posted Tue, 11/22/2011 - 22:05
AB and Going Private
I know that these is probably a pretty trivial question, but does anyone know when Anabolic Body is going private? Is there a certain time frame or is it just rumors?
I ask because I planning on placing an order, but want to wait til after the holidays. (Want to make sure I can afford spend the $$$, ya know)
Thanks in advance!
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- 0 one door closes another opens, I wouldn't worry about it, someone else will take his place
you should place an order now, you may be able to establish yourself as a customer
you don't want to be the fat kid whose friends are raving about the mcrib when it's already off the menu
AnonGo Domestic. Avoid the wait not to mention seizures. If money is that much an issue AAS ain't right for you Bro. Besides with AB's prices how can you afford NOT to act now?
Anyone who is serious about BB has some sort of cash flow issues. The money we do have goes to what we love.
college student here. I'm not broke or anything, just a wise safer and a cautious spender
Nasty81NateWho knows, but when the train leaves the maybe shit outa luck bro.