i20bpm's picture
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+ 7 Glucophage/metformin? Everything & Anything


Metformin is a widespread type II diabetes drug used by those who have diabetes or are at risk of suffering from this condition, such as obese patients. In addition, it helps reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and suppresses glucose production in the liver. Currently, it is listed in the World Health Organization's (WHO) list of essential medicines.

It belongs to a group of drugs called biguanides, a group of antihyperglycemic drugs. It increases the transport of blood sugar across the cell membranes into muscle cells. The action works by positively effecting cellular insulin sensitivity.

Bc of this it's had a place in bodybuilding for sometime now. But new claims suggests it has a life expanding effect as well. The link is below. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/280725.php

Now let's get to the nitty gritty. I'd like to hear from other members who have ran this with success. Is it safe, worth it? Dosages etc. I'd like to hear it all, perspectives and everything.
I've seen some old posts on this but nothing too recent so it seems like it is fine to talk about this drug in forums.

IrishJerk's picture

I take 2000mg a day because I have too. As far as lowering LDL in my opinion it is BS I should have noticed it change over the past decade. Like anything else if you don’t need it you shouldn’t take it. I have read some better scientific studies on Testosterone lowering you LDL that makes more sense.


giardap's picture

This needs a bump
Im switching from my usual carb reset via fat diet and my recent play with berberine as my insulin sensitivity is literally shot (mid bulk).
Gonna give met a go to see how sensitivity fares on cycle.

Anyone else got any thought on the topic over all?
Its a beast of a forum.

IrishJerk's picture

If you keep you Sugar in check on a bulk you will definitely control your fat gains “but”I still wouldn’t recommend it for someone who doesn’t need it.
Not everyone who reads the forum has the discipline to keep their labs in check.

giardap's picture

Sadly I am a notch beyond that now, for this bulk at least. I have reactive hypoglycaemia and insulin resistance. Now of course it can be controlled (i dont eat sugar) by really keeping the carbs in check. Problem is, once you get to a certain size/weight, the goalposts move in terms of how much fuel/glycogen is needed for HIT and HiiT, for building muscle optimally but also for maintaining it.

The met should improve insulin resistance and also reduce the duration insulin is pumped out for.

Here is the rub; measuring fasting glucose levels is only one part of the story, in terms of diagnosis... you need to know fasting insulin levels too, over time... and pp at intervals. Now i live in Ireland and to say our health system is backwards... would be an understatement. So you got to research things like this yourself, same with thyroid and male hormones

But... the again... this is on a cycle... so its self-service all the way.

On ldl, wont make a difference in steroids but off cycle; met lowers glyco released by the liver which is (only) one source/cause of high ldl.. . So on paper it can help when off cycle... but there are varying reasons for flipped lipids

i20bpm's picture

You can try citrus Bergamot I'm pretty sure I read that helps with insulin resistance and it also is used for lowering cholesterol as well

giardap's picture

Ill check that out straight away
Cheers fella

i20bpm's picture

Definitely I tried a bottle and seemed to work but don't have bloods to back it up but others do if you research it.
Twoje zdrowie- or to you cheers

i20bpm's picture

All I can say is that watch the stomach issues and be around a bathroom for the first week or so until you get used to it. When I tried I had to stop bc of my job and not being around a bathroom all the time lol but I want to try again

IrishJerk's picture

Yep, when my blood sugar gets closer to a normal level it definitely has side effects as far as acid coming out your bung hole. I had no issues with 500 mg twice a day but if you’re on a low carb diet it is definitely worse, you need to eat something more fiber in it or take a fiber supplement with your beef and chicken.
“I go for the peanut butter jar”

i20bpm's picture

Wouldn't eating fiber make it worse, fiber alone makes me gassy. And yeah when I tried it I was 9n a lower carb diet so that makes sense.

IrishJerk's picture

Hmm when I get the runs the only thing that slows me up is peanut butter. I guess the proper answer is everyone’s different. It does take the bung hole burn out of the equation.
Keep some baby wipes close by to ease the burn.

kibby's picture

Extra calcium might help with this bro.

Just for the first week or so then you should be golden

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IrishJerk's picture

I am going to test this one and give ya some feedback. It is definitely an issue with this med
I usually take some loperamide hcl instead, it works a little faster.
You know your getting old when you start talking about your bowel movements and walk around farting all the time.

kibby's picture

Definitely mate......just start on a low dose otherwise you'll feel like your ass has been filled with cement

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i20bpm's picture

That actually makes sense. Funny you say that bc I just seen a video on ppl making their own calcium supplements. Basically if you buy eggs save up all the shells, wash them out, bake them in the oven, grind them up and capsule them. Their supposed to have massive amounts of calcium in them and I guess can be organic if you get organic eggs. OR you can just buy a bottle of calcium supplements and skip all that but apparently with calcium supplements it's all about the oral bioavaibility and most have poor bioavaibility unless it's a powder. But if someone has the time to do the eggshell method lmk how it goes lol

kibby's picture

Yeh......I'd just buy the pill form dude loooool.

No but seriously calcium helps with stopping you up if your not well ect.... but to much will stop you up to much ;)

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giardap's picture

No shit! (Get it eh get it?!?! Hahaha)

kibby's picture


Proper "dad joke" that mate....(tumbleweed)

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giardap's picture

FUCK! Its happened! I've changed, crap! There is no hope now mate lol

i20bpm's picture

Yep that's why I said it makes sense lol but yeah buying it is definitely easier lol probably throw in some gas pills too bc met made me extremely gassy too. Where there's a will there's a way

kibby's picture

If you try it keep us posted buddy ;)

Good luck

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i20bpm's picture


giardap's picture

Fk it man, ill wear a diaper/nappy
Its either that or hypo-coma!!

You gonna gove it a spin again any time soon?
I will try to log what I experience here, when i manage to give it a spin

i20bpm's picture

Lol. Probably not until the fall bc of my job but yeah if you do let us know

i20bpm's picture


Ripped 1's picture

Good thread I have been interested in this subject thanks OP.

i20bpm's picture

No problem, from what I have gathered just watch the stomach issues bc they sound pretty harsh lol

Ripped 1's picture

It's almost like with exogenous Growth and elevated IGF numbers that we are actually doing the opposite I'm mean GH has been widely touted as the fountain of youth by HRT clinics. What do you think?

i20bpm's picture

Maybe you can be more precise, not sure what you mean. Do you mean how the stomach and intestines keep growing when running gh giving that bubble gut. Or are you talking about insulin resistance? How you worded that I just don't know lol

Ripped 1's picture

I'm sorry, metfomin in Theory lowers IGF and increases longevity so wouldn't that mean Hgh is doing the opposite maybe im way of in my understanding I have just started researching the subject.

i20bpm's picture

Ohh I see what your saying but idk this is all a crap shoot if you ask me. I mean older ppl run gh to feel younger and repair their bodies to a point but the new article supports metformin increases life expectancy. I think it lowering igf and testosterone is more of a side effect but idk man you may want to look deeper into it for a better understanding. Keep in mind gh causes everything in your body to grow so if you have cancer cells then it's going to cause them to grow as well.

Ripped 1's picture

Yeah it's very interesting just not enough data yet it would be nice to see a anti aging break thru. Lol

i20bpm's picture

They have nasal came out with a pill that repairs DNA instantaneously for Mars astronauts bc the solar radiation is so high or so I read

Ripped 1's picture

That's interesting for sure.

MedDx's picture


i20bpm's picture

We need more of it

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I enjoy learning about this stuff but I would never try it, when y'all start talking about the spread of blood sugar accross the cell membranes into muscle cells and positivley effecting cellular insulin sensitivity I get pretty lost so I obviously know this isnt for me. Hats off to the wealth of knowledge you guys have on this stuff.

NoWeakAces's picture

Wait, I need to understand something before I use It? Time to send the particle accelerator back to Switzerland.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

Technically no, I dont guess, there is plenty of people out there that dont. This is interesting but im not sure what the benefit it would provide to me is because I obviously dont know enough about it. I used to live in near Moody a long time ago, i was usually at barber motorsports all track day season, Roll Tide.

i20bpm's picture

Lol you really confused him now but the lhc is so big it's in Switzerland and France and they're saying they need to make a bigger one

i20bpm's picture

It's not that hard to understand when you start getting into it but that's exactly why I started this forum topic to gain more knowledge of it

guitarplayer1's picture

Ran it over the winter at (2) 3 week clips. 12 week bulk, week 5,6,7 and 10,11,12.

1st few days only 250mg and worked my way up to 1000mg say by 10 days into it. Also started with taking it at breakfast then as I gained dosages I used it post workout and meal 5 which would be my last carb meal. The purpose was to let the body ajust and see if your digestive track can handle it AND to see if any other sides would pop up.

For me it did help with insulin resistance and I was able to keep making lbm gains without so much added fat.Not saying I didn't put on any but a distinct difference than just eating a shit ton of carbs for 3 months straight and toward the end probably just adding fat.Where it really shined was the last 3 weeks of the bulk, it definitely helped going into a cut and having my insulin sensitivity not out of wack and being able to hit the cut full steam.

Besides the digestive issues I was aware that metformin can decrease igf-1, so I used igf-1 for insurance purposes.

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i20bpm's picture

Thanks for posting bro I too now plan on slowly increasing dosage so I don't shit myself lol but I'm going to start at 125mgs

guitarplayer1's picture

Lol. Nothing like diarrhea when it's hot and humid out.

Personally I can't justify using it while cutting. You should be plenty insulin sensitive if you're doing cardio, and/or lowering carbs, cycling carbs. I'd rather not have my igf lowered while in a deficit...or any other time for that matter, but as you can see, I supplimented that issue.

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i20bpm's picture

Yeah I'd probably do the same with the igf. I also read it lowers test but being on cycle while running it should be a good balancer lol maybe just run test a little higher when you know your gonna run met. I believe it was actually %60it lowers it by which is well substantial

guitarplayer1's picture

Never heard of it lowering test. Any research or links to that?

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i20bpm's picture

It says it in the napsgear link

i20bpm's picture

There's a link on this page that shows it just don't remember which but there's a lot of stuff on it. I found this as well, I just Google metformin lowers testosterone

Metformin lowers blood sugar levels below what they would otherwise be after a meal (because it intervenes with the liver's interaction with and production of glucose). Insulin is the body's way of dealing with blood sugar. If blood sugar is lower, then insulin will be lower, and thus testosterone will be lower.May 14, 2015