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Kacey jones
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Hey just joined this site..so long story short…been taking DHEA 200 mg twice a day…so 400 mg a day…. I don’t want ppl to tell me how bad it is or what it’s done to me… i want to quit and was thinking about regular test …just like self TRT maintenance…I also want to do a estrogen blocker for stopping this dhea shit….any advice and maybe some tips on what test to get or what pct to get … because I don’t know shit other than real basic stuff..thanks

Kacey jones's picture

Yeah pretty much… just reading about what test to get …and if I should jump right in to the test or try a pct to get off the dhea and see where I’m at after that …honestly I just want to kick back in my natural production then maybe take some test and then pct then I’ll probably be cool after that …and I’m probably not going to the doctor.. just being honest

Kacey jones's picture

Ok .. I basically just did some drugs every day for a long time …then I quit those drugs… …then I just decided to take dhea one day for energy that I didn’t feel like working for all over again…2 years ago I was in pretty amazing shape …I was on a body weight program for 6 months with a very very basic diet…I was 205ish doing 100 real pushups in a clip..ran or jogged and hit the heavy bag for about an hour just kind of listening to headphones and throwing combos and moving…I go through phases of being pretty in shape …then I take advantage of that loose it and get it back every few years … genes are pretty good as far as being able to get in shape…I also know how to work out which helps…I don’t want size ..I get size almost to easily..I like to be strong fast just in good fighting shape…do construction work to …I really don’t know what else to say …I’m basically just at a point where I’m a little fcked up and want to try trt for a bit…then stop and take some post cycle…I know that if I stop this dhea now I’ll feel like dog shit … and I’m not really trying to do all that right now…not much for doctors…honestly I don’t eNt to know anything they would tell me…I like not knowing shit like that …pretty much just wanna do this on my own with some research and experienced advice other ppl might have…but no doc and no bloodwork…oh yeah been taking dhea for about 6 months …starting at 100 mg…once a day…read a little bit about depression studies saying twice a day helped a little with some ppl…then about 3 months ago I bumped it up to 200mg 2X a day..
I take other stuff..I eat when I’m hungry and that’s usually once or twice a day …I eat pretty healthy..I cook so I know a little about nutrition for maintaining a little bit…get enough protein and stuff…I smoke a lot which I probably will quit soon…can’t think of anything else…I’m 33…think I said that …

blackjack115's picture

You know that depending on where you live you can probably get bloodwork outside of the medical system?

Kacey jones's picture

We’re you the one that said something about getting one of the places on here to test my blood…what do I just fill a couple tubes and send it in?

blackjack115's picture

Wasn't me It does sound familiar but can't remember the name. Also if that's you in the picture you might want to blur out your face.

Kacey jones's picture

I know that my testosterone is lower than what I should be naturally producing…my hormones have probably been fcked all of my life ..had gynocomastia since I was 8….but extremely muscular and strong ..early development… so my test probably wasn’t super low but things were off…and now like I said I take dhea for a little over 6 months… not extremely knowledgeable about dhea but I assume it inhibits natural hormone function to some degree…I don’t need blood work to know if I have low t at this point I know…really just thinking about doing pct or estrogen blocker…I probably have pretty high test and high everything else to naturally a few years back… and my age isn’t why it’s fcked right now.. it’s lifestyle thst needs adjustment….

Makwa's picture

I don’t need blood work to know if I have low t at this point I know

yes you do

Roman124's picture

“because I don’t know shit other than real basic stuff..thanks”

You do need it to know the effects the compound or compounds are having on your body.

With your current mind set you will be posting asking about and AI in a few weeks or why your dick doesn’t work.

Highly advise you to have bloods that way you have tangible numbers to work with in order to address any issues.

Or here’s a better idea schedule a appointment with your Dr to discuss the issues your having.

Kacey jones's picture

So I would probably have the stop taking dhea for at least a week before I did that I’m guessing

Makwa's picture

DHEA has a very short half-life so a week should be plenty for it to clear your system.

blackjack115's picture

You'd be better off telling us the long story. What led you to taking DHEA? How long have you been taking DHEA? Any history of steroid use? Have you done bloodwork? Go to a doctor and get some bloodwork done, you might not even need to go on TRT which means you're not stuck sticking needles in yourself for the rest of your life. Bloodwork is key, it will determine whether you need a an AI, PCT or any TRT at all.

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