Christophany's picture
  • 133



. . . It Sucks!

Pale's picture

Embrace the suck and tell your inner bitch to shut the fuck up and go wait in the truck.

Christophany's picture

I'll make sure to tell my inner bitch that, next time I train legs. LMAO!

Tom Platz - god of quads - give me strength!

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shawn0712's picture

It doesn't matter what day leg day falls on, fate always throws a shitload of stairs at me the following day.

Christophany's picture

I know, right? I'm still walking like I was prison gang-raped (no homo) 2 days later, especially when I have to use the stairs. LMFAO!

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RickRock1086's picture

I'm just here to know what happened on the Walking dead episode last night?????

VayneMechanics's picture


333's picture

Bro couple posts up from this one on the 200mg / 10ml you mentioned a source on open forum I'd go edit that out I'm writing you here cause if I replied to the other one it wouldn't let you edit it out

Christophany's picture

Happy to be of assistance . . . Don't mention it.

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333's picture

The way negan split out of there had me cracking up

333's picture


Christophany's picture

Rick died . . . It was the saddest episode ever! Afterwards, Barney came out and sang the 'I Love You' song.

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333's picture
Christophany's picture

Haha! Great video.

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Christophany's picture

You are not lying! It is particularly taxing on the respiratory system, at least in my case, as I am an ex-smoker. I quit smoking more than a year ago but will feel the deleterious effects until the day I die. I usually perform relatively high-numbered repetitions when working legs, depending upon the amount of weight and exercise I am performing. Today I did 5x20 on squats, 10x20 on leg press (5 heavy and 5 moderate sets), 5x20 leg extensions, 5x20 leg curls, 3x20 standing calf raises, and finally 3x15 seated calf raises. To top it off, I just got over one of the worst cases of the flu I have had in my life. I shit you not!

My entire body was exhausted by the end of the workout to the point that, in plain view of other gym patrons, I laid down on the floor for a good 5 minutes -- typical for leg day. I could hear people laughing, but I could give 2 shits, LOL. Just trying to catch my breath was a huge feat. My clothing was drenched in sweat from head-to-toe.

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JUICEBOX0331's picture

Whats leg day?

Christophany's picture

It's when you wax and exfoliate the skin on your legs. There is nothing sexier than smooth, shiny drumsticks. As an added bonus, it's a great conversation starter with the ladies, and you are able to simultaneously impress them with your skincare knowledge. Let me know if I can help you out in any other way.


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JUICEBOX0331's picture

Ohhhhh i see now. Ive never done leg day. I thought you meant you were tayloring an entire workout to legs only.

Christophany's picture

Who in the hell would tailor an entire workout for legs? The secret to big legs is in regular waxing and exfoliating. Duh, everyone knows that!

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Jayzgainz's picture

After 2 days off hit legs today too. Loved it!!

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NoX's picture

I'm about to start legs right now!

Owes a Review × 1
Christophany's picture

Godspeed, brother. Stay strong!

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333's picture

Haha Sunday is chest and tri for me and then some walking dead tonight

BootyGear's picture


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Christophany's picture

That's what's up! I was dragging along like one of the walking dead not too long ago . . . Like I was impaled with a baseball bat. No Homo!

I digress.

Do you think Negan is going to get snuffed out soon? I have a feeling he is going to stick around for another season at least.

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333's picture

Shit i don't know i hope Rick just goes on a mass killing spree he was acting like a pussy for a while

Christophany's picture

It might happen tonight! Now he has the guns he needs.

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333's picture

Yeah but they probably will make it the last second of the show and make you wait for next season

Christophany's picture

Shit, you're probably right.

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