Geareduprn1's picture
  • 8

+ 1 Remain fertile on trt


My total came back at 311 and free at 8.5. If my doc will give me trt is there anything I can do to remain fertile. My wife and I are trying to have a baby. Do I need to just wait for trt? I’m getting fat and lazy with these levels it sucks. Any advice?

Geareduprn1's picture

Mission accomplished!!! She took two tests last night both positive.

zeusmarada's picture

(Damn double reply. Ugh. Congrats again!)

zeusmarada's picture

Shit just got real, brother! CONGRATS! When that baby is born, your current identity is over. "Remember why you lift." The world needs your strength. Your family needs the healthiest version of you possible. It's worth it, more than my limited vocabulary can convey to you. Soak it all in, brother. Kids are the coolest thing in the world. Total pain in the ass, but the best high you'll ever experience. All the best. +1 for your upcoming sleepless nights. They're awful, but that baby is worth everything in your world, I promise.

Geareduprn1's picture

Thanks man. We both brought kids into the marriage but my son is almost 7 so it’s been a long time since I’ve done the baby thing. I’m very excited and happy that we didn’t have trouble conceiving. Thanks again for the support

zeusmarada's picture

Ah, then you know this roller coaster all too well. VERY COOL. +1 again, simply cuz you have a kick ass attitude and your positivity has made me damn happy as I type this! (That's not just the copious amount of caffeine coursing through my system that's saying that! Although coffee is extra delicious today, not gonna lie.)

I've always heard from old timers, "go on as many vacations as you can, and have as many kids as you can." (Granted, I'm surrounded by Mexicans & Greeks on both sides of my family, none of which are afraid to procreate... good Lord.)

Very sincerely, CONGRATS!

Again, your loved ones need your strength. Get your lifts in. You're a man. You can do this. You're not alone. Cheers indeed!!!! KIDS ARE AWESOME.

Dacky's picture

Damn reading your exchanges with the OP made me smile and I’m on my commute home which is always horrible and I almost always never smile during this time. I’m going *2 you both for that!

GrowMore's picture


Owes a Review × 1
kibby's picture

Over the fucking moon for you both

Owes a Review × 1
twistedsister's picture

look at the hcg discussion under my forums you will find some other members there who can relate

Geareduprn1's picture

I did look here. Great thread thank you. I feel better about going to talk to the doc about HCG

Geareduprn1's picture

Ok so if I get the run around from the doc and decide to do this independently what dose of cyp would you guys recommend and should I start hcg right away or can I start later if needed.

IrishMack's picture

Nice try, noone will cosign self trt. If you are saying the lab "changed ranges" that sounds suspect. There is reference range. What was your E2? The question you asked was definitely for your doctor. If that's your pic in your avatar it certainly does not look you suffer from low test.

Dacky's picture

In fairness the labs and medical profession did change/lower the reference ranges in Jan of his year. I know this because I am currently going though an endocrinological assessment for low T. I’m at 300 Total Test and borderline low free test with low LH, FSH and estro. Waiting on semen analysis. I’ve got pretty bad symptoms though and also desire to have a baby so it’s complicated. Next endo appointment on 6 December so let’s see what the next steps are.

IrishMack's picture

When was your last cycle? Also your age is different from the op and your cycle history. It could be not enough time has passed for you to have fully recovered. In hindsight a friend of mine came back at 290 total test and does not want to trt, he is not having any "symptoms" of low T. I honestly believe that most of it is placebo. Not all but most. When I was at 250 i gained weight, lost a little libido and was drinking heavily. But I still functioned fine and had no problems getting out of bed or living. Thats why when those commercials came out everyone had symptoms of low t, shit my wife has symptoms and she is a woman if you follow what they say.

Dacky's picture

Oh no doubt mate very different circumstances than the OP. It’s been 9 months since my last cycle. PCT went very well. Labs came back fine after and was at my baseline of 600. I’ve been cycling for years and have always done so responsibly. Always PCT’d, always taker proper time off, always done my bloodwork etc. Missus and I decided we want kids hence me coming of and staying off.

I started to feel progressively worse and worse the last few months. Symptoms of poor mood (not depressed but just extremely grumpy and bad temprered) at home and at work, low energy, weight gain around my stomach, significant drop in strength in the gym, zero libido (i.e. no interest in sex) and sometime problems with an erection when I did manage to get interested. So here I am. I know how I am meant to feel and this is not right.

We still want to have the baby so I’m waiting for the results of my semen analysis and then further discussions with the endo to figure out the right treatment option.

IrishMack's picture

Good luck, hope you can still get her knocked up.

Dacky's picture

Thanks brother.

Geareduprn1's picture

I’m 33, couldn’t find where the age discrepancy is. I’m 8 weeks out now was ten for my first test. I’ve done 3 cycles. First was 500 test for 12 second was 500 test for 14 with dbol 30 for 4 and tren at 325 for the last 8 ( I know way to soon and my wife said no more cuz I’m a dick on it). This last cycle was 14 weeks of test at 625 with 50 of windy for the last 5. My pct was 500 daily hcg 4-14 days post last shot. Weeks 2-4 50 of clomid 40 nolvadex. Week 5 25 clomid 20 nolva. Week 6 20 nolva. 6g DAA weeks 5-now

IrishMack's picture

It does take time for your hpta to kick back in for some people, research more here on some people that it took a few months after PCT for their numbers to become normal again. You are still in the PCT window to get your levels back. I am an advocate for TRT if it warrants it as I am on it myself. I am not an advocate of how everyone thinks they have low t or issues without even looking at any other factors. You are going to get answers here for and against but you are on an aas site, its like going to a mustang forum and asking them if you should buy a camaro. Research trt forums, not going to aas sites.

Geareduprn1's picture

I’m new to using any forums. Is there a way to post my labs? In March I tested at 273 and at that time it had a reference range from 353-1150. I just tested the other day and was 311 and now the range is 264 916. My original value of 273 still has the (L) next to it even though it is in the new range. Not sure about E2 he never tested it.

IrishMack's picture

If you first tested low then another test came back like it did higher you wont be put on trt and you should hope you dont have to. You may want to look at other things in your life that could be affecting your levels like stress, diet, sleep, work.

Geareduprn1's picture

Why do you advise against trt. 311 is pretty low and I’m symptomatic. I’ve heard a lot of guys advise against PCT saying that if you are considering using aas it’s wise to consider blasting and cruising to avoid the lows.

IrishMack's picture

Yes its low, but not low enough. Do you think being on trt is a get out of jail and cycle your ass off card? You are under 35 so there is something else going on that is causing you to have signs of low t. Your levels raised by almost 100 points from your last test so right there tells me you dont need it and so does your doctor. You need to find anything you can before this road. BUT based on your answers you are just waiting for a cosigner so do whatever you want, you will anyways.

Geareduprn1's picture

No I’m honestly looking for a little guidance that’s why I’m asking. I have heard opinions that differ from yours so I was just looking to get an explanation of why you feel the way you do about trt. From the little I have read there is no increased risk of trt vs pct. I know it’s a life long decision but the only drawback that I have understood so far is the fertility issue. I do have 3 kids (1 biological) and we want another so that’s my only concern unless someone has some more insight. I probably jumped the gun a little on posting this because I just got the results this weekend and haven’t even gone over then with the physician but I’m a little anxious about the outcome. I am honestly looking for any constructive criticism and advice that’s why I decided to get on the forum.

Sam I Am's picture

Both of my children were conceived while on cycle. There 15 years apart. That’s a myth.

Owes a Review × 1
GrowMore's picture


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IrishWOLFhound's picture

Congrats mate

5percent4life's picture

Thank you. Congrats to you too!

In a promo × 1
5percent4life's picture

It depends on the person. I just got my fiance pregnant 7 weeks into my test and deca cycle

In a promo × 1
IrishWOLFhound's picture

Congrats brother , Same here and on a heavy cycle 5 years ago , best thing that ever happened to me , I was going a very dark path with drugs and alcohol , my little boy literally saved my life

Sam I Am's picture

Congratulations. +

Owes a Review × 1
fusebox's picture

I've seen some of your posts and you have a wealth of knowledge. Maybe you could create a forum about this. +2

kibby's picture

We need more posts from him

Owes a Review × 1
IrishWOLFhound's picture

This post should be a sticky if it isn't already , I didn't know much about HCG or HMG until I read this .

Geareduprn1's picture

Cool thanks. I’m hoping he’s willing to help me out. The lab I went through recently changed there reference values so my total is “in range”. Free test is still low

333's picture

I was on cycle with no hcg or anything and got my wife pregnant