ONESICK's picture
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+ 1 DEA, TRT and Nashville shooter


Not sure how this would be labeled but off topic seems good.

So since the DEA is wanting to change the rules of TRT. The loudest people against the change from what I hear is the trans community. I was thinking, I was half asleep at the time. Just throwing a wild card out there lol. Kill two birds with one stone. We all know the Government wants to heavily regulate guns. Why not have a trans female to male shoot up a school. We already have members of the government trying to blame testosterone. I can see maybe a mental illness as to why someone would shoot up a school but I dunno. Just seems like odd timing. Perhaps I'm looking too far into it but I don't trust shit lol.

JEX30Sex's picture

This shit is exhausting. One thing after another. Train derailments, school shootings, riots, students attacking teachers, the divisiveness of classes, race and sex etc. ad infinitum. I tell you what. This US administration looks stupid on the outside but they are doing a hell of a good job creating a smoke screen for something that could be truly sinister. @ONESICK you definitely opened up a can of opinions here buddy. LOL.

ONESICK's picture

Divide and conquer is how it's done.

Hey I just thought it was odd lol

Greg's picture

Doesn't matter, like fentanyl, this event will probably open the floodgates into the US.

ONESICK's picture

I keep seeing conflicting reports of F to M or M to F. Like this article says assigned female at birth. But either way, the trans community is is in an uproar. Especially with how the DEA is trying to further regulate testosterone and hormones. But major supply issues may come because of it.

ONESICK's picture

I'm going with the extreme twist withf this because my mind goes there. Government has been wanting to disarm us. A disarmed nation is an obedient nation. Also all this trans, gay agenda shit. All this demasculinizationof our men. Testosterone levels have been dropping every year. So why not target TRT? Remove Testosterone and make us all pussies. It'll be easier to disarm us.

Greg's picture

The point in the tweet isn't so much about testosterone, it's the fact that so much time has gone by and still there's no toxicology report. Normally that info would have been fast tracked and available within a day or two.

The press wants to sell the gun narrative and is all up in arms talking about which pronoun to use. As usual, they are glorifying the shooter while no one talks about the victims and their stories.

@Tricepatops that is why we have copycat shooters. The fame we give the shooters, not the respect we give the dead. NO ONE ANYWHERE FROM ANY POLITICAL PARTY likes to see this happen. It's a tragedy for everyone. It's a tragedy when it becomes politicized by anyone. This is a time when we should come together as Americans and not allow the press and politicians to split us apart further. Time to start thinking for ourselves and refuse to be the puppets for these powers that do not have our interests at heart. (yeah, I saw your post you deleted). The shooter should be forgotten in history, then no one will want to be like "it".

The story is tragic.
The story should focus on the victims.
It's not about guns.
It's not the shooter.
It's not the shooters pronoun.

DeeMan's picture

Well said, especially your point that politicizing this by anyone is a tragedy in and of itself. Heart goes out to all the families...this world this world. Wow.

Greg's picture

You know more about the shooters than any victim and if you googled any shooting, you'll read mostly about the shooter.

Greg's picture

If you read my post, or pause to comprehend it, we have gun violence because we glorify it. You'd also know why I mentioned you.

The constitutional right to bear arms is a distraction. We've had this right throughout our history. Why now is it a problem?
Why is transgender population so high? Only .5% of the US adult population is transgender. Suddenly 1.4% of kids 13-17 identify as transgender. (speaking as a parent of a transgender child)
How did the melting pot and the most homogeneous people on the planet suddenly become evil, culturally appropriating, racists?
Why have religious symbols and traditions been removed from the public square rather than fostering inclusiveness?
Why is an opposing view now hate speech that needs to be shut down at any cost?
Why are politicians spending all of their time campaigning and vying for power and not doing the work for the people?
When did compromise and tolerance disappear from our lexicon?
Where did accountability go?

Could it be that something else is the problem? Our civic detachment and moral decay?

A bitter, divisive, zeitgeist has its grips on the world. Personally, I'm not interested in feeding it anymore.

Oh, and the moon landing never took place. It was staged Wink

ONESICK's picture

It's for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. That's a saying that's been altered to twist scripture. Basically putting money before God will make people do evil things to obtain it.

DeeMan's picture

True. It's basically a form of idolatry, so yeah that's right. Idolatry has been practiced since the beginning of time. Not good man.

ONESICK's picture

Yeah although I lean more conservative, I'm in the middleish. I believe people should be able to do as they please. As long as they aren't harming others, fuck it. If someone wants to snort coke off a hookers ass hole, let em. A dude wants to be a woman, great. If you want an abortion, fine. I really don't care. What I care about is if I'm being punished for someone else's actions, then there's a problem. Nobody wants to be held accountable or hold others accountable. Nobody is born good. Morality is something we have to teach children. We have to teach kids certain behaviors are unacceptable. Otherwise if we didn't people would be free to do as we please. Yes we need laws but to a limit.

NaughtyBoi's picture

I have come across things throughout my life that made me take a step back and question things, I don’t know what’s going on but something has it grips and is causing chaos. As I’ve gotten older this country has changed so drastically, I remember as a kid being a “pronoun” was unheard of. Morally I think the country has fell into a downward spiral and we’ve lost that parenting that we once had or grew up with. I can’t image what it will look like years from now. I can only assume the end times are near and if that’s the case then you are correct, it does have its grips on the world and it will continue to be fed by the immoral and weak minded. Maybe we are in the end times, if that’s the case we all must get right with our maker.

DeeMan's picture

Not a pessimist but a realist and in my opinion it looks like things may not go back to previous times. I sit back and think but it's all for nothing, the plan is already set in motion unfortunately. The change starts with me. Not preaching but to your point about your "maker," most Christians should have this understanding. Like you said maybe we are in the beginning of end times. Alot of folks tend to ignore that thought though.

Greg's picture

Every end is a new beginning.

I couldn't agree more. None of us needs to change the world, we just need to start being present in our own lives and stop feeding into this bullshit.

Greg's picture

She quotes Qanon as a place of facts.

I know right? just as fucked as those idiots who quote CNN and MSNBC as facts. Pathetic... all of them.

Greg's picture

Are you really that dumb to miss the satire?

JEX30Sex's picture

I don't know about Q anon but I do in fact know that media outlets are paid large amounts of money to skew narrative and outright not report on certain topics. I served with 2 MI officers who without giving me specific details on amounts and personages (TS clearances and all) informed me of the goings on in that arena. It is very real. I prefer to read five to 10 or more news outlets versions of events and attempt to piece together a coherent, plausible narrative.

I would recommend a documentary called After Truth. It's pretty enlightening.

Rosschestzip's picture

Which one reports different? and are you saying the fact that they report the same thing means there the ones that are correct? to me that means there corrupt and just following the same script

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ONESICK's picture

There's numerous videos online showing all these news stations repeating the same lines. They all follow a narrative. Since the news can now have a biased opinion they can manipulate the masses.

FJB's picture

Here's a few good reasons you don't trust shit. One being congress is a bunch of lying SOBs. Two being if it doesn't sound right then it's probably not.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

"Never let a good tragedy go to waste."

- Barrack Obama

ONESICK's picture

That's exactly it
and Fuck Obama lolol

Nattyboomba's picture

Taking the responsibility out of the perpetrator’s hands and placing it on laws, political parties, hormones or anything else is absurd. A bit of personal accountability & responsibility for each person is due here.

ONESICK's picture

Have you looked into Chicago's statistics on shootings? How many deaths are attributed to "guns". I mean whether it's one person or 20, nobody makes real noise until it's a school it seems. Honestly I will NEVER give up my guns. I'm also not stupid about my guns. I follow the laws regarding them. Do we ban cars or alcohol for the thousands of people injured and or killed in drunk driving accidents? No, most of which who are the cause of accidents generally get a slap on the wrist. Last I checked murder is illegal yet it still happens whether it was done by a gun, knife, hammer, or hands. People are still being killed. But gins are the problem lolol. Yes, I'd rather keep my guns. It's our last line of defense against a tyrannical government. The second amendment is what protects all the other amendments. Without it who knows how far government would try to go as far as control goes.

JEX30Sex's picture

Any infringement on the 2A rights is only ever going to harm law abiding citizens. My wife stated to me after hearing it and this makes sense. Besides the sensational aspect of shooting school children the only reason these maniacs target schools is because they are "gun free zones". There isn't a person around to help until the police arrive and even then it's a crap shoot as to whether they will do anything (Uvalde). I think if one chooses not to own guns I will respect that decision so long as they respect my decision to arm myself.

Rosschestzip's picture

drugs are illegal and those Chicago neighborhoods are flooded with drugs. people have this misconception that the criminals will line up to turn in their guns. all it will do is take away the 'good guys" guns. all the guns in these gang shootings are illegal to begin with and there still there. AND idk if these libs realize but its illegal to shoot up a school yet it still happens so what is making the weapon illegal going to do. "oh shucks guess i cant shoot those kids today, the dems passed a bill that said i cant" like wtf. And if we have no guns to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government well be at far more risk then we are right now. Just the fact that they know were armed is keeping us protected, we may never have to use them but their existence is protection enough. Once a population is unarmed, they government is free to take away everything else.

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JEX30Sex's picture

Deluded people may hold that perception. But it is just that...delusional. No law ever stopped a criminal from committing a crime ever.

ONESICK's picture

It's off topic. I just thought it was odd that the DEA is tightening laws on testosterone. The trans community is being loud about it. Others are as well. The fact a trans person shot up a school. Some people are blaming testosterone. Which testosterone is a steroid. This site is about steroids...I mean how is that so off topic?

Rosschestzip's picture

To be honest im mad at myself for getting into these arguments on here, but like @Greg said this is the off topic section so its my own fault for involving myself. But its such a complex issue and i get that these school shootings are legal guns but It was illegal to shoot up a school so why would the legality of the weapon matter? the person was willing to break laws regardless, THEY'RE COMMIITNG murder, laws and morals arnt really a big deal to them. and i just think its crazy to address 10 lives lost in a shooting twice a year and ignore the thousands everyday and say one is more important then the other. if someone address the gazillions of shootings everyday then we can address the small minority of school shootings. It kinda like banning straws to help global warming while china dumps unlimited amounts of waste in the ocean and burns mountains of garbage everyday. It makes no sense. The amount of lives that would be saved by banning guns I think would be such a microscopic amount if any, its not worth losing a freedom to me. "Those who sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither." Thomas Jefferson

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ONESICK's picture

Japan doesn't have the diversity that we do. The Japanese are pretty discriminatory against outsiders. Out of all of Japan's population only .023% are foreigners. Not even 1% of other ethnicities make up the population lol. While the US has a high populations of various ethnic backgrounds. We're divided by our government. Black vs white vs brown vs yellow vs green. Japan doesn't really have that issue. Yet they have a higher suicide rate. Murders are looked over as many are afraid of the Japanese gangs. Many are swept under the rug. Japan is pretty lax on pedos. I mean it ain't exactly rainbows and unicorns.

NaughtyBoi's picture

So kids being killed in Chicago by illegal gun violence is not the same? So since it’s a gang member missing his shots and killing innocent people by the hundreds… Hmm.. interesting views you have. I’ve lived all over this nation, the worst places I’ve lived had the strictest gun laws. Go explore this country take a job living in places you wouldn’t normally live, see it with your own eyes.

Greg's picture

Then stay out of the OFF TOPIC threads that have them. Just like our 24/7 reality TV news... Just turn it off.

And yet, contrary to the decades of stricter gun laws it has not changed a thing. One would have to start thinking, "What else might be going on?" But no, let's stick to the talking point because... division = profit = power and control.

ONESICK's picture

When you look at Chicago statistics it's crazy. Year to date 116 have been killed with guns. 412 have been wounded. 123 toral homicides. But are we in the streets in an uproar? No, we let it just happen because majority is gang violence. Nobody actually cares about the shootings in that aspect. Criminals wont just roll over. That's why they're criminals, no regard for laws.

Rosschestzip's picture

I mean its a really really complex issue, but i will say that its absolutely insane to say there's a gun problem with out mentioning all the gang shootings. whether its chicago or else where. and those complex issues will not be solved by taking guns away. there's these gangs for a reason, there's robberies for a reason, major major poverty for a reason. you cannot address a small side effect of the issue and hope it does something. Its hard tho, theres an extremly bad neighborhood close to me, that police wont even go in unless theres multiple officers and cruisers and there called out there. they burn there trash in the street becasue they cant afford trash collection and the state or town doesnt provide it. But drive thru there on a monday at noon and no ones at work and theres hundreds of young adult males standing around,, its so bad they jump in front if your car and try to sell you drugs ( outsiders really only go there to buy drugs), as a young boy growing up there you would never have a chance, youd have ZERO positive role model ZERO example of what to do. even if you wanted to get a job youd probably think "why would i be the only one to go bust my ass while all my friends stand around and have fun". When i was a kid every adult male was at work all week and doing yard work on the weekends, when i got in trouble as a young teenager some of the older men in the neighborhood would make me come clean their garage out or mow the lawn basically because i was headed down the wrong path and they wanted to stop that and steer me right. This is a very complex problem and will probably require multiple generations of strong men to fix it, and alot of money invested into these areas, you need more education, community centers, jobs and things like that. poverty and necessity breeds crime. so youd have to address all these issues not just one. take away guns and you still have poor people who need food and shelter and WILL commit crimes to get by. address that first and the gun issue would probably fix itself

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alekaras's picture

So let me get it straight, they blame testosterone for someone that took it and start a shoot out?

ONESICK's picture

That's the angle some of the government is taking it. Instead of someone just being a piece of shit and being accountable. There's always something they want to blame. In this case the left wants to blame guns, members of the right are targeting testosterone.

Drexyl's picture

I own several, you won’t find me very far from the reach of one at any given time if you know what I’m saying. I’ve had training, I’ve never seen a firearm jump up by itself and start shooting people. The blame is misplaced. If we go by the narrative the media pushes, technically I carry an assault pencil in my cup holder. If it comes to it, I’ll definitely use it in that manner. Will they ban or put restrictions on pencils if someone ran through a preschool and stabbed random kids with a pencil? Sorry for the example, but pencil background checks? If there’s a pencil you like in another state you must go through a dealer with a federal pencil license? It’s getting all too crazy.

alekaras's picture

God damn all politicians are the same shit bags every where..