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+ 72 Proviron...Should you use it?


Resulting from numerous posts asking about proviron's uses and general questions, i have created a short fact sheet below, which not only encompasses common knowledge, it also identifies the un-common rules associated with proviron.

Proviron roster:

1) What is Proviron?
2) Proviron's uses x4
3) Benefits of proviron use on cycle
4) Proviron and Deca
5) Proviron dosages
6) Conclusion
7) My experiences

Proviron is a DHT derivative used by AAS bodybuilders to reduce the aromatisation of testosterone and its derivatives. Thus, effectively there will be more free testosterone, which the human body uses to build muscle. Additionally it has been reported through AAS users to help amplify the effect of a cycle (since it increases the amount of free testosterone).

However, in order to substantiate my aforementioned point, proviron does help to release free testosterone, thus increasing overall free testosterone levels useful for bodybuilding. In addition, proviron also helps keep estrogen levels under control in the male body (which means it can be used to compliment your AI (whether it be asin, adex, caber, letro)) - but this compound cannot be used for PCT.

Bodybuilders use proviron for four main reasons outlined below:

1) As a result of proviron's atomic structure it is incapable of forming estrogen. Therefore, due to the increased strength (in comparison to testosterone) in its binding ability to 'latch-on' to the estrogen binding enzymes, it prevents estrogen build-up.

2) As previously mentioned, proviron increases the amount of free testosterone in the male human body. This is a very important point to consider, since approximately ~98% of testosterone is bound to the sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG), thus, since it is bound to the SHBG it is not free testosterone any more and therefore cannot be used to build muscle.

3) As a DHT derivative, proviron contributes towards a feeling of 'well being' (commonly referred to as anabolic well-being) in males, thus it has been used to treat depression in men in the past. Additionally, bodybuilders use it to 'dry up' for competitions, however Masteron is the preferred choice and considered as a better option (proviron has been named as an oral masteron - this topic is debateable). The increase in hardness comes from a reduction in free estrogen levels, thus decreasing water retention.

4) Proviron is frequently used with compounds such as deca - as it adds an androgenic component to the cycle. Thus preventing a loss in male libido and impotence and helps a males sex-drive upto a certain point. However, it makes much more sense to use testosterone (and compounds like prop, tne, suspension) which are very useful since it's a natural sexual hormone.

A dosage of 25mg ED is considered to be an effective dosage for proviron.

To finalise supplementation of 25mg proviron a day during 19-nor-progesterone cycle will help to aid and (i use this word with caution) amplify the effects of that particular cycle, since there is in increase in free testosterone, which is what the human body utilises to build muscle.

I thank all you guys commenting on this proviron topic - and you may be asking yourself, why did i chose to write this...karma? Well...it would be good in encouraging me to continue to write posts and learn more to share my knowledge base, but also to gain opinions.

We have the simple facts (as above), but personal experiences are where it's at.

I came across proviron 2 years ago, where a friend had no clue what to do with it let alone what it was for, so he kindly gave me his proviron free of charge - and, i suppose, as a thank you, i decided to write this post (as above), so that if he were ever in a situation where he once again had proviron, he would know when, how and at what dosages to use it at.

So i proceeded with a little self experiment (not particularly scientifically controlled), i chose to do two AAS cycles, very simple ones, however, one had proviron in, and the other didn't.

The cycles are as followes:

Cycle #1 (Without proviron)
Week 1-12 = Test E/500mg per week/2 pins per week of 250mg
Week 3-14 = Aromisin/12.5mg EOD
PCT 15 days after last Test E injection.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Cycle #2 (With proviron)
Week 1-12 = Test E/500mg per week/2 pins per week of 250mg
Week 1-12 = Proviron/25mg ED
Week 3-14 = Aromisin/12.5mg EOD
PCT 15 days after last Test E injection.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

The controlled factors are as followes:

+) Diet was logged throughout Cycle #1 and mirrored into Cycle #2 - same meal sizes, portions, macro-nutrient breakdowns and mealtimes.
+) Training was logged throughout Cycle #1 and mirrored into Cycle #2 (however, an overall increase of ~5% resulting from the first cycle was carried forward).
+) Training time was consistent, same with intensity - I had the same job, so this control was relatively easy to adhere towards.
+) BF% monitored constantly throughout both cycles - BF% remained the same, with a +/- 1% when on cycle due to a tiny bit of bloat


I too, like GS took my asin in the morning with grapefruit juice and peanut butter, and after a week i found myself to be extremely drowsy and de-motivated in comparison to my 'normal' self. So, i did some reading, and found that free estrogen levels peak towards the end of the night, thus, i began takin the asin pre-bed.

Now, my findings as far as the proviron goes - well, libido wise i was flying high on Cycle #1, but with the inclusion of proviron in Cycle #2 made me want to penetrate anything and everything! In my opinion, the dosage i took was conservative, and although it's is hard to quantify, my 'hornyness' rose ~7-10%. Now we conclude...


My gains post PCT with Cycle #1 were 11.5 lbs, and in Cycle #2 were 11lbs.
Now, this has got me thinking. There are many factors which could have played part in here. In my opinion, post Cycles #1 and #2 revealed good gains, but the gains in Cycle #2 dropped slightly - this could be to do with my body being increasingly responsive towards external test sources among many other factors.

Although my conclusion is brief, i do believe proviron is an important factor in ones cycle, simply because the hornyness (feeling of anabolic well-being) was greatly appreciated by myself, through increases in free testosterone, but also in aggression and motivation in the gym

Thanks for reading,

References: (http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_5495558_proviron-side-effects.html)
Disclaimer: This post has been written 100% by myself P. If you feel i have breached copyright infringements I would like to see proof.

mikebison's picture

Just registered for that, let's see if I can find how to send a PM here.

silat50's picture

mike I checked out the website roman said to on that deal, and even tho its gone, the regular prices arent bad at all. I love that user name. "Mike bison!" Im a big fan, myself. imagine if mike actually got juiced up before he went down hill. Now that we found out hes been on cocaine and booze all along anyway, imagine what some test and tren would do for him? And yu know an animal like mike is gonna do 2000ml's of enanthate and hitting that TNE every single day for months.

Back to the subject....so its ok if i just add that proviron into my clomid,nolva adex,aromasin,tren A. stack? LOL Just kidding boys, just kidding.

Semper Fi's picture

I'm going to jump in on that PM - Hope you don't mind!

Semper Fi

Unc1e Ric0's picture

Haven't used proviron yet, but going to add it to my next cycle. Thanks for the tips.

joebig517's picture

I love proviron it's great I've commented on this before it's a good one but I'm on masteron now @400p/w with deca at 500 p/w and 700mg test (enth and prop mix)
Shooting Mon/Thursday spllit with a prop shot/mast shot no Wednesday also and libido is just like on pro v possibly more so to be honest the better half loves it lol they have similarities and I only felt the need to run 25mg of pharma proviron a day for its benefits including libido increase hardness of muscle and a bit more fire in the gym I feel..... But shit I rate masteron now it's great so finishing cycle with 500mg test prop p/w 350mg mast P and either NPP @ 375 p/w or tbo at 50mg p/dl whatever I fancy both are at hands reach : )
Proviron is awesome but the vascularity masteron at my stated dose brings about is more profound (love em spiders) and I am basically a sex fiend due to mast lol
Never got spots last cycle with proviron test EQ anavar but have this time round sure it was the mast but the cut even on deca and the rest I've got from it makes it well worth a shot in my opinion, think I'll always run it from now on defo on deca it works a treat for the old boy lol
Good post mate

ubuntufather's picture

My SHBG improved on Proviron from 12.1 four months ago to 10.2 two months later to 9.4 at present. I have done nothing different other than add in Proviron.

ubuntufather's picture

I had to use Viagra for some time till I started using Proviron. A week on 75mg/day and then on 50mg/day. 5 Days in I realised I did not need Viagra and I have not needed Viagra since. The effect is not as strong as Viagra but it is great. Besides that Viagra has a down side that I am glad not to have to endure any more. On it 4 months now and I am staying on. I have been taking it 25mg/day for the last 2 weeks and don't think I need more for my purposes at the moment. Loading the dosage up front is necessary according to Schering.

silat50's picture

Its too bad that the top 2 "vendors' on eroids (the only ones id personally use)doesnt sell it, and those who do, often want over a dollar per pill. I think its rediculous if you need 2 pills to pay over $60 just for part of your AI or wherever you want to include it.

silat50's picture

I only buy from the green man and his closest competitor and they have no proviron anywhere. Can you PM me or friend request me and help me clear this up. I want you to be right, believe me!!!!! -)

Denser's picture

This is right from the manufacturer - all about Proviron:


Denser's picture

The half-life of Proviron is 12-13 hours.

ubuntufather's picture

On the leaflet in the Schering Proviron box it says , under "Indications" it says the following at the end of all the indications "With Proviron treatment, sperm count can be increased, the quality improved and, furthermore, a higher fructose concentration up to normal values can be achieved thus increasing the chances of procreation."
Here is some science on the subject I found:-

The hormone response to a synthetic androgen (mesterolone) in oligospermia. Jackaman FR, Ansell ID, Ghanadian R, McLoughlin PV, Lewis JG, Chisholm GD. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1977 May;6(5):339-45.

Forty subfertile men with oligospermia were treated with a synthetic androgen (Mesterolone). The effect of the drug was evaluated by measuring serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and analysing the semen before and after treatment. The results demonstrated that in twenty-three patients treated for 6-9 months there was a significant decrease in serum testosterone (P less than 0.01); the means +/- SEM before and after treatment were 17.05 +/- 0.95 and 14.7 +/- 0.95 (nmol/l serum) respectively. There was a pronounced increase in serum LH (P less than 0.01), the values being 2.73 +/- 0.26 and 3.61 +/- 0.3 (u/l) respectively. However, no significant difference was found in serum FSH before and after treatment. The sperm concentration showed a variable response to treatment. In twenty-one patients there was either no change or worsening in the sperm concentration, whereas in nineteen patients an improvement was observed. The analysis of variance of sperm concentration and motility for the periods before and after treatment, for all the patients, showed no significant difference in the sperm concentration F1.145 = 2.82 (P=0.1).

I am on 50mg Proviron per day and I love the stuff. I have been on it for 3 months on and off cycle.

silat50's picture

75,ubuntu, I thank all of you for your awesome detailed posts on proviron. However, I also read not one or two, but several posts saying proviron acted like viagra for these posters giving them an effect definitely within 24 hrs. Well...I was on proviron for a week before i ran out and i felt zip. So if the libido varies soooo much from person to person(or the posters are just full of crap.why i wouldnt know.) the jury is still out...at least for me. and believe me, i WANT to use this as a bridge from ai to pct and maybe as both if possible so im digging for info anywhere I can.

But guys, forget what the leaflet says, its what it does for us for bodybuilding purposes and thats where we are not getting the huge rave about proviron we should be, so....perhaps there is something INERT(?) in proviron that nullifies much of what we "think" it should be doing as clomid/nolva seem to be more "reliable over large masses of people. Anyway here is a question we can all benefit from:

WHAT COULD I USE INSTEAD OF PROVIRON THATS CHEAPER OR AT LEAST EASIER TO GET? I know 10 days is not enough time but if guys arew feeling huge libido changes in 24 hrs, maybe 10 days is more than enough time. Something just isnt right. But lets keep sharing what we find out and I suspect all new research is going to come right from this website one man at a time...and thats ok with me as long as everyone tells the truth. Peace, Brothers of the Iron!

WanHungLo's picture



silat50's picture

Thanks Wan.

WanHungLo's picture

no probs - just remember winny is 17aa methylated (where proviron is not) so you'd have to adjust dose/length as appropriate.

B52-BODY's picture

nice post .. good read !

Beastmode11's picture

I understand this post is a few months old, but I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question, I plan on running a cycle in July: test e @600 mg/week 1-16 weeks, eq @800 mg/week 1-16 weeks,prop@ 100-150 mg eod weeks 17-20, tbol kicker weeks 1-4@ 50-75 mg, var weeks 14-20@ 75-100 mg, aromasin weeks 3-post cycle@ 12.5 mg Ed or eod depending how I feel. Now I want to try proviron and have it on hand but is that too many Orals? Will I stress the liver too much? I am taking UDCA and liv 52 for liver support, also have nolva and clo for post, thanks for any help fellas!

ashop's picture

I like PROVIRON. I get a nice hardening effect from it,,,a nice boost in libido and it frees up bound testosterone.

uks's picture

Should I use proviron when taking or also like anavar and winstrol

jerseyboy81's picture

last year i ran a cycle of 40mg of var ed and 400mg of primo a week. I was taking 50mg of proviron while on it. Don't think it was really needed with that cycle but i think it helped. In my opinion its not going to hurt. It makes your vanes pop out, helps shred water weight even though your not going to gain any from that gear it will still make you look leaner. Plus it's suppose to help increase the strength of your cycle since it free's testosterone. If i was running your cycle i would take it @ 25mg ed two weeks into my cycle so you could feel the difference in your sex drive as so on. That just my opinion though.

Mortitian34's picture

Proviron is amazing !! It stops estrogen dead in its tracks, where as nolvadex and clomid will stop estrogen, but estro sides will still emerge later on. Proviron stops it, and cuts it off completely. Gives an amazing sex drive, and a great PCT !! Its great to have even if there are no AAS involved. I would much prefer Proviron over Lavitra, Cialis, & Viagra anyday !!

jerseyboy81's picture

same here but its not proven to work as a PCT yet debated by many

Mortitian34's picture

Good point ! Yes it is debated by many Smile

heavylifter's picture

nice post man
i have used proviron in the ast 50 mg a day on cycle test 400 mg week and deca 300 mg week ,used very little anti estrogen the result was veins across my delts that werent there before,just hard and dry , sex drive like a 20 year old away at college
i realize its hard to tell if its the proviron or just being on cycle but when proviron wasnt used anti e use was higher,still had good sex drive maybe not as high around the time after dosing
i think its something to use as a tool "so to speak" .when wifeys comin over. before the gym, seems to raise aggression.before beach or any other shirtsless day u wana look extra tighy , u get the idea
i remeber back in the days it was hard to find and when u did it wasnt worth the money nowadays its around more so and priced reasonably ,its even available in higher dosed tabs now witch opens the door to more users witch leads to more info from peoples experiences

Mars's picture

no one likes you. go away.

joebig517's picture

Not cool........are you an Eroids supported business?
Stay away y'all!

P's picture


P's picture

Proviron doesn't reduce estrogen at all, it prevents estrogen binding onto androgen receptors. So you still have estro floating around in your blood, that's why it's very important to have an AI like aromasin on hand to prevent any estro rebound.

To provisionally answer your question, yes (but to give you a full answer i need to know your goals). A simple pre-competition cycle would contain mast p at the end to harden up and increase valcualrity. Also, SHBG doesn't float around, SHBG binds steroid hormones so that they can't be used to create muscle.

P's picture

I've not seen blood tests on free test levels for masteron and proviron, so i can't comment on which is more effective. However, both will increase your free test levels by freeing up your SHBG and both are great to use on cycle (individually).

Nitti's picture
joebig517's picture

Just have to ask you P.... Great bit of info above and all around and you seem to know your stuff no doubts ....but 1month ago if you look back a member called big chas was proposing to run proviron orally and masteron at the same time now I had proposed that running both would be "overkill" as IMO it would be although I dont doubt people do run both compounds... it does seem a bit pointless.... You said "you would gain a benefit from running both" but they would have "no synergystic effect"..... However at the bottom of your last post 1 day ago (this 1) you have said its good to use proviron/masteron on cycle in brackets (individually) so your advice would be NOT to run both at same time?... See this is what I was saying to big chas so does that mean that you do think running both would be "overkill" in my words considering both exhibit almost identical effects in regards to its effect on SHBG amongst its other notable effects allready stated?
I dont wish to discredit you in any way nor this posted article as ive thumbed it up as I found it very informative/helpful, just on this point im trying to iron out what I see as potentially contradicting advice as you never advised against running both to bigchas...what is your stance on this?

P's picture

Ok i see where you're coming from. Running both proviron and masteron in my opinion and from my experiences would follow the law of diminishing returns. This means that one of the aforementioned compounds would suffice and the addition of another would provide an additional benefit but not a cost effective benefit. When i run my cycles i chose compounds which compliment each other, not substitute eachother. In my opinion EQ and var complement each other and masteron and proviron are substitutes from one-another.

joebig517's picture

Incideltally my last cycle was test/eq and var and they work very synergistically, clean lean gains, with a finish/taper to this cycle of 4 wks of prop 75-50mg eod/proviron @ 50-25mg e/d, ran liv protection and aromasin throughout the cycle and pct is coming within the next week cant wait.
Thanks for the quick reply mate just wanted a bit of clarity on the point I asked and im glad you didnt take it as a dig (many would) but a genuine question as it is.
Cheers for the food for thought mate not just for me but for all whome read this very good post.
Peace mate keep up the good work.

MegaT883's picture

Very good post+1

ScienceGuy's picture

About the only thing it was good for when I used it was a huge increase in sex drive.

In a promo × 3
joebig517's picture

Well thats a good thing mate unless your without woman to burden your ravenous urges and bashing the bishop is the only gratification at arms length (yeah to the pun) in which case you may get a bit of friction burn whilst playing the hairy banjo like brian may on wizz..... vaseline time :/
Proviron does turn me into a sex fiend i must say, the lady doesnt complain.... much lol.