i20bpm's picture
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+ 17 IMPORTANT: heating up your gear in syringe, why you should maybe think twice


I think its safe to assume that most if not nearly all of us heat our gear up when its in the syringe chamber, but maybe we should think twice about this. As some of you may know when you heat certain plastics up the BPA and other unknown chemicals can have negative and harmful effects on the human body. BPA also acts as an environmental estrogen and can disrupt the function of the endocrine system. Yeah that's right estrogen, and our body interperets that as actual estrogen. Now you can imagine how that might cause a slew of problems, right. But there's more, when your body comes into contact with this pseudo estrogen repeatedly it can lead to prostate cancer in men and ovarian cancer in women there is slso fear that exposure to BPA can cause birth defects and developmental problems. In addition, exposure to BPA has been blamed for a variety of other problems, including cancer, diabetes, obesity and attention-deficit disorder. With all this considered I think I will either try not heating my gear or if I must, then heat it up in the glass vial. By no means am I saying these things will happen but rather, it can. Just looking out for my BB'ing brothers and contributing to the community as a whole. After all yeah overuse of steroids is unhealthy but we don't do this to be unhealthy, we do it to be healthy and fit and looking good so why not try an eliminate some risks, right. Stay healthy bro's and get swole.

i20bpm's picture

I would think bpa free would be something that BD would want to put on their syringe wrappers bc it does say latex free but I looked more and there's a 2005 on it so I wonder if they super mass produce and this is old stock possibly not bpa free and newer ones are. I just got these but if anyone has a more recent year on theirs possibly saying bpa free on wrapper let me know

kodiakGRRL's picture

If you aren't super heating them then does it really make a difference?

i20bpm's picture

Yes if the syringe contains bpa it does bc all the articles I read and posted say that bpa can be released at room temperature but increases as the heat goes up. But this isn't something I'm too worried about regardless but nevertheless it can happen I just want to put it out there

kodiakGRRL's picture

I see.. I thought it had to be heated ..

i20bpm's picture

No not from what I read, I posted a link down there where it says it if your interested but I read it a couple other places too just wanted to be sure before I posted that, didn't want to put out bad info ya know. BD doesn't put it in their syringes per their website but I'm not sure about old stock floating around, I just got 100 BD with a 2005 stamp on it so I'm guessing they spit millions out a month maybe weekly.

7gothic's picture

With 12 injections per week, I don't have time to heat ANYTHING up except my food.

Lilbear's picture

Goth....... Your a beast 12 a week o_O

Lilbear's picture
i20bpm's picture

Good look up, I guess I don't have anything to worry about then

Lilbear's picture

I don't think but I'm looking deep into this im looking up something know on the subject and will post up once I really understand what I'm reading.

But from what I'm reading almost all american made syringes are made up of a special polymers that do not contain bpa. I just want to be 100 percent though.

Good fourm you got me thinking out side the box plus 1

i20bpm's picture

If your worried about this then that would be the way to do it my man. I myself am not too worried about this myself but its good interesting info backed up by science.

i20bpm's picture

This is a link stating that bpa can be released at room temperature but increases the hotter it is heated up, just backing up my claims for all to read.

i20bpm's picture

I just did a little more research and they do make bpa free syringes so if it doesn't say bpa free on your package then it can contain it. Yeah there are a slew of things out there that can hurt you like bpa but I'm just focusing on this for the moment and like I said before that doesn't mean this will happen to you.

IrishMack's picture

I do not heat up my needles over water in the barrel; water is contaminated right out of the tap and the 1st time I accidentally splashed some water on the needle itself I replaced the tip and never did it again. Some people use a blowdryer on their barrel as well. Me? Good old fashioned cereal bowl with hot water for 4 minutes or until my temp gauge reaches about 98 degrees. By the time I draw and inject it is more likely cooled a few degrees. Another helpful hint....if your dropping your vials in hot water and notice the top is "sweating," its too hot and you need to take them out. I still get pip sometimes in the same spots I have injected for years with the same gear as well.

i20bpm's picture

Good advice, I personally use a hairdryer or heating pad and yes absolutely injection techniques are crucial to pip too the more you move side to side the more pip you get.

dudebro's picture

this is good information, really no reason for this to be negged even if people don't agree.

i20bpm's picture

Just to be totally clear unless the plastic says BPA free it can or does contain BPA'S

Pale's picture

Same here. The oil coming out of the vial into the syringe may well be pretty hot but by the time it is loaded in the barrel and I get it into me it has cooled enough. Truthfully I don't lose a lot of sleep about it.

Pale's picture

You know I pin all over the damn place, it is always a gamble on how smooth it is going to go depending more on my steadiness and targeting over the heat of the oil. Off my mark even a quarter inch or bouncing a little too much and PIP will follow.

i20bpm's picture

Lol that's funny I do the same exact thing, sensitive area good place to distinguish how hot it is

kodiakGRRL's picture

I was thinking in more practical terms... (I ve never heated anything before injecting, call me lazy, and I have had bad pip before).... but it would hurt awfully bad should you over heat your oils ;-(

kodiakGRRL's picture

lmao.. sorry but the thought of injecting too hot oil ...I ll just shut up now..

fusebox's picture

Good read bro. Not sure why you were negged. +1 to equal that out

i20bpm's picture

Thanks bro

Doss's picture

Interesting read.. But I've been heating oils in syringes for years. Never had any estro side effects from that. As for your statement about how this disrupts the endocrine system... What do you think injecting exogenous hormones does? Support it? Lol. Nope..

BPA... If you wanna do a write up like this - and don't take this the wrong way because it is an interesting topic - but try to be a little more informative when you throw terms and accronymn out there that people aren't familiar with. Idk about everyone else but if I have to hit the Google search bar to be able to interpret someone's shit, I'm not gonna read most of it if any at all.

rolltide3's picture

I've never heated up any gear before injections. I never get pip though so never had the need to

Edit seen your getting negged for this Smh. Don't understand why people would neg u plus one back

i20bpm's picture

Idk why either

irongame427's picture

I've found literally no difference jn pip when hearing vs non hearing. The only difference is it flows through the syringe faster. I've never worried about bpa or anything like that I've always worried about bacteria getting into it when heating it with water.

KAM1314's picture

How about everyone stops heating their gear up unless it's crashed?? I can't recall one time in my life where I needed a shot and my doctor said "wait one minute while I get a hairdryer". Too many people are trying to warm shit for no reason. How my guys here go to the doctor for their test shot?...how many doctors warmed the oil?

IrishMack's picture

I only use 25 gauge or higher pins to avoid scarring so its imperative the oil be heated or you will be trying to inject for 5 minutes. of course if you use anything under 25 there is no need to heat it up as the diameter of the needle is big enough to let the oil flow more freely. Once again based on my experience when I switched from 22's to 25's and noticed it taking quite a bit longer to inject when not heated.

Doss's picture

There's a drastic difference in the composition of what your doctors inject compared to what we get for our cycles. In fact, it surprise you to know that 90% of the shots you get in the doctor office or hospital are water based.

You're lucky that you've never had bad pip. If and when you do get a batch of gear with bad pip, you'll appreciate anything it takes to make it more tolerable.

irongame427's picture


Lilbear's picture

Bpa is released out of plastic once you heat it over 90 degrees at that point the plastic will damage or melt. You can microwave it at 1000watts to get a release.

I highly dought that a needle with test cyp sitting on top of a tea mug with boiling water is going to release bpa. You have a higher chance getting cancer from the aluminum in your deodorants

If your getting this from the study on plastic bottles note that they were heated to 100 degrees Celsius

i20bpm's picture

I haven't seen those numbers so I can't say personally but heating gear with a hairdryer really close can easily get the plastic up to 90° and plastic will not melt at that temp. 90° isn't really all that hot our bodies run 98.5° and it gets that hot in the summer and my syringes don't melt from how hot it is outside. The study I read said that BPA can be released without heating too, just having a liquid in bpa containing plastic.

Lilbear's picture

Sorry I was not clear. We are talking about 90 above room temp. With an average room temp 65-75

Can you link me on that study? I'm not trying to be a dick so please don't take it that way.

i20bpm's picture

Where did you find that info I cannot find anything saying that but the contrary, I found plenty saying can be released into liquid in a cold or room temp

cdyrdes's picture

How much of this bpa is released when heating the syringe? How much bpa is needed to cause problems? What im getting at is that lots of people worry about all this small scale stuff like when i hear people say how bad diet soda is then go inject some gear made by some dude in a basement and contains who knows what.

i20bpm's picture

Its a crap shoot to how much, there are plastics that do not release it too, I just posted this to make ppl aware of it lol and I got some ppl hating on me for some reason. But it isn't nothing really to get too worried about I would say more with heating say coffee or other liquids up but this is a consideration too

killinit88's picture

Stop posting this shit every for karma or Ull start getting negged

i20bpm's picture

Lmao neg me all you want I didn't post it for karma I can give a shit about karma its about the community lmfao

xxRedneckxx's picture

I'm assuming heating a crashed vial is ok ?

RickRock1086's picture

Am I the only one heating the vial not the syringe?