ryl3z's picture
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Testing in Australian Army


Does anybody know how often people are tested for steroids in the Australian Army?
I heard traditionally, not very often, however I am currently in IET's as a trainee, so the staff keep a much closer eye on us for this sort of thing as well as it's a lot easier to get rid of us, since the army hasn't invested too much in us at this point. I know they're cracking down on drugs in general, although I am unsure if this includes steroids

TheFlash85's picture

Its about every 6 months.
Illicit substances often and on the spot anytime without warning.
You wont get away with it.
You wont even be able to get a script and rig it because they are in to it.
You will get fucked right over if caught.

ryl3z's picture

Damn, looks like it will be protein powder and regular cell tech then Blum 3
I knew they were cracking down on party drugs, but I've always heard loads of different storied regarding performance enhancers

Ozninjaguy's picture

The ADF tests for most illicit substances, including AAS. You have to weigh up whether your possible future career is worth using an illegal substance, and whether you are prepared to put that career on a roll of the dice regarding being/not being randomly selected for a drug test.


ryl3z's picture

Thanks guys. You're probably right.
I need to check if SARMS are also banned. If they are, do you know if they would go undetected, even in a steroid test? Or if they sent it off to a lab for a gc/ms test, does everything show up?

Ozninjaguy's picture

No doubt SARMs are banned as they are classified as a Schedule 4 drug (requires prescription) by the TGA. Presently in OZ they are illegal to possess - however, UGL SARMs are freely available online in Oz (for the time being at least). I understand that they generally wont show up in the usual drugs urinalysis, but they certainly show up in sports doping tests - so they can be tested for, and again - is it worth the risk?

daksmack's picture

I spent a lot of time in the US. Military, and I can tell you there are guys on it. They don’t test for it on a regular basis, meaning if the military drug test you random, it’s a piss test. With that said, if you go round raging in people and you have that look your juicing, I wouldn’t put it past the military to test your blood, they don’t care about the price. My advice, stay away from it while your in. It’s not worth the trouble you could get in. Your prolly young and would prolly accidentally tell one friend, that friend tells one friend, next thing you know the rumor makes it up the chain, and your sitting in front of your commanders desk. Know what I’m saying?

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pickle's picture

Most of my buddies are ex military and they said it was more common to be "ON" while deployed than to be off. Easy to obtain and not much else to do in the desert.

daksmack's picture

Yep. Best time to do it. When deployed you work, eat, workout, sleep, rinse and repeat. There’s no distractions outside the mission, and if your into working out it’s the perfect place to get into to stupid good shape. Especially in the summer, it’s hot as balls. Any excess water weight drops. Seen some drastic changes in people in the Middle East. Also seen people lose there shit mentally because they were taking to many compounds. I never ran it while I was in, to scared. Still was shredded and jacked though lol. God damn cell tech and nitro tech blew me up, throw some good ole jack3d in there, the original formula, and your going to get stupid results in the desert.

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Makwa's picture

What's more important to you? Being in the military or running a cycle? If it is the former, why chance it then.

johnmarshall12's picture

Australia...such a nice country. Too bad they are so stringent with GEAR laws. They are even worse than us here in America from what I hear.

PPGfreak's picture

Very accurate my friend. I spend a lot of time in the Philippines and Thailand and all the Australian guys at the gym go there to pick up gear. They it’s almost impossible to get it through the mail so they switch containers to fly back with it.

TheFlash85's picture

We have very strict customs.
Depends on volume ordered anything over 10 vials ordered or 1000 tablets in one package, you get indicted for importing controlled substance, if your criminal history is clean basically you just get a fine around $5000 obviously the more you import the higher the fine, do it a second time you go to jail, simple.
Anything below the amount i specified its a seizure letter warning you with no action taken and products destroyed.
Ive been ordering since 2011- i got fucked in one scandal with a particular source that got done and that source spongebob went to jail- i copped fines and suspended sentence due to the order being shared between a group.
Other than that ive been seized maybe 3 times since then.
Just gotta know who and how, patience is the key sometimes you gotta wait a month receive so forward planning is a must.
There is ways to do it that i wont post.
Volume and paper trails.
Gotta find a source that cooperates especially one who sends and lets you receive before any donations or paper trails are made, cant control what someone sends in the post etc etc.

Ozninjaguy's picture

The Philippines were pretty lax about AAS. Up until about 3 years ago you could buy it online from a couple of legit online marketplaces. Then the law cracked down, busted a few guys as 'show cases' and the online markets stopped people from selling everything/anything anabolic. Gear is still available on an alternative online marketplace but a lot of it is bunk or really expensive - cheaper and more reliable to buy online with the sources here.

ryl3z's picture

Damn. I'd heard a lot of people use in on the down low, but it's really hard to tell. There are some pretty big guys, but nobody is huge and obviously roiding

PPGfreak's picture

I honestly have no idea but want to comes down to breaking federal laws working for the government I can’t see how it would ever be worth it.

JugulrTRENsuspension's picture

I have no idea hm. But your population just handed over your firearms so i would guess YES theyll test. No roids fer u swollman