Bricksthemasterpiece's picture
  • 12

For people in the usa


Since this virus problem ARe you guys that live in the USA buying mostly domestic now or are you still trying to stay loyal or using your International sources

suprswoop113_'s picture

USA. First time order

vhman's picture


Pumped_'s picture

Is this a DEA survey?!

Halsey's picture

I want taco bell damnit.

Halsey's picture

Does it come with a liter of cola?

Goose24's picture

Of course ya fucking skinny little green pickle

Halsey's picture

Do you remember the movie "Super Troopers"?

Goose24's picture

Of course!

Greg's picture

Hey now, he's what you stick down your pants to make yourself look larger. The pickle should get your respect.

Halsey's picture

Now we're talking This is Spinal tap!

Goose24's picture

Since ya say it like that.. lol

Apparently I have a “micro penis” since I take AAS. So the pickle gets my respect... for the day...

Halsey's picture

Thanks Greg, for always looking out for my pickle.

JL's picture

Never ever eating a pickle from your fridge! :-/

Greg's picture

Since this virus problem are you guys that live in the EU buying mostly domestic now or are you still trying to stay loyal or using your International sources? Really a pointless question but, you know, inquiring minds and all that.

Bricksthemasterpiece's picture

I wrote it boss because in the US there's not that many trustful sources and international sources are always cheaper than domestic but lately they've been taking four to six weeks instead of their usual one to two weeks so I was wondering if people in the US were just going to domestic and paying the extra or just waiting for the longest Postal Service

Pumped_'s picture

HEY HEY! Whats your problem with us in USA? Ive been burned by more international chicks than local chicks. They are not trustworthy lol

Greg's picture

So now we're not trustworthy in the US?

Halsey's picture

Nice job buddy!

Zalewski's picture


For those who don’t why the reference