Harley1969's picture
  • 246



So me and the family went to the beach yesterday and to tell you the truth I have never seen so many out of shape people in my life. Fat guys with man boobs and skinny guys with no muscle tone whatsoever. While I do not claim to be Mr. Olympia by any stretch of the imagination I was the best built guy on the entire packed beach. There was maybe 2 guys there that looked like they may have worked out.
I know I have had a little pharmaceutical help but it really felt good. But also felt a little guilty for looking so good. I mean I do bust a$$ in the gym and try to eat massive to maintain and grow muscle but there is the gear use. Does anyone ever feel like they're cheating?

Darktide's picture

Cheating to me would mean you make a promise to follow certain rules. Is a woman cheating if she gets breast implants...I say no. It is about choices risk vs reward. And the truth is that it will take a lot more than steroids to make you look good. Nutrition, proper training, and recovery is a discipline on its own. I was in great shape before taking aas. My favorite part about them is for the immune system and recovery to train more and harder.

alayna's picture

i was at the beach this past week and I definitely do not feel like i'm cheating because i'm not...even if I take a low dose of anavar I will still not feel like i'm cheating because I've busted my ass for 25 years and still bust my ass...i'm in my 40's now so after 25 years of eating clean healthy food and training 2 hours a day, I've concluded all is fair in love and working out!!

dudebro's picture

A wise man once said... If you're not cheating you're not trying.

thinktank's picture

lol. good one.

Pale's picture

Not at all. Our purpose at least has nobility within it. We are willing to go the extra mile..