TKO_33-0's picture
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-1 Qualifiers for HGH


Hey fellas I’m 30yr old and 16-17% body fat with 3 cycles under my belt. At one point in my life I was50% bf. I’m looking to get to 8-10%. I was thinking about GH but don’t want to jump the Gun on it. What do you feel one needs to justify a FH cycle?

Goose24's picture

His homo deer emoji was gay as fuq!

Greg's picture

Hello again GlycogenGuy, GearMan716, WetNoodle9099, Glycogenguy2' PinCushionAss, GlycogenGuy2.0, TKO_33-0

sunamcaxa's picture

hes trying to beat my record hehe

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giardap's picture

That was a verrrrrrry funny few weeks!

sunamcaxa's picture

yes it was I enjoyed it aswell :)) you called me tren fella I remember Smile

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press1's picture

Go on Giar - fill us in? Lol

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giardap's picture

Ah man, I found it hilarious! He was banned about 50 times by the lads, and each time he had a different tren related name, completely individual!

It was hilarious as he actually wanted to engage, have fun and get advice, but couldnt stop the messing and kept getting banned!

Nice lad, just a messer! Proven himself since as far as I know and took lots of advice seriously.

PPGfreak's picture

Personally I love GH because of how healthy all the benefits are. I have to say it had drastically helped me improve myself 10 different ways.

However, I would not purchase it just for fat loss only. That’s probably the most expensive fat loss plan I’ve heard of. Because in place of the GH you could add an extra 20 minutes a day of cardio and probably get the same weight loss affects.

But yes, if you’re combining exercise with the perfect diet and you add Gh to it..... it will only improve the effects of everything else.

Now when it comes down to people saying they’re going to “run a GH cycle” it’s not something I agree with. Either stay on it for a long time or don’t run it at all. Basically all the affects other than improved sleep take quite a while to notice. But they are priceless once you get them.

press1's picture

I Hope this isn't a new GG account...

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Bill G's picture

Any one that replies" yeah thanks buddy " is surly suspect

press1's picture

What if its Ronnie coleman?! Yeh buddy - light weight Lol

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Bill G's picture

Gary Colman maybe

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Yeah mate from his response below I'm pretty sure it is him :-) again

press1's picture

Given he normally responds to anything within 2 seconds of posting I think its a given Lol...I think there should be a 'Militant Members' rank available on here...Us 3, Bill & Sam first up

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Bill G's picture

You notice this guy isnt responding either way to the accusation

Bill G's picture

Maybe he will start acting right and be a contributing member. Instead of a duesh bag

Bill G's picture

Well that didnt take long. Thought this guy was a computer genius

press1's picture

Some people think they are being more clever by not responding lol

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Bill G's picture

Tko in the first round

press1's picture

He thought he was Boxing clever...

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Bill G's picture

He got banned at 2 karma. Then after he got banned it went to-22

Armwrestlingfiend's picture

I would diet down brotha that’s all you really need to lose bf. And if I were to get hgh I would definitely find some pharma grade stuff however people have gotten good bloods on generic stuff also but, for me personally pharma grade would put my mind at ease ya know.

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Armwrestlingfiend's picture

Ya it’s a personal preference I guess but it puts my mind at ease. All I pick up is pharma grade test and ai’s Now. Sure it’s a bit expensive but if you look around you can find some good prices and it’s definitely worth it.

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5percent4life's picture

Withgh you get what you pay for

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Makwa's picture

A fat wallet helps for one. GH is more of luxury than a necessity. I can think of a lot of other compounds out there that are a fraction of the cost and produce much quicker results than GH when it comes to fat loss. I don't really view GH as a fatloss drug. In the months and hundreds and hundreds of dollars it would take I could get the equivalent amount of fatloss in essentially a few weeks for under $30 with a good ECA or albuterol stack with a good diet.

Now if you are old like me and looking more for anti-aging benefits and then hyperplasia when combined with IGF, then GH is a big tool in the tool box, but solely for fat-loss, I would be looking elsewhere.

5percent4life's picture

Tell me about it lol. Drpped like 3 grand. Got out of surgery yesterday

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5percent4life's picture

No torn pec and front delt

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