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+ 1 1-Test Cyp/Test C cycle


Age: 42
Height: 5'5"
weight: 168
BF: 15%
Cycle experience: This will be my second AAS cycle. First cycle was 12wks Test e 500mg/wk. I have done several PH cycles including Ultradrol, trenazone/epi, SD, M1-4ADD and M-1T.

I am looking to do a recomp with this cycle so I will keep my calories right around my maintenance. The oral 1-test was probably one the best recomp cycles I had so I would like to now compare the effects of the injectable version.

One of the things I was thinking of doing was front-loading the Test C to get some gains coming on quicker. I am debating between frontloading or going with a test p kicker for the first 3 weeks (100mg/EOD). Kind of like the front-loading since it would be less pins. Any thoughts on either of these two methods to kick start the cycle? What about front-loading the 1-Test? To help get the cycle going a little quicker I am also planning on using the PH Dymethazine. May stop it after 3 weeks depending on how the test is kicking in.

Please also comment on my ratio of test C to 1-test. My thought was to keep the test a little lower than the 1-Test to really see how this compound works. From what I have read, the 1-Test has a greater affinity for the receptors than test so if I take to much Test-C it will just be aromatized.

For those who have ran 1-Test, is 500mg/wk to much or not enough. From what I could see 400mg seems to be bare minimum that is recommended.

I am currently running HGH at 2iu/day and am looking to up that to 4-6iu while on cycle. Do you recommend going higher than that or just keep it at 2iu? What would be the benefits of increasing the hgh dose above 4iu?

I have aromasin on hand for my AI and plan to use it only if some sides show up. I don't appear to be prone to any gyno and my last cycle worked fine using it occasionally when needed.

I am also contemplating using hcg. My girlfriend commented on how much my nuts shrank during my last cycle so I think I should see if the hcg is going to make a difference. Do my dosages and weeks taking it seem to be correct?

I have included the anavar in this log. My thoughts are that if I am seeing a good drop in BF towards the middle of the cycle that I will then use it. If my BF does not drop below 10% then I will not use it.

Standard PCT will be used with nolva/clomid.

Thanks in advance for your help.

WeekTest C1-test CypAnavarTest PPregnylNolvadexClomidHGHAromasinDymethazine
1400mg500mg100 mg EOD2.5iu30mg ED
2400mg500mg100mg EOD3iu30mg ED
3400mg500mg100 mg EOD3.5iu30mg ED
4400mg500mg4iu12.5mg EOD30mg ED
5400mg500mg5iu12.5mg EOD
6400mg500mg5iu12.5mg EOD
7400mg500mg5iu12.5mg EOD
8400mg500mg5iu12.5mg EOD
9400mg500mg80mg5iu12.5mg EOD
10400mg500mg80mg5iu12.5mg EOD
11400mg500mg80mg6iu12.5mg EOD
12400mg500mg80mg6iu12.5mg EOD
13400mg500mg80mg500iu6iu12.5mg EOD
14400mg500mg80mg500iu6iu12.5mg EOD
1580mg100mg EOD500iu5iu12.5mg EOD
1680mg100mg EOD500iu5iu12.5mg EOD
1720mg100mg3iu12.5mg EOD
1820mg100mg3iu12.5mg EOD
justice575's picture

That's a whole lot of anavar! You must be stocked up bro!
Good luck and maybe have an AI on standby if you're not going to run it with your cycle.

Other than that, Good luck! and good gains...

Makwa's picture

Yep, well stocked with the Anavar:) I do have aromasin that I will use if needed.

Makwa's picture

Really the only new compounds in this cylce would be the 1-test and anavar since I am already using HGH. If I keep the HGH at 2ui which is my current dose that would take away that variable. I have heard that you can benefit more with HGH by increasing it during a cycle, that is why I had proposed to increase it on cycle. But I think you might be right, increasing my dose is going to add another variable into the mix. I actually have ran 1-test before. It was the oral version. I had great recomp results from it but like most orals it is to toxic which is why I would like to use the injectable version instead. If anyone has ran both the oral and IM, it would be nice to hear some comparisons. I may or may not run the VAR. I don't want to run it unless my BF is in the single digits.

I have heard some people say not to mix 1-test and others say it is just fine to mix in the same pin. I would like to know why test and 1-test could not be pinned together. Is this broscience or is there a valid reason? Hopefully some vets can chime in on this. If there is a good solid reason not mix then I won't.

thanks for your input JK. You brought up some good things to think about.