browers's picture
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+ 1 500mg/ml test PIP


Hey everyone,

Ive ran some sust before the test 500 so id assume no virgin muscles but 20h after i injected the test 500 1cc i couldnt almost walk anymore. Now its the next day and i cant even stand on that leg anymore it even hurts when i lie down. There are no symptoms of heat or redness but it does feel tight on the inside. I knew i was fucking stupid injecting that whole cc and getting the consequences now. Anyway i did some research about diluting it and i was wondering if this was good to go:

Lastly is there anything i can do to speed up the recovery cuz i cant even walk at this point.

i hope u guys can be of any assistance Smile

JimmyGodwin's picture

Hello. Just want to share my experience. I am 40 years old ,between the ages of 25 and 35 I was taking testosterone cyp a week. 100 mg a week doctor prescribed. Never any issue in 10ths. Injecting back-and-forth into thigh area. Took a few years off because going back-and-forth with doctors on it. A few years later I’m finally trying some product online. Megatest500, injected into thigh. Seemed like a good injection. The following day I literally couldn’t bend my knee. Very painful hardened area throughout my thigh. No lump that you could see, only feel underneath the skin. Two weeks now I am almost finally able to use that leg fully again. Didn’t feel nothing with the first injection, not sure if I would or not but I definitely didn’t. Except a shit ton of pain in my leg that’s it. Now I’m pretty much leery about injecting again. I tested, it read good. What went wrong?? Million dollarQuestion in my mind. Like you had a similar experience. Anything u can pass on

Diesel77's picture

Painful injects are very common with High MG concentration solutions. They require alot of solvents in order to stay suspended in oil solutions, which results in the post injection pain. Stay away from them and stick to regular doses like test Cyp 200mg/ml or test e 250mg/ml. High MG like test500 is best blended with other oils, to reduce the amount of oil volume injected. Take some ibuprofen or acetaminophen for the pain relief and use regular dosed testosterone like you originally did. Inject in glutes for painless injections. Check out for guides to various sites. Rotate injection sites to avoid scar tissue build up from injecting in same spot over and over. Good luck

press1's picture

Don't worry, it will get better in time. I've been here many times before - as long as you feel its not an infection only time will heal it and nothing else. Normally when you can barely walk on it you are looking at least 7 - 10 days before things are better. It can often be from hitting nerves and veins that didn't really hurt much at the time also.

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Carlos Danger's picture

It’s how it’s brewed. I’ve had two different recipes from the same brewer. One was agony and the other ecstasy. Just how it’s brewed. There’s a lot to do with crawling before you walk too. This isn’t a race man.

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DfromPhilly's picture


browers's picture

Update: about 60h after injection its getting a little better moving alot seems to help so does the ibuprofen also massages are nice. Stil big trouble with walking tho, walking like a crippled man hahahaha.

november1's picture

I had the same problem.
I thought I will die from pain.
I put 1/4 cc of pure 500 test.
Big mistake. Big.

For me helped.
Something cold on the spot
Vitamin c 2mg day
Lots of water

Owes a Review × 1
browers's picture

Why is massaging bad is i may ask? a soft massage to stimulate the bloodflow and the liquid to the lymphatic system should speed up recovery right?

Makwa's picture

Suck it up buttercup. Not much you can do now.
Just get some normal dosed gear.

Diesel-1's picture

It never ceases to amaze me when someone injects high concentration gear, in your case half a gram in one cc and are surprised when they get pip. Really the only thing you can do at this point is just endure the pain and take ibuprofen. In your future pins I'd suggest doing .5cc(250mg) to .6cc(300mg) and mix with another compound.

browers's picture

hahaha yeah i wil defenitly, learned my lesson the hard way.

Becausesquat's picture

Who still buys high mg/ml gear the stuff is like injecting fire

RangerVet's picture

Lmao..your right

Goose24's picture

You recommend EO over grape seed oil? Oh boy I have to hear why.

Have you ever looked at a rubber stopper months after having a bottle of TNE? Or any other compound that uses EO? Can only imagine what all your valves and arteries would look like after years of use.

And the only thing that going to help with that pip pain is Tylenol.

DfromPhilly's picture

I think it’s the guac that does that. Not the EO. Just a theory anyways. Oils I’ve had with EO and not guac we’re fine. Some labs (including a VERY highly regarded one that people equate to pharma) are using EO only for the carrier now. As long as you don’t have an allergy to it or some shit it’s actually very smooth.

Eagles 2013's picture

There is a very reputable UGL "sust" out there dosed at 450 mg/ml and I can inject full ml's with zero PIP. It's basically a unicorn lol- you don't believe that it's real until you touch it. I know the carrier oil was peach seed the last time I used it, but can't remember if there was any EO or not. I haven't used it in 2.5 years though, because even though it was great for keeping oil volume down on heavier/more complex cycles, it gave me acne substantially worse than anything else I have ever used. I mean I looked like I had chicken pox on my upper body. EO is very common in highly concentrated gear though, you are correct about that.

Goose24's picture

You are totally missing the point bro.

Eagles 2013's picture

I once tried a blend that was 175mg test prop & 125 mg tren ace per ml. I couldn't even micro dose that without crippling pip. I would suggest just diluting it. A lot of times sources will use much larger amounts of solvents in the higher concentrated vials which can amplify the PIP.

Have you checked what solvents were used and how much? Always the outside chance that there is a solvent in there that you have never used before and your body doesn't agree with it.

Also, be sure to double check your math when your diluting it to make sure that your ratios are correct and your not injecting more or less than you intend to. Seems simple, but people do mess it up. There have been several posts over the years where people have messed up reconstituting GH.

Eagles 2013's picture

Yeah, it wasn't a good decision on my part lol. It has been a while but I know that it had EO, BA and BB. I don't think that Guiacol was advertised but I know that it was in there by the smell.

RangerVet's picture

For the love of god what did you think would happen??
Never take more than .5ml of any high doses product at one time and use butt
Dilute that shit with your other test or oil. It won't hurt
Take antiinflammatores if you need. Your gonna be sore for 7 to 10 days. Have fun with that. Today isn't the worst day either. Wooo!!! Good lesson...hehe +1 For your pain lol

browers's picture

Hahaha this shit can even get worse ? i gues lesson learned didnt think the pip would be this bad. anyway if im gonna dilute this does it have to be the same oil as the test or is grapeseed oil oke? im not sure what oil the test is made in tbh

RangerVet's picture

I'm not a scientist but I just mix it with other tesrosterone I have and it never hurt again. If you are only taking test try taking half a ml of your 500 and whatever you need from other vial of test. Or use that rapeseed oil. It's fine. Only thing you can do now is
Multiple long hot showers
Ibuprofen 800mg max 2 times a day after eating. Never empty stomach for next 7 days
Activity...the more you walk or do shit the easier it will be
Gentle stretching of area
Stay strong. It will get better...hehe just not today

Goose24's picture

Where do I find "rapeseed oil" lol

RangerVet's picture

Bill Cosby stole it all lol

RangerVet's picture

Lmao oops damn you!

Goose24's picture


browers's picture

hahaha thanks alot man ill take this advice and see what happends

herpjunkie111's picture

It's solid advice from RV, he's a nurse and has experience with these matters. It probably will get worse before it gets better though, be horrible around day 4. Basically gonna have to rehab that leg too it's gonna be so weak when this is finally over. The first time I shot a ml of test P plus my TRT dose of test C in my quad that happened to me, won't make that mistake again. Those bigger ml shots go in the glutes, I won't go over 1 ml in quads now, not with doing legs twice a week.

Best thing to do is not sit down and stay still for long periods, I know if you sit and get comfortable it'll feel better but you gotta get that soreness out. Try a heating pad too, few minutes on, few minutes off.

browers's picture

good thing im studying physical therapy i can rehab myself, hahaha in some way i find this kind of funny

RangerVet's picture

It's funny because you can't describe the pain to so.ebody who hasn't done it themselves. The next week try to keep calm lol...i did 500mg in my quad and it went down and swelling made my knee twice the size and edema all the way to foot. I thought it was over lol!!! Thought this is getting cut off!!! A week of pain later it was fine. We are crazy

browers's picture

Hahahah i got the exact same thing, i can feel it going towards my knee it aint swollen yet but my upper leg is. For now im just stretching and moving. When i woke up i couldnt even walk going alot better now

RangerVet's picture

Lmao!! This is funny and a lot of us at one point or another thought we were going to die from pip

herpjunkie111's picture

Yep, you can be your own test subject, lol.

Seriously though, you know then that pain is caused by the occurrence of tissue damage, so say this lasts 7-10 days that constant tissue damage for that period of time, it will weaken the muscle and probably cause some atrophy, so start back slow and work up.

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