LUG2109's picture
  • 5



Any of you get a Dexa Scan done? So after getting it, I found out this guy is a fatass - 28% fat. I have 12lbs of fatmass before I begin competing seriously. Most of fat in Android and Gynoid regions - trunk. Arms have 26lbs of muscle. It has given me laser focus on my diet now, too. I've gotta drop 563 calories from my TDEE of 2800.

Pirateking's picture

Yes, I did get a Dexa Scan. It's definitely helpful for tracking progress and understanding exactly where body fat is distributed. I'm glad you have laser focus and now know the exact number of calories you need to drop in order to reach your goals. Stay motivated and don't give up!

Makwa's picture

To compete seriously you need to be sub 5%.

LUG2109's picture

Lemme get to 20%, first.

LUG2109's picture

I'd like to think everyone was me at one time. Feeling like you look good, only for the scan to say youre a fatass. LOL