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+ 19 Summer Cut DHB/Tren/Primo


Going to work on a long slow cut over the summer. Going to run some low dose tren midway through cycle for about 10wks. Trying to keep the trifecta of a test/DHT/nandrolone for most of the cycle. Ment will cover the nandrolone aspect for start of cycle then switching to tren mid cycle and riding out the remaining cycle with no nandrolone but higher DHB and primo to really cut it up and see what it looks like. Low dose test the whole way so I shouldn't need an ai. Didn't need any extra ai with the ment last cycle but aromasin is on hand in case I need it. Still want to do one more 50+ masters show so if everything looks good then I will plan one last show out.

I have some Long-HGH on the way so when that gets here I will likely switch over to that in place of my usual HGH to test it out.

Going to run about a 500 cal/d deficit for a slow cut. Will put a refeed in there when needed.

Pre-cycle stats:
204 lbs
12.2% BF

WeekTest eDHBTren ePrimoMentProviVarHGH/Long HGHInfrjet/LR3AlbuterolMast e
1125mg 200mg600mg50mg/d50mg/d2.5iu
2125mg 200mg600mg60mg/d50mg/d3.33iu
3125mg 200mg600mg75mg/d50mg/d4iu
4200mg240mg200mg600mg25mg/d.9ml E5D
5200mg240mg200mg600mg25mg/d1.0ml E5D12mg
6300mg240mg300mg600mg25mg/d1.0ml E5D1500mcg15mg
7300mg180mg300mg600mg25mg/d1.1ml E5D1500mcg
Makwa's picture

WEEK 1 Results

Bodyfat: 12.4% (+.2) Basically stayed the same
weight: 200.8 (-3.2 lbs)
Fat Mass: 25 lbs (zero change)
Lean Mass: 175.8 lbs (-3.4lbs) The drop in lean mass I have to attribute to water load due to lower carbs in my diet. (I am expecting weight to start going up once the glycogen loading takes effect from the AAS)

Calories averaged about 900 cals below my TDEE. Surprised body fat seemed to stay the same. I did lose 0.5" around my waist.
Muscles still full and pumped even though less cals and carbs.

wanted's picture

Goodluck makwa. Are you gona post up your diet also other than just 500 calories under maintaneance

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Makwa's picture

My diet changes to much since I eat different stuff every meal every day. I just track everything with my Fitbit app Calories change every day based upon activity. Could be 3500 calories burned one day and only 2500 calories the next day so the diet is very dynamic according to my daily needs. I’m not a chicken, broccoli, rice guy for every meal. Lol

Makwa's picture

With the 200mg/ml primo and DHB and Titans test e/tren e mix I can get by with MWF and still be under 2ml/shot. Ment is ED but slin pins are no big deal.

Vegeta2632's picture

Does that 200mg/ml primo have any pip to it?

Makwa's picture

So far nothing has any pip

Vegeta2632's picture

I love primo with no pip LOL

Makwa's picture

I love dhb with no pip Lol

MEXVOL's picture

Using alphawolflabs?

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Makwa's picture

Yeah, 200mg/ml

Vegeta2632's picture

Ya I figured out brew concentrations real quick after a few really bad golf balls in my ass cheeks --

Makwa's picture

My dhb Eq cycle was my best bulker ever. Probably do that one this winter