DeeMan's picture
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+ 6 Opinion of society today


So this post doesn't need any karma votes so please no need to up vote. I recieved a comment from @Drexyl and @Glitch about what they thought society was like today. I have to admit they made damn good points. This is just general talk and I didn't want to clog up a certain src's SI with this topic so I decided to post this. In my opinion, I'm beyond blaming any political party or race for the chaos that has taken place among society. Not to be negative but I don't think things will ever go back to how things use to be. We've definitely lost our way and it seems that this is becoming acceptable among us. I do agree with drexyl that it seems that covid started a domino affect for chaos and violence. If anyone of you agree or disagree please feel free to voice your opinion. I'd definitely like to hear you out. I don't blame any political party or race..I blame evil, along with lies and misinformation.

Musclemem's picture

My family is always saying let’s stay home because they know if someone does something to them there is going to be a real problem.

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DeeMan's picture

And it should be. I'm with ya

Pumped_'s picture

I conceal carry EVERYWHERE i go even just to go have a happy meal with my daughter or out to eat at a restaurant with the whole family. This is what new society has created.

Bill1976's picture

The robberies are so bad at the mall where I’m from that my woman Carries and she hates guns. Three robberies a day.

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DeeMan's picture

Damn 3 robberies a day huh? Well it doesn't help that as soon as these losers get arrested that they are let go because some judge agreed to lower their bail. That's common where I'm from. It's craziness

Pumped_'s picture

My wife got a s&w 642 38special i bought her for her birthday. Didnt want her have to worry about racking and safety in a panic like with a semi auto. Just point and squeeze.

Bill1976's picture

My gf has a mp shield. Very tiny girly 9mm
And she just bought a 5 shooter smith and Wesson revolver. Has a bobbed hammer. Then she owns a spikes AR. For the zombies lol

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ONESICK's picture

Same here brother, I carry 24-7, so does my wife. She's had to pull out hers on several occasions. One recently because a guy tried opening her car door while she was parked. She isn't afraid to use it either. I was inside the store at the time she called me sending me SOS texts. By the time I got outside He was running down the road. She was pissed and actually wanted to hunt him down lol. I was 30 seconds too late but man my blood was boiling, I wanted to beat ass lol. It's fucked up but these days, it's dumb to not carry.

ONESICK's picture

This us whar we've become lol

Complexed's picture

my basic opinion on all the bullshit happening is this...I believe it began round 99 when the majority of schools stopped giving ass whoopings, by 04 you could barely get away with spanking ur own kid...
Then to add fuel to the fire the laws changed and they started cracking down on child abuse, which I'm all for when it's actually abuse, but they made it to where (depending on the state, city, case worker, etc) that spanking your kid, grounding your kid, making them do chores, etc could be considered child abuse which kids figured out pretty fast that they now had the power.
Instead of gettin whooped or grounded and having no choice but to act right or pay the cost, they now knew they could do or say whatever the hell they wanted and push the parents to extremes and either get away with it because the parent feared the consequences OR the parents faced the consequences when they did react.
That started the whole "no respect" thing we currently have.
Next was the internet...when it first came out it was great, unlimited knowledge at your disposal 24/7, all the info you could ever want...then social media came around which was fine for reconnecting but it quickly turned into a digital fashion show/who can make up the best life.
Everyone trying to show off one upping the next person, lying about their lives, relationships, money, jobs, even who they were.
Over time it just turned into an outlet for insecure people who aren't happy with themselves or their lives, to create a false reality in which they have friends and everyone like everything they do or say (very little if any of which was even real).
Then it became a competition to be the most liked, followed, watched, etc, which led to jealousy that lead to bullying, hacking, false info, etc.
People spent every waking moment on their phones on social media instead of using the internet for its real purpose.
people stopped paying attention to their real lives, ignoring their friends, children, family, careers, health, all the while becoming less intelligent than the moment before.
Kids stopped hanging out and being creative like children should be, don't play outside, just stay buried in a screen and aren't taught any responsibility, kindness, creativity, problem solving, work ethic, consequences, manners, etc.
....The worst part is that the parents of these children are doing the exact same ehing so they either don't even realize how they are destroying these generations, don't want to realize it, or are just to immature or lazy to care.

So we are left with generations who believe everyone should just hand them everything with no complaints since that's what their parents did just so they could get back on their phones and the kids quit bothering them.
Can't take any form of criticism, constructive or otherwise, without feeling completely destroyed and ready to end their lives or someone else's.
Have zero respect or manners, don't care how hard you work or the sacrifices made as long as they don't have to go without.
And are so highly under/mis-educated but overly and wrongly opinionated and not able to differentiate between fact or opinion.
We have all been sucked into this segregation bs going on, black vs white, Muslim vs Christian, gay vs straight, rep vs dem, so on so forth and we no longer seem to realize that it doesn't have to be one or the other, nor do you have to hate with all your heart anything or anyone rhat doesn't do what you feel they should.
Everyone bitching, complaining, crying, arguing about stupid shit claiming they do so for change when the fact is they are the exact reason it's getting worse.
In the end if you think about it, it all has happened over social media and connecting every man woman and child.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion....BUT, fact remains that MOST opinions nowadays are based upon misinformation, lies, ignorance, propaganda, etc and when facts are laid out that make an opinion no longer and opinion but just a flat out lie, yet people refuse to admit they're wrong and continue believing and spreading their bs "opinion", it ends up finding another ignorant soul to seep into, then another and another...then we're left with this....A world we're everyone thinks their way is the only way, facts and truth no longer hold any weight, no one respects wisdom and sacrifice and experience, everyone attacks everyone else and believes they are constantly under attack, people are weak, scared, small minded, and can't handle anything remotely difficult in life.
You take away social media and within a decade this world would be night and da different.
Like I said, everyone is entitled to an opinion but it wasn't meant to reach every other living soul alive!
...before social media if an idiot had some dumb ass theory, he could tell 100 ppl a day and maybe 2 would give it any thought, now millions see it daily and thousands piggyback off that ignorance and it ends up turning into something completely outrageous but when we live in a world where everyone spends their time reading ignorant shit instead of learning, then we are left with more dumb people who will blindly jump right on those ignorant theory or opinions full heartedly believing them because they simply don't know any better!

I could go on for weeks but this was super long already and surely have already pissed some people off ans put the rest to sleep so I'll end it for now.
But I will say, this is my opinion based on what I've seen and researched and lived through, I'm not telling anyone else they're wrong or right (yet at least lol) just stating my thoughts.

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DeeMan's picture

This would be a NEW YORK TIMES best seller if you had this published as a book!

Complexed's picture

lol nah, not with this cancel culture we have today, the one thing people hate more than being told they're wrong is someone being brutally honest...people seem to enjoy living in a world that has nothing real or genuine or important ACTUALLY happening, they are content with being whomever or whatever they believe will get them the most attention regardless if the people giving it actually give a shit or care about them, their happiness, or life.
What happened to the days when we talked to people face to face and handled our business like men, we worked hard and busted our asses to take care of those we cared about and didn't complain because we didn't feel the need to, we took pride in it, in overcoming our obstacles, and never felt sorry for ourselves or were selfish enough to feel like we were owed anything more than what we had earned?
I'd give just about anything to go back to the 90s with no internet, landlines and payphones, if you wanted to hang out with a friend you go knock on their door, and most families set down at a table for a real home cooked meal every night.
There's just too much now, too many options on TV, music, clothing, vehicles, diets, medicines, drugs, hair colors lol, we r so overestimulated by a bunch of meanless shit that it's damn near impossible to keep focus on the things in life that really do matter, the shit that brings REAL happiness, the stuff that no real man can be happy without.
Like the love and respect of a good woman, the friend/friends that are there for you through thick and thin and honest no matter what, they tell you when you're fucking up and line you out and push you constantly to do better and be better even when you don't want to.
The meaning of being a father to a child, always teaching them and raising them to be a better person than you and they know without a doubt that you'll always be there for them and they won't ever have to wonder if you love them.
Idk, this shits just making me think how even though these are my beliefs and my morals, just how far I am from the person I used to be and I could be so much more.
It's hard not to take the things that matter the most for granted because those things tend to be the things that are around u daily and feel like they always will be, but there's a huge difference in simply realizing/being aware of what matter and what you have, than truly being grateful and showing it daily.
The first may seem like an ok life and you may get by unscathed but in the end nothing exceptional will have happened. The latter, will bring joy to those around you and yourself, drive you to greatness, allow you to dream of the unimaginable and find yourself living that dream and going the end you didn't just live a happy life with your wife and kids, you lived a life nobody else will ever live and gave them security, love, support, and memories that gave them a life that cannot be questioned, continuing that trend and growing it generation to generation

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DeeMan's picture

Man you took the words right out of my mouth because I'd give anything to go back to the 90's, which definitely was a more simpler time. Folks seemed friendlier, movies seemed better, music was better, times were better, I can go on and on seriously. I just think back and ask myself if we've gotten away this much from good times, then how much further will we continue to get away. It all is unfortunate but hey these are the cards that have been dealt to us. Gotta just play them.

Complexed's picture

well it sure as hell isn't getting any better anytime soon, not without a a huge revolution, the collapse of the web, and overthrowing the government and start from scratch.
We r all so spoiled and lazy compared to 20 years ago, and unless the reasons for that are removed forcibly from us, then we will only continue rolling down that hill.
I personally try my best to avoid the shit that causes it all, I educate myself daily, don't waste my time or my family's time on social media or any other useless shit that doesn't teach us something or better us somehow.
I respect my elders and their wisdom, and go outta my way to help anyone in need and teach my kids the same.
BUT, as much as I'd like to say I'm perfect and not part of the reason this world is how it is, I cannot.
I'm guilty of taking advantage of the luxuries that make us lazy and bland.
I watch to damn much TV instead of taking my family to more constructive and creative activities.
I skip making family dinners more often then not it seems, with the only excuse being that I'm just tired and lazy.
I will also get caught up time to time in petty online bullshit feuds and actually find myself genuinely mad...but that's when shit hits me...why the hell am I wasting my time and emotions on people who don't really matter? Letting them negatively affect my day and how I am around my family.
After that shit, I find it easy to cool down and put myself in check. Not easy sometimes but making those sacrifices has made me stronger and more risiliant than the majority of people and though it's not often, but occasionally others notice my actions and see how my life is, the mood I'm in, how my family is happy, and some of it rubs off on them and they make changes for the better.
I wish more did, I wish I could more, but ot is what it is, and I know my life and my children's and wife's will be great no matter how much shit is thrown at us, we don't rin and hide, complain and blame, nope...we suck it up and push through, become stronger, wiser, and happier each time we do!

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alekaras's picture

I work the past 2 years in a company that imports frozen fish shrimps etc from over the world.. About 75 to 100 tons a week which is big in my book... And still sad to see people in this world that don't have to eat even in my small town people search in the garbage for food it's 2023 ffs.. This is the future of mankind?? I blame my selffor not doing enough,... and the so called saviors politicians..

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DeeMan's picture

Yep true. Other day I saw a fast food place dump their hamburgers in the dumpster after closing hours. I thought to myself alot of folks without much could of eaten that food. Hope my fellow brothers reading this don't go dumpster diving in order to get that extra protein! Lol

ONESICK's picture

I saw that all to often. Years ago there was a local news story about how local grocery stores just throw food away instead of giving it away. Same thing happens with certain big clothing retailers. I can't remember which but one was seen throwing clothes in dumpsters. They were slashing up perfectly good clothes with razor blades so people couldn't take them They got heavily ridiculed as they could have given the clothes to shelters or local thrift stores.

DeeMan's picture

You serious? Man that makes me sick to my stomach. That goes to show you that if some of these companies don't benefit from something then they DO NOT want anyone else to benefit from something. This is obvious. It's as if these companies would rather see needy folks die than to see them fed and not die. Maybe I'm missing something

ONESICK's picture

Oh yeah it happens all too often. About 2 years ago and was going by a furniture store. I just happened to look over as guys were slashing up perfectly good mattresses. I decided to go back and ask what's going on. They said they were told to throw them away. NOTHING was wrong with them. I said can I take a couple, the guy said sure. Threw a few twins in the bed of the truck. I was just shocked like what? Shit is fucked what big corps will do instead of just donating the shit to people in need.

DeeMan's picture

Weird shit man. And this type of thing is going on in the greatest country in the world! Like you said, it's easy to donate. Man I've honestly donated clothes and books to the Salvation Army many times, easy process so no excuses. Onesick I literally drive up and a worker is at the side door of store waiting to get whatever out of my vehicle. Easy process.

ONESICK's picture

My wife donates a lot not like it's hard to do.

alekaras's picture

Seen it here as well bud, tons of unsold food gone to garbage, it's ironic to see it and after a couple of minutes later see people search for food..
Lol after the climb of all the prices it wouldn't be impossible to dumpster dive lol give a couple of years!!

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Greg's picture

I volunteer for a food bank... it's amazing how much food is donated by all the big brand supermarkets and specialty markets. Several local food banks can't handle it all. What's even more impressive, they don't boast about it. No one is aware how much these stores give to the local communities.

Makwa's picture

Wally world here was putting in new freezers and they threw all of their meat and everything else in the freezers into the garbage. Was perfectly fine. Had people watching the dumpsters overnight until they were picked up. Said anyone trying to take anything that was thrown out will be fired. SMH Could have just gave the damn shit away the day before they planned to throw it. Would have been gone in a couple hours and they wouldn't have to pay the dumpster fees either.

DeeMan's picture

Interesting. Didn't know that.

Drexyl's picture

Thumbs up Greg, that make you a man of strong character. Need more of you out there. Humble but dignified. Kudos sir.

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Mac12769's picture

Many people don’t know how critical food banks are. After hunting season, I use my last 2 tags for a basic process and donate it to a local one in area. My freezer is full, I can fill another.

Makwa's picture

There is a program here where hunters can drop off deer to a processor and they will process it free for the food shelves. Venison is the first item to go when it hits the shelves. They can't get enough of it.

Mac12769's picture

Right lol. Where I used to live, I had some places that did it free. Where I'm at now, I've only been a few a years and still getting to know the locals. But when I told them what it was for, they only charged me like $25 for it, which is nothing., I'll happily pay it. It breaks my heart to see our citizens in car lines for food for Christ sake.,

DeeMan's picture

This is the thing..ok some folks are lazy but they are able to get out and better their situation but they don't, those are the folks that make it bad for someone who really is struggling and having a hard time with various opportunities provided to them. I've seen folks that are trying to do better but they just have no luck. Those are the ones I usually help.

Mac12769's picture

Oh yeah, its hard to get the help to the folks that REALLY need it, just a hand up, not a hand out.
Sooo much abusive of the system out there....

DeeMan's picture

I like that....a hand up and not a hand out. That's so true man. I know it can be hard to discern, heck it's hard for me at times. I remember when I picked up a few pizzas. I was getting back in my car and saw a guy asking for money for food. I gave the guy a whole pizza and guess what the guy did? He says that pizza can't get him drunk and throws down the full box of pizza. I couldn't do anything but get in my car and drive off. It was crazy. He'd rather get drunk and starve to death than eat and live. Makes alot of sense right?

Makwa's picture

At my work we were doing a musky rehabilitation project for a lake and one of the objectives was to lower the northern pike population in the lake. We netted and removed 2500 lbs of pike from the lake. Took it to the local butcher/processor here and he made it into fish patties for no charge. Gave it to the food banks and it was all gone in 2.5 days. Fish is a hot item just like the venison.

Mac12769's picture

Very cool. That's a lotta fish. I'm sure you packed up a cooler full or two throughout the deal lol.

Makwa's picture

We kept several tubs full and filleted them out until we were sick of doing it and gave them to the elders here. I prefer the actual fillets over the patties myself Lol

alekaras's picture

That's awesome brother, I try to convince some fat heads to do the same, even in open for advertising them self's, it's for a good cause so fuck them.. No humanity here just profit..

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Ohyo2247's picture

i cant wait to see the first woman to play in the nfl its going to be epic, any one wanna chip in what they think would happen the first play there out there

DavosD's picture

Lmao they are gonna run a train or her, or atleast after getting her first good solid hit it will feel like they ran a train over her...

76's picture

84 players ejected for sexual assault, we all see where those hands go...there are no sacred places on your body when youre playing football..

DeeMan's picture

And if their hands go where there not suppose to go then T will stand for time

DeeMan's picture

It doesn't held that their test levels are at 50,000ng that resulted directly from using Usgear's testosterone! So in a way you would be responsible sir lol

76's picture

lol dont put that evil on me ricky bobby!

Makwa's picture

Will be a kicker or a punter so probably won't get touched.

DeeMan's picture

I'll just say have an ambulance close by

76's picture

We all saw that trans mma fight, the one where the trans fighter cracked that chicks skull. It just seems like it might be a bit unfair...

DeeMan's picture

Yeah a bit unfair. Craziness

wanted's picture

No no. No rough tackles

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DeeMan's picture

Once she falls on the field you'll be waiting for her down there!

Ohyo2247's picture

no doubt lol

Pumped_'s picture

They way they keep changing the rules to "protect the players" it seems like that's what they are already gearing at