anything foolish like this again. If HPTA can be restored then once or twice a year run a responsible cycle if you feel the need and then PCT.

You have more to worry about than just prostate issues and BPH with long-term elevated test levels. You now have hematocrit (thickening of the blood), BP, lipids, cholesterol, infertility etc to deal with. That is why you need to be monitored by a real doctor and not a quack in a box TRT clinic.

IDS100's picture

UPDATE: Turns out the prostatitis was caused by the accident, not the TRT. I took all my labs to the urologist, and showed her my logs for what I'm taking. She said way too high, but the prostatitis was not related (caused by an infection related to urinary retention). Antibiotics has cleared it up. I am thankful beyond measure, and am using this opportunity to redesign my bodybuilding approach without super-physiological levels of testosterone. Thanks everybody for your advice.

IDS100's picture

Thanks, Makwa. I appreciate the advice.