UncleYoked's picture
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+ 3 Movies that get you going!


I know this topic has been brought up multiple times but let's run the refresher and see what movies get you amped and wanting to run to the gym to crush some iron against your forehead like a raging beast.
Off the top of my head.
300 - This was like porn for men and women, chicks loved seeing shredded dudes running around in skivvies and the dudes, well, we're much simpler, fitness and carnage. This one makes me remember the 300 crossfit challenge. We had a competition at my gym, I didn't win this one, came 2nd behind a dude who picked up body building and fitness as a way to represent body modification. Interesting guy with died eyedballs, split tongue and tattoos from the neck down. He just loved the idea that there were other ways to change your body and the guy was a beast, he beat me in every single endurance event we ever did and at this time, I was an endurance freak, right before I went to the dark side of power lifting.
Rambo 4 - This one caught me by surprise, late in the evening after a 2hr workout session I seen a sign at the gym "Cardio theater" what could this be? I said to myself. I walked in, the movie had just begun and I plopped down on a bicycle to do 15 min of cardio. almost 2hrs later, a protein shake and 3 bars, I was drenched like a whore in a wool sock..not the best with idioms. But man that movie got me going, I would peddle through the fight scenes, or run the treadmill in sprints. It was pretty intense, left a lasting impression on how to make cardio enjoyable
Blood sport - Bet no one seen this coming, do I really need to say more?

Bill1976's picture

Broke back mountain lol

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Drock_357's picture

Old yeller
Smokey and the bandit
Fast times at ridgemont high
Big Jake
Point break…the original with patrick swayze
Oceans 11
Butt fuck beach pt 2
How could anyone not like being a bad ass cowboy, out running the law in a bad ass car, robbing banks and casinos, being the bad ass in any bar, and last but not least…:once you watch butt fuck beach pt 2 well….self explanatory….

ForeverFitBod1's picture

The Expendables. All 3 of them. A bunch of famous actors that I really enjoyed their action movies growing up as a kid

I also like, The Patriot, gladiator, last of the Mohicans, Shawshank redemption, dances with wolves, 13 Hours, braveheart as previously mentioned, definitely a good one. The Tom Hanks battleship movie I can't remember the name of it, and the revenant. That's what comes to the top of my mind

press1's picture

You like the same kinda films as me mate - Where the good defeats Evil!!! LMAO The Tear jerkers too. You seen Hanks latest movie 'Otto' with his son in too?

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

I want to see that!!

Anabolicpancakes's picture


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Pxpxp's picture

South paw

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Shitforbrains's picture

Snatch. God that movie was legend.

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press1's picture

I Fuckin hate Pikey's ....

I wanna get me maa a new cara'van

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press1's picture

'And the fact that you've got "Replica" written on the side of your guns. And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle .50" written on the side of mine, should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now f*** off!

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Drexyl's picture

Oh your lady friend has a voice does she?

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Footloose...all day!
Fuck yea brother!!

simonmagus84's picture


NYButwhy's picture

Ugh, I have so much to speak about on this topic but I can’t reveal personal information or breach signed NDAs. I’m gracefully bowing away from this topic. Great question though.

NYButwhy's picture

Rocky 1 through 3

Pushing Iron 87's picture

Black hawk down and tears of sun always got my adrenaline going. Then recantly on prime really liked guy Ritchie new film Covenant the balls loyalty and pure drive to stand tall for ppl that matter to you gets me going love that shit.

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iLikeGlocks's picture

Undisputed II: Last Man Standing

Nattyboomba's picture

Warrior with Tom Hardy is pretty great for getting wound up.

JakeKO's picture

That was an Awesome movie

officer34's picture

Awesome yes

officer34's picture

my bedside film fight club.. which made me want to start the body thinking that brad pitt was enormously muscular in this film. film diametrically opposed to the practice of this sport in the background but paradoxically which devotes a certain worship of the body (no homo)

JakeKO's picture

Kung Fu Theater- Master Killer

Probably not very popular with the younger guys, but I still remember that Saturday afternoon in Newark, NJ in 1978 when we all went back inside to watch this movie. When it was over, we all spent the next eight hours sparring in my backyard. We all got in trouble that night because we all had black eyes and bruises all over our bodies. In hindsight, we were a bunch of tough fucking kids. What a different world we live in today. My 16 year old son was recently suspended from school for a fight, so they made my wife and I come in to hear about it. I was waiting to hear this awesome story about a fight, and they told me that they were roughly pushing each other in the classroom. I literally looked at my son in front of the principal, vice principal. and guidance counselor, and said “Are you kidding me??? Im here right now watching you get suspended for pushing him??? Next time you better knock him the fuck out!” Then I looked at those douche bags and told them to warn the other kids dad to control his son or I will be at his doorstep, and I won’t be pushing him. That’s when my wife asked me to please go wait in the car.

Greg's picture

The Ben-Hur of Porn: Caligula

...and Ben-Hur

eighty7's picture

You know a bunch of women got pregnant from the orgy scene

Drexyl's picture

Watched it with my now wife when we first started dating, long story.

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JakeKO's picture

One of the best movies ever made! Wtf did he do to those newlyweds at their wedding???? And his horse???? What a sick fucking man he was.

JakeKO's picture

Wow! He probably should have opened the door and let her do it though, LOL. What a lunatic, though. I’m gonna have to watch this one.

Drexyl's picture

If you like gritty movies I highly recommend this one.

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Drexyl's picture

Gotta check this one out, it’s absolutely not for the faint of heart, I’m certain it couldn’t be released today. The guy directed King of New York and a few others, Bad Lieutenant is by far the grimiest. Although Ms .45 gives it somewhat of a run.

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vengar's picture

There's a French action film called District B13. They have some cool chase and fight scenes with awesome acrobatics. Different style then you normally see in American movies. I recommend checking it out.

Shitforbrains's picture

Braveheart, 300, Gangs of New York, Rocky 2, The Protector with Tony Jaa, I can’t think of hundreds of others but don’t want to bore everyone lol.

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UncleYoked's picture

braveheart is one of the immortal movies for me. I've watched it well over 50 times, maybe 100. Just love the story line, completely ass backwards and washed historically but longshanks was one of the best villains of the time.

Shitforbrains's picture

Immortal is the best word for it bro. Great minds think alike!

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alekaras's picture

Forget one killer movie. law abiding citizen!!

UncleYoked's picture

Greeeat movie but I hated Jamie Fox in there, IMO, he ruined the movie.

alekaras's picture

Yes sir, I was hoping to die till the last moment, but the fucker got away, good actor though!

press1's picture

I wanted Clyde to live!! It's gonna be fuckin Biblical!!!

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alekaras's picture

Hahaha damn bud you now every line of the movie!!

press1's picture

I bought it on DVD when it came out and binge watched it over and over lol You seen 'Rise of the Footsoldier? I did the same with that too LMAO

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alekaras's picture

Lol you freak!!

press1's picture


'Walk into his cell, and put a bullet in his head. Aside from that, no, you can't stop him. If Clyde wants you dead, you're dead'

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alekaras's picture

Fuck yeah he made everyone paid for his loss!
From little fish to the big sharks Smile

press1's picture

Bud the torture scene is the best where he injects the guy with so much shit he has no choice but to stay alive while having all of his limbs cut off!!! Lol

'And I bet you take it up the fucking ass, bitch.'

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UncleYoked's picture

He used tetrodotoxin (extracted from male puffer fish) to paralyze him and epinephrine to keep him from passing out.
Such a satisfying death scene

press1's picture

It was after what they did to his wife.

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alekaras's picture

Yes sir!!

press1's picture

'We kill people. He figured out how to do it without ever being in the same room. It was his gift, and he was the best'

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