press1's picture
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+ 6 Okay, Grab your Balls guys .....


I recommend EVERYONE watches this video that Larry Wheels (Aka Mr Anadrol lol) has just uploaded regarding his blood test results of him using PED's for 8 years ....

If you are just about to do your first cycle then this is even more important to you and your long term health.

His doctor discusses his Blood Test results and interprets them all, giving advice on protecting organs and the various stages of irreversible damage that can be done if you Do Not protect yourself with all the supplements we now have to hand :-)

Redmanlfc's picture

Good vid, thanks for posting Press

Spark's picture

Great video. Love the scars on his shins from DL's.

Bill G's picture

I thought he was natty

press1's picture

So far he's admitted to 750mg Test and 150mg Adrol ED but I think we can all safely say its more than that Lol 145kg of some of the biggest power on earth there.

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Bill G's picture

I saw a month ago or so you started pinning some bpc157. How did that work for your shoulder? Mine is fucked and not getting better. It was an all of a sudden onset. But feels like a bone spur. Kinda grind inside. I can do shoulder pressed with light (40)# dumbells. And chest press is worse and no flat bench. Not even the bar. . Right in The front of my shoulder. Right at the tie in point for every thing. It may be a pinched nerve in my neck . It seems to move around my shoulder. It will hurt when I take my ball cap off. Then it won't then it will hurt doing face pulls. And is a sonofabitch to lay on. Any way I just ordered some bpc157 and the tb500. The reason I think its in my neck is the shoulder feels out of balance. I can see it is off in the mirror. So how did it work for you

press1's picture

UUuuff You are going back a bit of time with that now dude! I think that was around 5 months ago, maddogg will remember. I tried 2 different BPC 157's - one of them hurt like a bitch to inject and really burned and the other I dunno really. I tried a few weeks but I don't think the dose was high enough and I kinda stopped, found it tedious also injecting ED along with the gear. It was just by pure chance I started loading up on creatine again (normal monohydrate - micronised) and within a week I kid you not I went from feeling like puking from the pain just during the warm up to lifting balls out heavy again. If you look around that time I was preaching it as a miracle cure to many people with shoulder problems and to just try it out. I found some literature that it does help heal tendons too along with IGF-1 it causes to be released. I just do a steady 10g per day, trenbolone also really helps joints and tendons heal massively just as long as you stay well hydrated on it. Thats to do with IGF-1 production that it causes also :-))

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Bill G's picture

Right on. I've added about 30mg of deca to my trt/ cruise 125mg. I say that cause I told my fake dr to suck it and am running it my self. I've done 2 shots of the deca amd am getting a bunch of relief. I used creatine in the past and I caused kidney problems. But I didn't k ow with all the red meat o was eating a should not have needed to supplement with it amd I thought well if 10g was good why not twenty. Way too much. My shoulders were great but it felt like I got kicked in the kidneys. I havent used it since. I did order some bpc157 and tb500. Ill try it and see.

press1's picture

Tbh Bill I don't think the amount of meat you are eating will have pushed your creatine levels that high - You need to eat 1kg of uncooked red meat to get 5g creatine. So to get 10g creatine per day thats 2kg of RAW meat!! This is why supplementation with it is important if you want the benefits from it, same as with BCAA's and protein powders. Yes you can get it from normal food but taking it on top of that is where the real differences come into play. Shoulder joints are fickle things too - one minute you are crippled with pain and the buggers are grinding and impinged then the next after a good week off from heavy lifting and just doing a light deload you can be fine again.

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press1's picture

Have you ever seen the back of his head/scalp with all the blood spurting boils and scars he has there?!! I'm surprised to hear he even bothers with accutane as he's already caused a tonne of scaring anyway.

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Sam I Am's picture

I tried to grab mine but they went away a long time ago...

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stairmaster's picture

4 yrs ago I had bloods like him, I reduced all for a year and everything was fine again, thanks for the vid. bro!

Goose24's picture


stairmaster's picture

4x fuck you ago Smile

Jim Layhey's picture

Hate Larry wheels

maddogg's picture

There he finally is! Came out of the SI page “Dumbest shit on eroids” closet lol.;)

Jim Layhey's picture

I’m here for a friend ;)

Sam I Am's picture

Yea fuck that guy ...

Owes a Review × 1
Jim Layhey's picture

stairmaster's picture

You hate honest people, alright!

Jim Layhey's picture

the guy is Chinese knock off Michael Clarke Duncan!

press1's picture

Larry is a Legend LOL

Tbh I'd probably take his life over mine nowadays .....

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Jim Layhey's picture

Bro Duncan Shits on Larry

cmon man!

press1's picture

UUuufff I therefore Ban you from this page Jim Lol

I may even neg you for that comment hahaha

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Jim Layhey's picture

Come on baby you’re so money and you don’t even know it! ;) Name that movie!

press1's picture

Swingers Lol I had to look that up as I've never even seen the Film haha

Is it some Homo flick Jim? I'm still waiting to see you in your cut off denim shorts and cowboy boots when we go shooting ....

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press1's picture

Very interesting that its the Protein being forced through the small kidney holes by high blood pressure that damages them!! Did you catch the name of the drug that Larry takes to coat his stomach for the orals he takes Mol?

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thebuilder's picture

nexium is what it sounded like.

press1's picture

Just shows what he is willing to put up with to keep his strength levels insane doesn't it - He had crippling stomach pain, could barely eat, felt ill as f**k but still kept popping the Adrol. It won't just be a few tabs either - he'll be on 3 to 400mg a day of Adrol I guarantee it to lift at the levels he does as he doesn't do tren.

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press1's picture

Yeh you think - the acid reflux drug?

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