Airhoes's picture
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Strength and hypertrophy


Before I go into this let me explain my intentions. My goals are to gain lean mass. Now I have a good physique, although no monster, 165 at 11% bf. Also have above average musculature. But while my physique is in the early stages of being well developed, my strength is below average. 1 MR bench is 170 squat is 200 and DL is about 260. I’m training high volume, natural. Usually 12-15 rep per set, 4-6 sets per exercise, 12-15 exercise per session on push/pull days. Training for hypertrophy, my question is do I need to train for strength using lower rep high weight in order to keep my progress moving along, or will my progress continue making size gains with slow strength gains?

dextetherdog's picture

And againnnnnn

johnmarshall12's picture

Try doing negative reps in all lifts once a week. That should help a bit. also if you want strength you have to life high volume of heavy!

helloBrooklyn's picture

Yeah, of course. Quite honestly, I am all for cookie cutters for novices and intermediates. The way I see it, if the cutter consistently makes for tough cookies, why wouldn’t you want to be a tough cookie? It’s a cute idea that we’re all special and unique snowflakes and we all need our own little customized programs, but we really don’t. That’s a marketing trick to get your money. Not until we’re advanced do we need customization, barring some physical deformity or some need to work with a physical therapist for rehabilitation. But anyways, once you’re advanced, THEN we can talk about advanced programming, and I’ll be the first one to chew your ear off about it, because I love this shit. Until then, I’d really, truly let the ego go, bite the bullet, and pick a cookie cutter. I really would. If I could do it all over again, I wish I’d done that. I’d be so much further along than I am now. No doubt about it.

helloBrooklyn's picture

You’re a novice. Why aren’t you running a real program written by a strength and conditioning coach who’s gotten thousands of people big and strong? You’re natural. Strength is the result of hypertrophy, hypertrophy is the result of strength. It’s not like they’re two separate goals when you’re starting out. The overlap is at least 90%. At least. When drugs are thrown in the mix (obviously you won’t be using any), that’s when size and strength can be separated significantly, and site enhancement skews the ratios even further. SEOs, implants, yada yada

There’s no need to do anything but find a good novice program and run it exactly as written. Starting Strength, Strong Lifts, Greyskull LP, ICF 5x5, pick one and do it until you hit the advanced stage in the big 4 (squat, bench, dead, press):

Keep lean through dieting, stay consistent, and you’ll be a big fuck.

Another great goal to work towards: A 100 lb weighted chin-up, a 200 lb strict standing press, a 300 lb paused bench, a 400 lb squat to depth, and a 500 lb conventional DL. All at once. At any body weight.

The chin up is your weight control that makes sure you don’t get too overweight. If you do, you won’t be able to do the chin up with 100 lbs added to you via a dipping belt. But the press and bench ensure you don’t under-eat. A skinny guy won’t strict press 200 lbs or bench 300 lbs with a pause unless he’s a 1/1,000,000 genetic freak

Have fun!

Sam I Am's picture

Good post.

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helloBrooklyn's picture

Because you’re just winging it instead of running an actual structured program with progressive overload built into it. Boy if I could have those years running bro splits as a natty back… all that wasted time

Ideally, you’d be doing a full body 3x a week ABA/BAB or a 4 day movement pattern split like push/pull or upper/lower

Yes, push/pull. “Push/pull/legs” is a misnomer. Squats are pushes and deadlifts are pulls. Having a separate day just for legs is usually where novices fuck up and waste their time

Sam I Am's picture

Building muscle and training for strength are two different things.
When your gains stop then switch. Imo you need both .

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Sam I Am's picture

Your only 22. Hope your not useing gear.
My advice is this. Forget the lean gains and dont be afraid to eat. If you want to put on muscle you need a calorie surplus. I would recommend periods of low rep compound movements. When you stall go back to high reps.
Muscle confusion, hitting different angles. Just basic stuff.
My best gains have come training each part twice weekly.

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