DeeMan's picture
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+ 6 Opinion of society today


So this post doesn't need any karma votes so please no need to up vote. I recieved a comment from @Drexyl and @Glitch about what they thought society was like today. I have to admit they made damn good points. This is just general talk and I didn't want to clog up a certain src's SI with this topic so I decided to post this. In my opinion, I'm beyond blaming any political party or race for the chaos that has taken place among society. Not to be negative but I don't think things will ever go back to how things use to be. We've definitely lost our way and it seems that this is becoming acceptable among us. I do agree with drexyl that it seems that covid started a domino affect for chaos and violence. If anyone of you agree or disagree please feel free to voice your opinion. I'd definitely like to hear you out. I don't blame any political party or race..I blame evil, along with lies and misinformation.

Nattyboomba's picture

You’re suggesting that people that call themselves republican have never committed heinous crimes? That seems pretty myopic. I would argue that the devision between citizens, accomplished by pointing fingers at whole groups of people (faceless labels) instead of at the actual person/people/organization that perpetrated a specific crime is the goal. And the property and money you speak of has always been controlled by a small group of elitists. Certainly now, more so, but this is not new

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DeeMan's picture

I couldn't have said that any better. +1

DeeMan's picture

I agree that Democrats are part of the overall problem, however you don't think that Republicans are part of the problem too? I understand that we'd like to think our affiliated party is totally innocent but in reality that's just not the case. Not to argue with you because I'm Independent but yea the political parties have made a mess of things. I agree with you that a lack of education is a cause, but there is such a thing as an educated fool lol! Just look at Washington DC.

wanted's picture

Ohh so much of a lack of education now adays. There main course at 7 years old is how to identify as a CAT
Teachers hands tied Give it another year when taxes go up to feed these guys sneaking in and they have to lay off more teachers.

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DeeMan's picture

It's a damn shame man I know

winmag4582001's picture

Oh no. Definitely not blind to the shit on the right side of the isle. Bush and Homeland Security, Nazi level shit there. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, all the exact same. Between Congress and Senate, there might be 20 total R’s that give a dam. RFK Jr is the sole D that seams to care. It boils down to the lesser of two evils.

DeeMan's picture

Ok I gotcha, lesser of two evils. Alot of folks are blind though even if you told them that they still would be in constant denial. And hey..ya can't forget about The Donald! He's in that mix lol

winmag4582001's picture

I’m seriously thinking Trump was all part of the plan. I think Trump actually gives a fuck about America, but both sides used him for division. Like the founders said, “Divided we fall.”

DeeMan's picture

Hey I liked Trump as a tv personality. But he definitely put his foot in his mouth many times just like others have. Yeah I think he loves this country but he's gotta understand that his words have played a part in division no doubt. That congress riot was fking rediculous. Now he's not the only one but we can't just exclude that dude...hell noo. This coming election it wouldn't surprise me if he won.

Bill1976's picture

Almost all politicians are horrible. The decisions they make auck. Some worse than others. Our current president has been in office three years and banks are collapsing. These big stores are closing hundreds of stores rite aid, Walgreens, Nordstrom rack then Google laying off Facebook laying off. That’s why I am taking classes. I need my skill level to be too top for my trade.

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Greg's picture

...Afghanistan pullout, Ukraine, Pending Tiwan issue, open border...

wanted's picture

100%. As these fucks who voted for him WILL vote again the same way

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
DeeMan's picture

Yea but Trump gets revenge

DeeMan's picture

Right on Bill! Yep the government can't save us, only we can save ourselves. And yep current president doesn't have a good approval rating, in fact nobody in Congress does. Damn shame but it is what it is right? What you said is true though and can't be argued against

Bill1976's picture

Here is a man with some knowledge. He’s a comedian but smart.

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DeeMan's picture

Lol. He's on point

claytonKIM's picture

1) After Afghanistan/Iraq, MANY MANY MANY soldiers (most likely with PTSD) brought the war back home with them. Gun violence has always been an issue in America; but 9/11 changed (de-virginized) my generation. Gun violence has been NORMALIZED & GLORIFIED by this current, younger generation. Games like Counterstrike, DOOM, Halo, and CoD only make our fight-or-flight senses worse overtime IMHO

2) PORN!!!!! So, so many sexual assaults on the news lately. I always think to myself, “THAT motherfucker probably watched too much porn & thought women/men enjoy being raped by their masseuse, doctor, volleyball coach, etc! PORN is fucking up people’s (and kid’s) perceptions of “normal sexual relationships.” FETISH, GONZO, BDSM… Idiots are on the news EVERY NIGHT - trying to act out porno scenes in real life!!! I NEVER EVER feel sorry for these clowns! Smile LMFAO

ONESICK's picture

I would have to kind of disagree. A lot of "gun violence" isn't talked about, you don't really hear about it. What about that vast amount of gang violence in Chicago? It's really a people issue. How these kids are raised. Studies have been done and debunked the claim that movies/TV, music and video games make kids more violent. We always want to blame something else instead of taking accountability. It's shitty parents who raise shitty kids most of the time. It's been proven kids do better with both parents in the scene or a child raised by just the father. Children raised by just the mother have a much higher chance at being a criminal , more violent, etcetera. There's something to it. Also kids these days grow up with everyone deserves a trophy. That we have to accept everything blah blah. Kids being raised to be nice and never in a fist fight.

Same goes for sexual assault s. It's really no different, shitty parents raising shitty kids. All this liberal left leaning BS going further into depravity. They disregard morality because we have to be all inclusive. Sure porn is an issue but I don't think it's the cause. We over sexualize women. They over sexualize themselves. Why? Because sex sells and we all know it. Kids who aren't raised to respect others then go on to disrespect others thinking it's ok. But we have to be all inclusive and not hurt feelings. Feminism is a fucking disease. It's not helping women what so ever.

These bull shit ass hand outs that are given out by governments. Telling everyone we'll take care of you. This bitch ass thinking if you don't agree with me then you're my enemy. Propaganda fed to us by government. To conquer a nation, you divide it. They want us all to spiral into chaos. So they can come in and be our saviors. With an iron fist of control.

DeeMan's picture

Just to slip this in Onesick, do you know that in Chicago the slang is ..."how many bodies ya got?" I'm serious man, their thinking is if you kill someone then that's some type of badge of honor, it makes me sick to my damn stomach. I don't live there but this is fact.

ONESICK's picture

I'm from around that area. I know it all too well. My home town have a big gang bust where the feds sweeped in to crack down on one of the largest gangs. I wasn't raised in it but around it. Where my dad told me if I ever joined a gang I would have to fear him and he'd beat my ass. I was more afraid of my dad than anything. Gangs are just gay anyway lol.

DeeMan's picture

Ok so you already know that I'm telling the truth. I live hundreds of miles from you in a different state but I know how dangerous "CHI-RAQ" is. Especially south side of Chicago.

ONESICK's picture

My home state isn't too far from Chicago. I used to visit there a lot but as I got older, things got worse. Some of the strictest gun laws in the country, yet criminals don't obey laws. Who would have thought? lol. I moved over 1,000 miles away from that shit hole. Where it isn't even close to what I'm used to. Oh how I miss sitting at a red light seeing a couple guys jump out of a car, start shooting at another car. Get back in their car and drive off. Good times

DeeMan's picture

I've seen alot of stuff that's not cool but those kids seem to think things like that are cool. Guess they use to those shoot out video games. All fun and games UNTIL someone ends up six feet deep

ONESICK's picture

It's lack of regard for others. Not saying a particular group....but environment plays a big role. Majority of it is Democrat run cities. Where police are vilified. Now I don't exactly like police myself but we need some kind of law and order. I remember a group of mother's in Chicago told the police we don't need you. We can police our own neighborhoods. Only to complain several months later begging police to come back. Not addressing the real issue, that they're the problem raising these shitty kids. Single mother raised children are proven to engage in more criminal activities, violent behavior, end up in jail, drug addicts, etcetera. Lack of discipline in the home raises shitty kids. I'm not saying beat your kids but I got ass whoopins when I was a kid. My dad taught me many lessons how one should and shouldn't act. Children need a father in their life, if not a strong male role model. Someone they can look up to and learn from. There are experience men face that women don't that you can pass down to your children. If shit hits the fan I'm not calling my mom lol. My dad is my go to.

DeeMan's picture

You know why I like you so much Onesick? Cause ya tell the truth regardless

ONESICK's picture

HAHA thanks bro. Seriously though, I don't like to sugarcoat the reality of things. Like why? Keep it real I say.

Catalyst's picture

Good points. Entirely agree

robb's picture

The amount of low life pos have exploded in the last 10 years or so where I'm from. Fucking idiot wanted to fight me a few weeks ago cos I wouldn't give him a cigarette.
Their is a lot of angry people about who are just looking for any excuse. Let's see how this summer goes.

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DeeMan's picture

Lol you gotta be kidding me man....fight you over a damn cigarette? That's the world in which we live in right. Lets remember there are alot of miserable folks out there that want company

Rydawg's picture

Just a sad world to live in. Soft ass weak
Minded trend influenced weirdos. Elite staying elite.

DeeMan's picture

Yep sad. Same thing on news every night. It's rediculous man

DeeMan's picture

Hey I'd like to know who disagrees with ya.

Musclemem's picture

I know I will get some shit over this comment. I think we are headed for a civil war of sorts. Everything is about picking a side. It used to be that it was a push for acceptance of everything but now shot is forced upon you no matter where you stand. If you don’t agree you are a racist and can possibly lose your life. This country is making todays kids so fucking soft. You have politicians trying to start a race war or at least it appears that way. There is no EQUALITY. There now is many tiers of law. Now it’s ok or even acceptable or cool to assault innocent white people. There tons of videos showing this shit and tons of others commenting how much they live it and whites deserve it. School are fucked up. My daughter comes hones one day upset and asks me ‘daddy why is my Spanish half good but my white half evil’? It broke my heart then almost was arrested when I went to the school. Law should be applied equally amongst us all. We have a president that is selling our country to Ukraine, China and others. Actual treason. If that was us we would be in for life. Murders are protected and hero’s are vilified. Maybe I’m just to emotional about this shit but it really bothers me. Politicians using murders to progress their agendas. Nobody talks about how doctors put everyone on mental health drugs that make you an unempathetic zombies but we blame the guns not the drugs. In my too many people of today love to see others suffer. The media are the devil and I honestly believe it all caused from SOCIAL MEDIA! Sorry for the rant.

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eighty7's picture
Musclemem's picture

Hahahaha that’s funny. This is what politicians want but I’m sure like me most white guys from cuties have more minorities as friends than whites. I know I do. I just don’t get the whole racist attitude on both sides. It’s disgusting!

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DeeMan's picture

Like you my friends are of every race. I just don't get those that feel one race it better than the other. EVERY RACE has those that say and do stupid shit period and that's a proven fact.

Musclemem's picture

Some of my minority friends families have known me my whole life and despise me for no reason other than being white. Point I’m making is everyone hates everyone lol if you get what I’m saying. I’m a general way. I have uncles on my Italian side that could have been Nazi. It really bothers me.

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DeeMan's picture

Yeah I understand what you mean. Those people cannot see past skin tone. What about the heart and character of a person? Guess that stands for nothing

Musclemem's picture

Just like nowadays everything is about identity whether you are qualified or not.

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DeeMan's picture

Nahh you just pointed out too many realistic serious problems that we are dealing with, it's much easier to ignore those issues because it will take too much time to fix that's not my thinking, that's the typical political thinking and the thinking of some ignorant citizens. Damn shame.

Musclemem's picture

You know it my brother. I never back down. I started going to school board meetings not they hate me because I GI through the budget and expose the corruption. The always tell me my time is up but there nobody else wanting to speak. I tell them to remove me then. They don’t lol. That’s when the gear rage starts brewing.

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DeeMan's picture

I understand. Yeah I'm normally a chill cat but make no mistake I can get down and dirty when forced too.

DeeMan's picture

Lol that gear playing a factor, I see now it's tren rage, yeah that's what drives ya. Nahh but if we are silent when we know deep down inside that corruption is happening and affecting us all and we remain silent, then we are no better than those that corrupt themselves. In other words there's no difference at all, simply because we are now allowing corruption and have become part of the problem. Speaking up isn't bad, it's just the method at which you speak up. Lol there's a million ways and speaking tones to get your point across. Some are more effective than others. Just saying. Also regardless if you speak well there are always going to be those that dislike you speaking up.

Musclemem's picture

I break it out kind by line and ask questions and nobody can justify what they are doing. One member asked me to run for the open seat in November that they need more like me. Lol they have no idea.

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Pumped_'s picture

We are living in real life Gotham City minus the Batman. Villians are even dressing up for attacks. We thought only this life was in DC Comics.

DeeMan's picture

I never looked at it that way but you know what you are right about that...Gotham City! This whole thing is straight from the comics

Pumped_'s picture

Have no choice but to be vigilantes. Ill do life in prison but at least my wife and kids will be visiting me behind glass instead of me visiting their graves

DeeMan's picture

Now it doesn't get any more real than that. I hear ya. Yea a true man wont let ya mess with the fam....nooo sirrr!