Engineereddisaster's picture
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How do I recover from this type of heart ache?


Hey kids. My apologies ahead of time for the downer post.
I had a pretty rough evening last night and it has consumed me to the point that I'm wondering if I'm going to ever recover. I feel like my world has been flipped upside the proverbial chair had been pulled out from underneath my heart causing a fall that has shattered everything.
This shit is hard to write but there are some good dudes here that I know understand and give some solid advice so here goes.
Yesterday morning around 10:00 Am I called my wife and told her to get a baby sitter for the night because I'd like to take her out to dinner. She said ok. I hung up the phone and had already made the executive decision that we were to go to my favorite Chop house. There are probably a few of you who know that I am an absolute steak junkie. Not only am I a junkie but I am a very picky steak junkie. My habit is so bad that I actually raise a few beef each year just so that I can control the feed and ultimately the marbling of my steak cuts. No I don't rub the fat bastards down with saki every day like they do with the Kobe beef but needless to say. I'm hardcore when it comes to steaks. Sorry about the tangent..
Back to the story.
This particular steak/chop house that is easily the best that I have ever had. I eat there regularly and the chef knows of my unhealthy love for he way that he prepares a particular ribeye. Seriously kids I can't emphasize enough my love for this particular steak. He tops it with a sauce that brings the salt level to perfection. You don't season this particular chef's steak, the steak seasons you. This particular chef will not even let you request how you would like it done. No shit. My wife requested one done "medium" (I know, blasphemy) no shit the chef came out in person and respectfully denied the request.
At any rate. Fast forward to the wife and I are sitting at the table waiting for our meals and I was telling her about a hooker that I killed earlier that day and our plates arrived. The waitress places my wife's plate in front of her and then mine in front of me and something seems off. My cut of steak is about 1/4 of an inch thinner than normal and something seems off. There just wasn't that "feeling" there. As Blackhawk puts it... I couldn't see a single storm cloud in the sky, but I sure could smell the rain.
I took my knife and properly cut a piece, placed it in my mouth and before I even took a bite, I knew immediately that my cut of steak wasn't a Prime cut. That shit wasn't even a Choice cut. That shit was a select cut at best.
The seasoning, the sauce...It was all the same, but that bastard tried to pass off a low grade steak as a high grade. That shit is absolutely unacceptable in my book. I was heartbroken. I'm not one to be an ass at a restaurant but this was taking everything I had to not get up and leave. O ate a few more bites chatted with my wife...she asked me what was wrong, I wiped a few tears and told her what was wrong...she laughed and told me to quit being a baby as she gleefully ate her effing prawns.
Kids, for the first time in a long time I didn't even finish the steak. As we wrapped things up, the chef actually had the balls to come out and ask how the meal was. My wife smiled and said hers was delicious and I being a big baby said "the salad was pretty good....
Sensing my dissatisfaction the chef looked at me and said Oh? Pause...
I told him that I was just a little let down to know that he wasn't serving Prime cuts any more.
The chef looks me straight in the eyes and says: "sir, we only serve hand select prime cuts of meat"....
Smartass Ed comes into the equation and says with a smile: "I guess my definition of a Hand selected prime cut of meat isn't hand selecting a pack of meat out of a prime location in a WalMart meat department".
At this point he doesn't laugh. He looks at me and says: " Mr. Disaster, I'm sorry for your dissatisfaction. "Your meals will be on me".
Feeling like a dick, I say. "Come on, I'm just giving you a hard time it's not that big of deal, I'll pay for it."
He says: "No you won't"
I say half smiling:"If you won't let me pay for it, I won't come back."
He calmly says, "I'm sorry that you have made that decision". Turns around and walks back into the kitchen.

Holy shit kids. My heart sunk. I've broken off long term relationships that didn't hurt that bad.

At any I am, a day after and I no longer have my favorite place to eat in the whole world. I will never be able to go back because of pride and my dumbass comment. Yet a part of me doesn't want to go back because I felt like he tried to pass a crack whore off as a high end hooker.
I don't know what to do. I have been craving that steak all damn day, and to know that I could never have it again pains me to the center of my soul!

What the hell am I Supposed to do? He's the one who screwed me? I didn't do anything wrong...yet I'm the one who doesn't get the ribeye? WTF am I supposed to do? I can't apologize for something he did and I know damn well that prick won't be on my front porch, hat in hand ready to invite me back. Yeah, the Walmart comment went a little too far but shit! He lied right to my effing face as if I didn't know what the eff I was talking about.
What should I do? We had something that I thought was special and he kicks me to the curb?
I deserve better, but I know there isn't better? Nobody understands. I try to talk about it with my wife and all she can offer is a minute and a half of wild bumping and grinding is going to solve this?
I don't know if I'll ever be the same. How can I ever move on from this.... After one has driven a Ferrari for so long...How does one ever downgrade to a Kia and be happy.

I need help.

All my sadness, no homo

vhman's picture
Pale's picture

Damn , Ed really pissed that guy off. I hope you are happy Ed... Dick!

Engineereddisaster's picture

Yes. There truly are some mental issues that I deal with on a daily basis. Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture

Bro, that was inspiring. The fight becomes much easier knowing that I'm not the only one fighting the battle.

Ozninjaguy's picture

"What the hell am I Supposed to do? He's the one who screwed me? I didn't do anything wrong...yet I'm the one who doesn't get the ribeye? WTF am I supposed to do? I can't apologize for something he did."

First point - the chef didn't grow the cow. So, he probably bought the same beef from the same supplier assuming the same quality. But cattle are actually animals which are susceptible to a myriad of influences - one may produce tender meat, and it's brother in the same field on the same diet can produce tough meat. You actually did do something wrong - you failed to give Chef the benefit of doubt - even though you profess to be a well-known regular customer. Nothing in life is guaranteed - not even your rib-eye at your favourite restaurant. If this restaurant is so important to you, what you are supposed to do is suck it up, be a man, go back and apologise to Chef and then carry on as if nothing has happened. After all, Chef took it on the chin and said you didn't have to pay. If you get shit steak again - just find a new place.

Engineereddisaster's picture

You are obviously limited in your knowledge about steak, grading and the ability of a pro to hand pick a perfectly marbled piece of steak. The science of beef, cuts, grading, and breeding has been around for a long time and any good chef who prides himself in his work will know what they are working with.
There are things in life that are guaranteed and there are things in life that should be guaranteed. A high end steak is one of them.
I realize that your steak experience is limited to a Big Mac patty vs. the McRib, so I won't be too hard on you.
Needless to say, there will be no apology. This chef has ruined my life and should be imprisoned for being such a scourge to the steak lovers community.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Actually arsehole - I have never eaten any fast food - especially Yank shit - and do know about steak - but reading all your comments on every thread - you are obviously the expert on everything. GFY. I realise that your post was an attempt at humour but it simply underscores that you are really quite pathetic if you think that steak is something so special...the 'minute and a half of wild bumping and grinding' comment pretty much sums you up in so many ways. I'm sure that Chef and the rest of the staff heaved a great sigh of relief to finally see your miserable arse walk out the door for the last time. Don't worry - you will eventually find another restaurant upon which to inflict your whining, demanding, egocentric persona. Fake profile, fake avatar - fake person.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Lmao, that's the exact response that I was going for.

you are obviously the expert on everything

Thank you for recognizing that. That has to be pretty hard for a skippy poofter to admit.

Look Skip (I hope you don't mind me calling you Skip) Try not to take it so personal. I realize that in your country (I'm assuming that you live on that island off the coast of New Zealand), you are not able to partake of the finer things in life due to gun control so I sympathize with you and understand that misery isn't always self-inflicted.

Shit if I was shackle dragger limited to eating kangaroo and koala steaks, I'd be as pissed off at the world as you are.

I say let's bury the hatchet and be friends. If you ever stop by the states I'd be happy to buy you a good steak and give a little wombat like yourself a few lessons in manliness.

So whattaya say Matey..Friends?

Ozninjaguy's picture

You obviously have your thick head so far up your own arse that you failed to see the sarcasm in the 'expert' comment. I think the Go Fuck Yourself abbreviation in my earlier post should answer you last question. You are an inconsequential non-person, of no importance or value to me. Doubtful that a sniveling Yank could teach me any lessons in manliness, particularly one who lacks the balls to even identify herself. I call the majority of the Yanks that I have met Elementals - you know the 3 elements..solid, liquid and gas...because they are, like you, full of shit, piss and wind. Poofter? Send the wife over - I will show her what a real man is - I knew you were exaggerating about the 1.5 minutes.. Ah, guns - like all insecure Yanks, your guns make you feel good about yourself..why? because they are your penis extension for a lack of real manhood. It's been mildly amusing having these exchanges - but now you bore me. Bye...pal.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Dear Ozjizinaguy,
It would probably be a good idea to not take shit so seriously and to let go of the bitterness. You made the statement:
You obviously have your thick head so far up your own arse that you failed to see the sarcasm
Do me a favor, look yourself in the mirror and read that statement over and over again.
Bro, everything about this post and my comments to you have been made sarcastically or in jest. Yes, even the part where I thanked you for calling me an expert. Admittedly, I may have slightly exaggerated the 1.5 minute remark in an attempt to impress the bro's around here. But hey no harm no foul right?
At any rate, perhaps it's you who has his head so far up is ass (Merican for arse) that he took it all too seriously. Perhaps you should do a little soul searching and ask yourself why you are taking an Internet forum so seriously.

Life is short. As a 60+ year old man you probably realize that every day, death's doorstep gets a little closer. Is it worth it to get you old wrinkly nuts in a bind over a guy on the other side of the world mindless post about steaks?
Probably not.

Honestly, you haven't made a single statement that has stung or hit me personally...why? because I'm confident with who I am outside of eroids.

I realize that as a 60+ year old man you probably aren't that comfortable and feel that you have to prove something. I think that's awesome. Most people your age just don't give a shit.

I'll end it with that.
All my love, no homo

Ozninjaguy's picture

Like I said...Already moved on. You really are inconsequential. But, of course, you have to have the last word...the tragedy of being you. I also am more than content with who I am and what I have achieved in life, and what I presently have in my life - I have no complaints and nothing to prove to anyone - particularly virtual people on the internet. Thanks for the compliment - it is actually true - most people, regardless of age, just don't give a shit. ...and I never took it all that seriously...I just have a talent for vitriol...Peace.

Engineereddisaster's picture

I don't always have to have the last word asshat.

Greg's picture

I find laying my head on grrrls ample breast while in her warm embrace cures all woes. Of course, check to make sure Goth isn't home first. Then again, if he does come home, the chef would be the least of your problems so you win either way.

Alternatively, go back to the chop house and order prawns.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Hi - thanks for the post re: Decendents - I think that it is a very good song...interesting lyrics.

Greg's picture

It's good to remember that AU, OZ, and the US are all siblings of the same paternal country. Our histories are very similar. native land grabs via the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863, and AU's doctrine of terra nullius. Both countries have a history of slaves, and both had a civil rights movement.

You got to know the truth before you say that you got pride

That being said, I'm going to take your rant about us "Merican's" as nothing more than a goading towards Ed, who in all fairness was goading you as well. However, I have known ed for quite sometime and know he has nothing but the greatest respect for our brothers down under.

There's an interesting folk version of the song...

We flipped our finger to the king of england
Stole our country from the indians
With god on our side and guns in our hands
We took it for our own

A nation dedicated to liberty
Justice and equality
Doesn't look that way to you
It doesn't look that way to me
The sickest joke I know

Listen up man, I'll tell you who I am
Just another stupid american
You don't want to listen
You don't want to understand
So finish up your drink and go home

I come from the land of Ben Franklin
Twain and Poe and Walt Whitman
Otis Redding, Ellington,
The country that I love

But it's a land of the slaves and the ku klux klan
Haymarket riot and the great depression
Joe McCarthy, Vietnam
The sickest joke I know


I'm proud and ashamed
Every fourth of July
You got to know the truth
Before you say that you got pride

Now the cops got tanks 'cause the kids got guns
Shrinks pushin' pills on everyone
Cancer from the ocean, cancer from the sun
Straight to Hell we go

Ozninjaguy's picture

Yes - that's the version I googled after listening to the song. I was goading ED ( that acronym does have another meaning)...I retired to the Philippines 5 years ago and my closest friend here for almost all that time was an ex US military Puerto Rican/ American. We trained together and hung out together exclusively - tragically he died last Nov from a rare form of Leukemia. I miss that dude.

Pale's picture

Sorry about your friend bro. You seem alright, I am sure over time you will learn to appreciate Ed's brilliantly funny commentary.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Thanks for the commiserations. Louie (my friend) was a very cool guy...and yes - ED is funny, we just got off on the wrong foot.

GRIMEY's picture

The only way for you to get over this tragic event is to increase your hooker killing protocol from 1 hooker/eod to 1 hooker/ed until happy, then taper your dose down and pct.

Owes a Review × 2
Mandi's picture

Thank you for sharing! I understand it must be difficult to open yourself up like this, most men can't or won't talk about their feelings but you, you just lay it all out there and talk about possibly one of the most difficult things a man can go through in life. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. I don't know you but feel as though I do now. Last night, as I was sitting down to my home cooked to perfection, prime cut and partially still mooing rib eye, I shared your story with the man, both of us tearing up a little knowing the pain you must be feeling. Sorry for your loss!

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thank you Mandi. Your empathy is greatly appreciated.

Darkhorse777's picture

Maybe you should have given him one more shot before you stuck your foot in your mouth

In a promo × 2
Engineereddisaster's picture

Maybe you should just shut up bro.

Darkhorse777's picture

Lol... just saying bro

In a promo × 2
readyman's picture

Once upon a time, and only once because i don't eat steak out any longer as i refuse any longer and i am getting close to refusing to eat bbq out any longer as well but that's a whole other future diner terrorists story waiting to happen. But once alas I also had a favorite chophouse i liked to frequent. .....and mind you this was in a major U.S. city where when you spend a cool hundred plus per head after scotch and "properly prepared " beef steak you expect what you have come to expect. In this instance It was an 18 ounce dry aged ribeye and i made my order the same way i had the 12 times I had the 12 times before. Did the server say we no longer serve dry aged beef? No!!!! No!!!!! No no no no. The latent homosexual metrosexual nonthreatining to everyone peice of ass shit omitted that detail as if i would not tell the fucking difference or some shit. Needless to say when i took my first bite my eyes did not deceive and neither did my taste buds! I demanded at once an explanation and was eventually placated by the "executive chef" while he explained that the dry aged beef did not go over well with the "general consumer" when they made the selection for the first time and it was decided to remove it fron the menu. I was extremely disappointed to say the least and was battling internal feelings of being irrational. ..............needless to say later i felt violated beyond any and all comprehension and was nearly suicidal with self loathing for how easily i laid down and accepted such horrible and inhumane treatment...........general consumer.......WHAT IN THE FUCK! Many months later i was on a short vacation with my girlfriend at the time to a coastal community and my gf wanted to go to this little shitty trendy restaurant where the asshole who owned it was like the brother of this foodnetwork star and i decided to take action after i sat down to order a steak. I ordered the most expensive steak which was prime rib........which no offense to anyone who eats it but if your not eating bone in ribeye your an effete nobody waiting for your uncle to touch you so you can cry about it later........anyway i put my nose up at thee different deliveries of the steak and tried hard to be as real and offended by each offering as i could be. Then to the cost of not having sex that night i left the establishment withount chewing or swallowing one bite and dared the manager to ask me to pay for the rubbish. Now i know what you might be your gonna take out your anger towards a six figure shit head executive chef on some punk ass line cook in a 20dollar a plate popcorn shrimp shit hole.........well your goddamn right and i hope it pissed him off so bad that he quit and started looking for a new line of work or it pissed him off so bad that he said fuck these tourist prices of shit, what do they know about it anyway and decides to start a steakhouse that caters to the connoisseur and not the dumbass general if those fcking idiots matter. You know i can't say that this approach will help you ED and really all i can boast is that it helped me "let go" of the chophouse scene that i so fervently loved for a spell.........but damnit ED fuck these profit margin whore to the dollar chefs out there and the rookies they once were. Either do it because you love the food or don't do it all!

Engineereddisaster's picture

Thanks for sharing bro. It was hard not to get emotional as I read such a poetic take on the chophouse scene. I feel like you truly understand my love for a good steak. No homo.

KMC's picture

Is there a shorter version ?

Owes a Review × 1
readyman's picture

Did you get one?

Lifted's picture

L oh fuckin l

shawn0712's picture

Man. I'm sorry you went through all that. It's hard to have perfection and then watch it turn to shit before your very eyes.
I didn't know this until today, but we try too hard. I was scrolling through social media, and I learned we don't have to take all this shit, or eat right, or work out even. All you have to do is stack advocare with plexus, and slap a black thrive bandage on your arm and post 1000 times a day about how great you feel and shit.
If their not lying, we won't even crave steak, or caffeine, or even killing hookers again. This is next level shut bro. It could change everything.

Pale's picture

This changes everything!!!

shawn0712's picture

I was pretty skeptical at first, but I just saw a pic of the guys from nickelback with the black patch on. It's gotta be for real.....

Engineereddisaster's picture

Oh shit bro. If it's on nickelback it's legit hardcore!0

Catalyst's picture

How do I recover from this type of heart ache?

Become a vegetarian?????

Engineereddisaster's picture

-2 bro..., we don't need to talk ugly like that.

Catalyst's picture

Lol - good job I consider myself as an antivegetarian

Engineereddisaster's picture

Ok, good. I'll go ahead and bump your karma back up to 2742. :).

Pale's picture

We don't talk like that around here bro...

The Impastable's picture

He needs a temp ban to think about what he just said

Catalyst's picture

Undoubtedly justified. I will amend my behaviour and never mention the V word again Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture


KMC's picture

Good one.


Owes a Review × 1
MedDx's picture

I foresee a new steak restaurant in the making called Ed's Steakhouse....make it happen, bro. I will be there and I know the food will be perfect, even the salad!! Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture

I have a hard enough time feeding myself. Lol

Pale's picture

Simple. I know in all these years of killing hookers you are familiar with disguises, you now need to invent a passable disguise. And obviously your wife will no longer be able to join you, that would be too much.

I have a similar story and it also just happened. It is weird that our lives always seem on these parallel tracks bro. Anyway, since I was a kid my favorite restaurant has been this local family owned chain we will call Poppa Tony's for the sake of the story. My favorite thing they make has always been the Steak sandwhich with pizza cheese, it always has had the same red sauce which happened to be simply Chef boy r dee spaghetti sauce. About a week ago my cravings for one had me making the 45 minute trip over there with my wife. So I order the usual and the waitress said nothing. I get my sandwich and immediately notice and ask WTF is going on (assuming it is a temporary issue) oh no kids, them cocksuckers at chef boy r dee discontinued the goddamn sauce! They had almost a year of it stockpiled after they found out and just now they finally ran out. I am a grown man and felt damn near sad enough for tears. Something I loved so much is nevermore...

KMC's picture

" And obviously your wife will no longer be able to join you, "

I disagree, .......if the disguise was a tastefully done drag outfit, it would appear as ladies night out.

ETA: A really big NO HOMO.

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