Tron's picture
  • 1.2k

Bodybuilder destroyed by AAS


This is why the rest of the uneducated world has a horrible look on aas because of misleading titles on videos there was a lot more going on than that... This guy wasn't using aas safely..he was his own science experiment and on top of that using all other kinds of drugs.

Drop-set's picture

No different than watching my mom kill herself with alcohol and cigarettes. Substance abuse eventually gets you.

tonytulo's picture

Natural selection at its best. Running multiple things incorrectly , combining recreational drugs , along with poor health care and not caring about things until its too late. Call me a shity for not having a bit of sympathy for this guy but when you play hard you pay hard. Perfect example for people who just screw around thinking it wont happen to them. I do however feel for his loved ones.

Whitetrash's picture

Stories like that show why this community, and the advice about safety and simplicity, is so important. Some cycles I've seen in the logs lately could do with watching this any maybe then they would listen to the advice they are given free of charge.

Whitetrash's picture

Even then some of them won't listen but that won't stop us from trying!

cdyrdes's picture

I'm with you

iamsuperrit's picture

me either haha.

strongman6969's picture

That was intense. Feel bad for the guy but he honestly did that to himself, he can barely walk and talk from all that drug abuse.

superblackman's picture

i just watched the youtube video very sad.

TheFlash85's picture

posted this video 3 weeks ago, i think this dude is dead now, he did abuse every steroid, hormone , peptide and research chemical under the sun including every pro hormone and supplement for over 20 years, the dude was also a junky, heroin, cocaine, meth as well as viagra, and prescription pain killers, he also had hepatitus, feel sorry for the guy though, and his family.

TheFlash85's picture

yes mate, he suffered strokes galore, and seizures, it almost like motor nueron disease, (mnd)