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+ 7 My workout routine


I have been having quite a few guys at my gym asking me for my workout so I thought I would post it here also. This is what I call my "basic" routine. Once I am about mid-cycle I will start to do more supersets, dropsets and less time between sets to up the intensity since I am able to recover better once the AAS have kicked in. This may be a little to intense for somebody just starting out so just take a set or two off of each of the compound movements and then add the sets back in once your muscles become accustomed to the workload.

Remember to always warm-up properly before getting into the working sets below. All sets should be taken to failure. If you can easily complete the number of reps for that set, increase the weight for the next workout. Try not to rest more than 2 minutes between sets. Write your workouts down so you can keep track of the weights/reps you did for the previous workout. You should be noticing progress for each subsequent workout.

Have fun!

Day 1: Chest
*Bench Press 12,8,6,4,4 reps
**Incline Press 10,4x6 reps (4 sets of 6 reps)
Smith machine close grip bench 10,4x6
DB flyes 3x8 (3 sets of eight reps)
Machine flyes 4x8 (4 sets of 8 reps)
Cable flyes 3x12 (3 sets of 12 reps)

*use DB’s every third workout
**alternate every other workout (EOW) with Decline Dumbell press

Day 2: Back
*50 wide grip pull-ups
50 close grip pull-ups
Low row machine 5 x 6-8 reps
T-bar row 4 x 4-6 reps
DB rows 3x10-12

*alternated EOW with Bent-Over Barbell rows 10,4x6

Day 3: Legs/Calves
*Hack squat machine 12,10,8,3x6
Leg Raise 5x12
Leg curl 5x12
Hip abbductor 3x12
Hip adductor 3x12
Seated Calf Raise 5x15

*replace with Deadlift every 3rd workout using same rep scheme

Day 4: Shoulders
*Seated DB press 10,8,3x6
Arnold press 10,2x8,6
Lateral raise machine 5x10-12
DB laterals 3x10-12
Rear lateral machine 5x10-12

*Standing military press every 3rd workout

Day 5: Off

Day 6: Arms
Skullcrushers 12,8,3x6
Tricep extension machine 12,8,3x6
Tricep Pressdown Perform 3 drop-sets (start with a weight you can do 12 times, immediately drop a plate and continue to failure, drop another plate and continue to failure) – total of 3 sets for each dropset
DB curl 12,10,8,2x6
Seated decline DB curl 10,4x6-8
Cable curl 3x10-12
DB preacher curl 3x6-8

Day 7: Off


Note: Abs can be done every day. I usually do 5 sets of incline sit-ups to failure.

portuguesepride's picture

I like the setup, looks good bro. I stress that to people I workout with all the time. You need to be going to failure or at least flirting with failure on your working sets and add weight when you can complete more reps than previously. And of course keeping track of the weights you used on every exercise so you can try and beat it on that particular body part day of the next week.

monsteronjuice's picture

Hack squats can usually have the knees in a bad position if you aren't careful or if the machine is poorly built (as so many are with odd angles) it makes the exercise less effective. Nothing beats free range of motion while doing squats.

Makwa's picture

I wish I could still do squats. Nothing compares to them for building mass but I can no longer do them because of back problems so I have had to resort to the hack squat machine as an alternative. I can still deadlift with no problems but I can no longer do heavy squats anymore. When you get old you have to adapt:)

Makwa's picture

Variety is the key to growth. If doing the same routine day in and day out progress will come to a halt. The muscles become accustomed to doing the same thing all the time. Just going from BB to DB shocks the muscles because they now have to stabilize the weight in a completely different way. Even changing up rep schemes can be enough to keep you growing.

Keep pumping iron! Glad you liked the post.

lordoftheoctagon's picture

I gotta disagree on that statement. The human body doesn't know what exercise you're doing. It only recognizes the STRESS that you're placing on it.

monsteronjuice's picture

Hahaha no I hear yea, keep up good work.