Bigun2's picture
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Inexpensive free weights and gym equipment


My wife and I recently started converting a room in our house into a home gym. We have about a $3000 budget we’d like to stay around. We want to put rubber mats down, hang mirrors the whole nine. We’re really thinking Olympic plates with a bench rack/squat rack combo is the route we would like to go. The problem is all workout equipment has gotten ridiculously expensive. I’m sure it’s due to supplier side challenges due to Covid as well as everyone in lockdown trying to do the same thing at their home.

Does anyone have any sources they’ve found for cheap gym equipment? I’d even be happy with used, commercial grade equipment. Maybe we can get a dialogue started and share some ideas on home gyms. Looking forward to hearing everyone’s ideas!

Pale's picture

At this particular juncture unfortunately you are not going to get very far with 3k. Just start adding where you can. Rogue is usually fair with their prices

GrowMore's picture

I spend days like a depraved gym addict searching high and low for 2nd hand gym equipment and Pale is on the money when he says you’re better off buying new, prices have gone insane, people are paying upward of £3 per kg for rusty plates.

I found a few independent companies who are making their own weights and waited for a good deal to come up. Teamed with some cables I’m still waiting on, ez/barbell/dumbbells, bench and a squat stand I’ve got a decent set up.

I’ve only spent a couple bob on the set up and have some spare sitting in the bank for once the fair weather home gym’ers go onto the next popular trend as the market will be haemorrhaging with 2nd hand equipment.

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Zee's picture

I gave up on Ali express as I couldn't set up my account. Every time I enter my details to register I can not get past the loading screen. I was able to get the slim Olympic plates made locally for £2/kg still using almost 3 months later. I have noticed prices slowly coming down as people prepare to get back in to gym in 2 weeks.

I have seen some good "no brand" equipment on Ali Express that seems to be resold here in the UK FB marketplace and Ebay with companies sticking their brands on to them.
I can really do with an ISO back row from there everything else I have purchased locally.

GrowMore's picture

What material are the plates?

I noticed the UK companies rebranding the Ali gear also and its where I got most the negative reviews as the reviews on Ali were limited.

Mirafit are a brilliant British based company/brand I’ve brought a few items form, all made in the uk and reasonably priced.

The other was proplatesonline , the cost was a lot less than £3 per KG

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press1's picture

Still looks like its gonna be a good while yet doesn't it on the UK gyms opening up again - A couple of lads I know that work security in the local supermarket I saw last night and fuck me they've lost some muscle Lol I didn't rub it in though because I'm a nice guy like that LMAO ;-)

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GrowMore's picture

Another 3 weeks I think, unfortunately I doubt they will stay open for very long, just enough time for people to get some sort of structure back to their lives then it’ll all come crumbling down again.

In the 2 months of lockdown it took me to order and receive my set up I lost 50kg on my squat for reps and lost condition and a good chunk of lean size. Credit to you for saying I needed to invest, you were right and I’m glad my missus forced me into buying it all.

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press1's picture

Its absolutely unbelievable the amount of muscle and strength you can lose just over a few months when you aren't lifting properly and tone the gear down isn't it. You watch, even when the gyms open up again you'll still find yourself using the stuff at home a hell of a lot. The convenience and going at your own pace factor just cannot be beaten. I still see the benefit of the gym with the socialising aspect and bigger range of gear to use but I bet after the novelty wears off you'll be training at home 75% of the time.

I'm still crawling through the depths of shit weights after my injuries - I lost my head at the time and desire for deads too so they were more or less stopped for several months. Now I feel disgusted with myself with some of the weights I can no longer do ..... Going all back through the long slog again Lol

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press1's picture

Damn I didn't realise you were fresh out of surgery bud - was that a triceps tear?

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GrowMore's picture

That’s a dark place, lifting low weight for low reps knowing you could lift almost double before things took a bad turn. Thing is you know you know lifting ‘x’ amount of weight is possible so you’ve already got over the mental aspect of it which is a big battle, for me looking at 4 plates on either side of the squat bar was terrifying but now I’m building back up to it looking at 5 plates like I did with 4

I’ve already cancelled my gym membership with 0 plans to come back. I’ve put a sofa in the garage that my kids sit on while I work out. We chat away, they get involved, mess around and have a brilliant time while I have the music pumping and lift heavy. It sounds like hell but I love having them around and getting involved with something I’m passionate about.

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GrowMore's picture

My current stay below 11% recomp blast is slowly changing into a, eat a whole cow ED and push up my numbers up. I’ll do my best to stay lean with visible abs but I’m betting I’ll finish around 16% and hopefully repping 405lbs heading towards the 440lbs for 5/6. 5 plates would be fucking insane. I’ve pm’ed you.

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Zee's picture

The plates are steal and look like a basic job, not coated. They do the job for me and look similar to the ones in the link below.

I got a Mirafit bench and EZ bar, was going to order their power cage too but instead got Polish brand Ksport non commercial squat rack at a great price.

I think we just have to regularly check sites as bargains do pop up from time to time also get a cheap man and van to collect. I use to get van drivers to collect for me, can post your collection details on their and van drivers will send you bids for the job.

GrowMore's picture

My plates are the same. I can fit the 20’s on a pair of dumbbells with plenty of space for 2/3 more plates which is handy.

What ez bar have you got, the super ez bar? I’m about 10 minutes away from ordering that one but the standard one looks just as good for the same price. The cage I preorder are giving me the run around and I was thinking about buying mirafit wall cables and cancelling the preorder.

Thanks for the link, it would make the equipment 100+ miles away tempting.

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GrowMore's picture

I had one of them mate.

All my research lead me to the conclusion that you don’t want to buy gym equipment form Alibaba. As soon as my cables arrive I’ll be set.

I’ve pm’ed you.

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GrowMore's picture

There is a lot of quality kit on there but also there’s a lot of litter which I wasn’t going to gamble my money on.

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GrowMore's picture

If you do your research there are a huge number of legit, long standing companies on there. If I had more disposable income I would have ordered a huge set up from there. Even with a risk factor as small as 10% I couldn’t risk it being of low quality. That would give my missus banter for the next 10 years

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Pale's picture

I would say from my experience for a home gym the price you pay for commercial clones is pretty good from Alibaba and as we know here they like to make a deal and sell. I wouldn't hesitate to look on alibaba depending on what you are after

maddogg's picture

I’ll sell you mine. 9’ 3” tall though. Nautilus life fitness and hammer strength. Smith machine power rack. Row. Military press. Preacher curl calf raise butterfly machine. For less than most people.

maddogg's picture


0newheelup's picture

I had bought mine way pre covid, but Titan fitness equipment is similar to rouge for half the price. Im sure its gone up since covid but worth a look. I was very happy with the quality.. great welds and finishes.

Pale's picture

From what I have seen on marketplace you are further ahead buying new. Rogue usually has competitive prices if you bundle a rack and bumper plates (for instance. I have about 20k wrapped up in my home gym now

Pale's picture

And I started putting it together 10 years ago. The only thing I have added post-covid was kettlebells.

Pale's picture

I got snipped 21 years ago. No worries about half of that equation lol

press1's picture

LOL Great to hear you are back on form again mate Smile You sound a million times different than when we first ever spoke, the balls must be filling up good now lol

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Pale's picture

I have their sissy squat, it is decent. I also see they sell dumbbell handles which I need and they are sold out of the size I need to make a pair of 25's