JakeKO's picture
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+ 9 So who else is dreading NEWB WEEK 2023 at the gym next Monday???


Every year, it’s the same ole shit at my gym. All the New Years Resolutioners will be flocking my gym with their inexperienced nonsense. I’m all for the people taking it seriously, and willing to lend a hand in helping them use the machines, spotting, etc. just not looking forward to all the bench occupying, text messaging, Instagraming dumb asses who won’t be there by the 3rd week of January. SMH!

My New Year Resolution will be arriving at the gym by 5am every morning for the first month to not have to deal with this bullshit once again. Maybe I can just keep it going for the rest of the year.

Onetimehitta's picture

The lack of gym etiquette use to bother me but now I kinda look forward to seeing new faces and being able to assist a newbie or someone who looks unsure about a machine. I try my best to not over step boundaries and offer constructive feedback to get them pointed in right direction.

I remember first time I walked into gym and felt so uncomfortable and I’m sure there were “gym bro’s” who thought to them selves this guys not gonna be here next month. Surprise Mother Trucker!!! Still grinding lol

Diesel77's picture

Gym full of newbs can be a bit frustrating, especially when you are in there all business ..straight clangin and bangin...but ....


JEX30Sex's picture

It started at my gym a couple weeks before Christmas. Started seeing the real big Biggins coming in I guess to shed some blubber before they see their family. Haven't seen them since. But now we got a new crop of high school looking kids. Most of them aren't a problem really but they have no gym etiquette. I had a little twerp come over to my bench the other day and just start taking weights without asking. I had to give him a talking to. So the little shit threw the weights on the floor. Literally tossed them and stormed off. I really had to do the old 10 Mississippi or I would have went to jail that day.

WLawson82's picture

I live in a town with 3 universities and it's shit show some times. That's why I go to the gym around midnight while the fellows is out getting plastered and chasing tail!

Badgoat1's picture

When I was at the small local gym it was never a problem. Now that I'm at a large warehouse style gym that only charges $10 a month it's packed year round especially in January. 5 am workouts helped in past years but I can't do that this year as I'm now a full custody father and drive my kid to school every morning before work. I'm finding ways to use diff equipment this month, as all the new people just do bench, lat pull downs, and curls. The ladies all use the cardio equipment and the sauna is always full. Feb will go back to normal hopefully.

JakeKO's picture

I never have an issue with them. They rarely use the same equipment, and if they do, they ain’t playing around. Lol

Greg's picture

Hey, I'm there for only a week and it's my annual prepaid contribution that keeps your dues low and the lights on.

JakeKO's picture

Lol, thank you!

JessC0re's picture

That’s basically year round for my gym. My gym is OVERCROWDED 24/7 and more than half the people in there are newbs and just in general small weak wanna be influencers with their tripods set up every 3 feet

JEX30Sex's picture

That would drive me absolutely insane. I haven't seen any tripods at mine (yet). But I have a really hard time controlling my temper and not barking at these little broccoli headed tards on their phone or just dicking around high fiving and jerking each other off.

WLawson82's picture


Nactar's picture

Bro I hate when all the tourists show up.

Hulkboy80's picture

This guy.

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WLawson82's picture

Watch the leather man...

JakeKO's picture

Alright, Alright, Alright!


press1's picture

Blimey I see you guy's are having it rough over there atm, -45 C in Montana!!

In a promo × 1
JakeKO's picture

Yeah, thank got I’m on the East Coast, although We’ve been in single digits for a few days now. About to leave for the gym and I know it’s going to suck driving there. Car will finally get warm as we pull in the lot. SMH

press1's picture

'You mean you pay a hundred grand for a car and you ain't got no Damn seat warmers!!!' LMAO Yeh Yeh I know its cup holders Lol Nothing like sitting down on some freezing cold leather seats and breathing in cold heater air that takes 10 minutes to warm up haha We are 0 C here today again ...

I Hope ya got your camera charged and your tripod packed Jake Lmfao

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JakeKO's picture

Luckily, there were only four other people there when we got there. Within an hour, it started getting busy, but we were already on our way out. So didn’t want to go this morning, but pushed through it and happy we did. I’m not doing anything else for the rest of the day..

Bill1976's picture

I never noticed it. Maybe I wasn’t paying attention. But newbs don’t usually go to a gym like mine. I been out of the gym for months. Two more weeks My doctor wants me to wait. I can’t wait. I hate it when you realize how much strength you lost

In a promo × 1
Jayzgainz's picture

I go to the same type of gym. Not that newcomers aren't welcome but it is geared towards people that are serious about training and that is the reputation it has.
I was out of commission for awhile because of surgeries. You're gonna feel so good when you're back at it.

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
JakeKO's picture

You be back to normal before you know it.

JakeKO's picture


simonmagus84's picture

I know some of you workout in the early AM but that’s the time to avoid the broccoli Stalks. They don’t wake up until like 11:30 so point blank, if you can’t get to the gym between the hours of 5am-11am, you’re going to be waiting for a while. The kids with grocery section haircuts will occupy literally everything.

Diesel22's picture

Very true. The gym I go to opens at 5am. Myself and probably 10 others are there when the doors open at 5am. (Morning crew) all real deal athletes, that take lifting very serious.

JakeKO's picture

Lol! I don’t get it though. Is there some famous guy out there They are trying to be like that I just don’t know about???

JakeKO's picture

I just googled it and it seems they’re trying to look like Patrick Mahomes, SMH

JakeKO's picture

LOL! I actually worked at Merry Go Round back then. I was the one selling them those stupid pants. My Cavaricci’s weren’t much better, LOL,

0newheelup's picture

I might have bought a pair or two...lol. --

0newheelup's picture

Those will be coming back... Parachute gym pants by day and z cavaricci by night.. Word!

JakeKO's picture

I loved my Countdown parachute pants back in the day. Most comfortable pants ever if the were the real brand. They should make the cut like a regular pair of jeans and I bet they would be popular again. The knockoffs were all scratchy and people could here you coming from a block away.

Zee's picture

Haha 6am is the perfect time for me. 7am is when it starts to slowly pick up.
Evenings are always worsts with broccoli haircuts.

JakeKO's picture


0newheelup's picture

It's been a problem at my gym. Tons of high schoolers having what's more of a social meet than a workout. They tie up everthing from the parkinglot to the equipment. Now add in all the new year people... lol smh..

Thank god I just finished up a remodel at my house freeing up a room that will allow me to reset up my home gym again. Maybe I'll be able to jump on this early morning workout schedule also.. Happy Holidays to ya!

JakeKO's picture

I hear ya! We’ve been using our home gym since Covid started, but we recently saw a special deal at our old gym and decided to go back because even though our home gym is pretty well equipped, there are a lot of machines we don’t have that can better target our goals. I’m actually a little sore after our first week back, so I know I wasn’t properly hitting some body parts. Hoping I can deal with the crowds. So far, the 5am crowd seems great and serious about their training, so I’m excited to be back.

iFit's picture

Used to bother me. Not anymore. Look at it this way and it will change your outlook. I’ve been going non stop 40 years. No breaks. I’ve seen thousands of new members. Only 1% are still going long as me. In order to make a gym work as a business they need these people. 80% of members don’t regularly go to gym or go at all but they continue paying their membership fee which effectively subsidizes the 20%. If they all went the gym wouldn’t have the capacity. If they didn’t, our memberships would be 5x higher. I thank them for joining me realize most will be gone in a few weeks.

Nattyboomba's picture

This is an impressive perspective. I like it

JakeKO's picture


Nattyboomba's picture

I don’t use the gym anymore, and one of the benefits is that I don’t need to allow others poor gym etiquette interfere with my training. Also, I have little patience for cell phone use in the gym. People scrolling while sitting on a needed machine or tripods everywhere. I begin to atrophy just seeing that shit

DeeMan's picture

Now that cell phone thing during gym is beyond rediculous man. Makes no sense. They can go outside the gym or go to the restroom to play with phone.