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I've been getting a lot of questions about how to run a first cycle and instead of responding to everyone, I'm going to just post something here. First off, you should do research. Google search anything you can think of when it comes to AAS - first steroid cycle, beginner steroid cycle, test and dbol cycle, proper pct for first cycle, etc. This is by no means a be all end all guide to running your cycle, but I'm going to post some things just to get people started in the right direction.


Your first cycle should be a relatively simple and straightforward one, meaning one, maybe two anabolic compounds, the necessary ancillaries, and a proper PCT. Do not over complicate this one as test will be the base for all your future cycles. Its good to find out how you react to it alone before you add on extra components. I do think running an oral kickstart for a first cycle is acceptable, as using a longer estered test (enanthate or cypionate) will take around 4 weeks before the test is "noticeable" in your system, so you can judge the effects of the oral independent of the testosterone.

**Can you run an oral only cycle? ** Yes you can, but its really really not worth, in most cases. Most people won't retain any of the gains they make off a 4-6 week dbol cycle - you'll blow up quick, but you won't have the extra time on cycle to get your body used to holding the extra mass while being in an elevated anabolic state. Also, all anabolic/androgenic compounds shut down your natural test production. Testosterone is a key component in your everyday functioning in life, and when you supplement your system with anabolics other than testosterone (that shut down your test production), you will feel the effects of the reduced testosterone.

Can I just run Deca or EQ or Tren by itself with no test for my first cycle - it will still be only one compound? No.... again, read above. Using these other anabolics still result in shutting down your natural production of testosterone and you will experience side effects of no testosterone - lethargy, depression, lack of libido, erectile dysfunction, etc.... not worth it. Yes, some people have run cycles with no test and have been fine, but that is generally the exception, not the rule. Much better to play it safe then "hope" you are the exception to the rule.

What's this about gyno? Testosterone (along with a number of other anabolics - deca, dbol) is an aromatizing compound meaning with elevated levels of it, you will have corresponding elevated levels of estrogen in your system. It is generally wise to combat these during cycle to avoid excessive bloating and the posisbility of developing breast tissue (gyno). Two ways of doing this: an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) or a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). In general, I think using an AI during cycle is better as it prevents the testosterone from aromatizing in the first place, whereas a SERM prevents the estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors. A popular and easily available AI for on cycle use is Anastrozole (brand name Arimidex); SERMs are generally used if gyno is already an issue on cycle, or for PCT.

PCT - what's that? Post Cycle Therapy - this is a necessity and not something that is optional or can be purchased over the counter in your local GNC. So all cycle long you've been injecting testosterone and you have lots of it in your system, much more than your body naturally produces. So what does your body do ? - it stops producing its own testosterone. As the long estered testosterone wears off at the end of the cycle (roughly two weeks from your last injection), you body realizes that it no longer has testosterone in it and decides to try to make some of its own. At the same time, your estrogen to testosterone ratio is high, meaning you have a lot of estrogen, but very little testosterone, and whats worse, as your body tries to start making testosterone, it converts some of that to estrogen so you have even more estrogen (very simplified explanation of whats happening). Long story short, you need a SERM, peferably Tamoxifen (Nolvadex brand name) to combat these estrogen levels and help your body get itself creating enough testosterone again to sustain your new muscle mass. Yes you can use an over the counter testosterone booster, but you MUST always use a SERM. Always.

Lastly, HCG? HCG is not always a must on your first, or lower dosed cycles, but it is highly, highly recommended. So remember how the testosterone you are injecting is telling your body to stop producing its own testosterone? Well HCG tells you body through a LH signal (I'm not going to go into specifics) to your testes to keep trying to produce testosterone. This will not only limit the amount of shrinkage you will occur on cycle in your boys down below, but it will drastically aid in how quickly you recover post cycle. Now remember, HCG is suppressive as well, meaning it must be discontinued before PCT as well. So this is only used during cycle up until several days before PCT, but will definitely help keep you ready to start producing testosterone again post cycle.

So... how does this all translate into an actual first cycle:

Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (2 injections of 250mg, Sunday Morning Wednesday night)
Optional: Weeks 1-4: 30mg of Dbol per day (split in two doses, one pre workout, one 12 hours later)
Weeks 1-12: .5mg of Anastrozole Every other Day (EOD)
Weeks 4-12: 500iu's of HCG per week (2 injections of 250iu's, same days as test, but not in the same syringe)
PCT starts week 12, two weeks after last test shot
Week 1&2: 40mg Tamoxifen (nolva) per day
Week 3&4: 20mg Tamoxifen (nolva) per day

And that's it. Simple, straightforward and a great first cycle. Remember, time on + PCT = time off before cycle. So this whole cycle would take you 16 weeks, so you need to wait 16 weeks before your next cycle so your body is fully normalized in its natural hormonal state before doing another cycle.

**Note: * you could run the testosterone for two more weeks, Weeks 1-12, just move all the other times for the other compounds up by 2 weeks, so PCT starts week 14, HCG/Arimidex ends before you start PCT. Dbol dosage would still stay the same for 4 weeks.

Continued at:

Shitsy43's picture

Should I really only run ten weeks of test? I was planning on doing 16-20 weeks

Makwa's picture

12 wks tops. Not going to gain anymore after that and the longer you run cycle the more difficult and riskier it becomes to recover

Shitsy43's picture

Damn. Ok should I blast more than 500 a week if I'm only doing 12 weeks since I have a 20 week supply

Makwa's picture

No need to go over 500mg/wk. more doesn’t mean better.

tropicalpalmtree's picture

Would everything be the same if Running a 250mg/week Test E dose?

Mattiu's picture

Hey all. I am new. I got a question regarding HCG. Ive been lurking and a lot of people just do HCG after last pin and end before/first week of PCT. Is this method better than using HCG while on cycle?. Also, i got another question regarding SERMS. Why is tamoxifen used alongside Clomifen, if both are SERMS? whats the benefit of using them together? Can you use just tamoxifen for your PCT? (I know you can and ive seen posts about just using tamoxifen) I am asking because in my country (im from Chile) Clomifen is not sold by pharmacies and you can only get it from dealers, whereas tamoxifen you can get in oficial drugstores. Am i really missing a lot if i just use Tamoxifen for PCT?

Serjj99's picture

thanks good info!

betajdl's picture

recommendation for gauges and syringe sizes?
I am a newbie. The cycle schedule makes sense but I want to leave most doubt aside.

Makwa's picture

3cc syringe. 20-23g to draw and 25g to pin

betajdl's picture

SO...what does 20-23 g to draw and 25g to pin mean?

Makwa's picture

I'd suggest you not run a cycle

icodeinc's picture

If instead of 500, my cycle is based on 250/week, what would be the ideal dosis for hcg?. 250, or stlil 500?

Madams120's picture

Question since your name is blastandcruise!

I’m about to come off my first cycle, test only 500mg/wk 12 weeks, and going back to my normal TRT that I was on for 18mo before that. Should I go immediately back to my regular TRT dose(180mg/wk), or should I take a week or two off completely to let my numbers fall?

I’ve been told 2 different things by different people and would like to hear what the experts here think. I was leaning on just going straight back to my dose. Thought?

Greg's picture

Just go to TRT dose and you'll tapper down to that level anyway, at the same rate, without the uncertainty and guess work.

icodeinc's picture

Do I need AI at 250mg/week?

Argon Coagulator's picture

Possibly but I wouldn't just run it until you have lab work and/or start getting obvious symptoms. I had an E2 level of 60 (fairly high) while running 200mg of test C, with a 1080 total test and a free test of 373 (through the roof), so I felt great but my doctors think it's way too high.

Makwa's picture

You might. So always have some on hand

icodeinc's picture

Thanks!. But, following this guide. I don't have to take it by default, correct?

GilfMagnet's picture

I hear a lot of different views on Clomid. What do you guys think of it? Waste of time?

gwenla75's picture

My first steroid cycle was the classic 500 mg of Test Enanthate for 12 weeks.

Push50's picture

Great read brother. Its always good to have someone in your corner. So many new guys don't do their due diligence and research before jumping on the AAS Ship.

Ninja's picture

I would also like to see blood work as part of the cycle. I think it should be mandatory, especially for a first cycle. How will you know if you need an AI, or how other health markers ard doing?

And popping AI's from week 1? I'd be cautious of that too. Low estrogen sides suck and at times can take longer to combat vs high estrogen.

an81983's picture

is hcg required for first cycle with 250mg of test e only. what about clomid during pct with the nolvadex.

OutlawOdinist's picture

Is Hcg necessary for a first cycle with 400mg/week for 12 weeks of testE while on cycle or post?

Makwa's picture

No, not necessary.

rmac1982's picture

I have been reading a ton of the threads on HCG on cycle... and I am concluding that there is ZERO downside to a small does of HCG (like 500 2x per week)... It seems the only reason not to take it is cost$$? Woud you agree with that Makwa?

Big Tone36's picture

Good post. I always recommend this book to anyone before using steroids. This has great info and where I learned my info before internet became what it is

Book by William Llewellyn

OutlawOdinist's picture

I have read anabolics 11th edition cover to cover. Great book. Only issue I had with it was his on cycle/ post cycle section. That left me wanting more details.

Kenzo93's picture

Weeks 1-12: .5mg of Anastrozole Every other Day (EOD) Isn't that a bit much? 5mg Anastrazole EOD?

papa.smurf0311's picture

.5 as in POINT 5 mg. basically half a tablet in most cases. and thats just a natural guideline. I use aromasin 25 mg and I use it ED while on a blast cycle.

Argon Coagulator's picture

This is why in healthcare, we write decimals with the zero, 0.5mg to avoid confusion and incorrect dosing.

jim605's picture

Look, if your wanting to become Arnold or a huge body builder, you are going to hurt yourself, the amount of roids and tren you would have to be on will shorten your life, if you want to look decent and muscular but not an Arnold, you can do what I did for ten years, 1 ml test per week along with 1 dbol pill a week 50mg. You might think it’s low, but it’s not, your body will respond in a very positive way, psychological dose is 500mg a week, 300 is excellent, no side affects, no anger, just horny a bit. Eat good and sleep good and that’s it. Not that complicated

Big Tone36's picture

You did 50mg dbol for 10 years? I'd check your liver out my man

Makwa's picture

10yr cycle, If you don't think you haven't hurt yourself, then think again.