TryHarder007's picture
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+ 10 Stray away from the basics with some of my favorite exercises!


Hey guys here again for another quick write up for fun I take a nice charter bus up to see my girlfriend who’s 80miles away at another college (ill be transferring to next year) anyways, I figured every Monday (finished this one up late lol) on my way home ill do a small write up on nutrition or training! So this one is for you old schoolers (my nice way of saying some of you guys are old as dirt lol ;) This year is 2016 and as we know bodybuilding changes every so often. Some of the best coaches we knew back in the day aren’t prepping any more, newer coaches as taking over and with new coaches, new exercises that are for me game changers and some are very special! I’ll be listing and hopefully able to link videos to most! Yes some of you will say you’ve seen these back in the day but these aren’t normally seen in like arnolds day, dorians and such very far and few between!

Meadow curls: some of you guys know this guy’s been in the game for a LONG time and just this past year (2015) he finally went pro. He’s an amazing guy who I have been lucky enough to meet and talk to for a few. This exercise I like over concentration curls, and other bicep work that focuses on the peak. For me 40lbs on the cable and slow controlled 15 rep sets really finish a great bicep workout! Try it you’ll love it! I prefer to lean into it a little more forcing a bigger stretch LINK:

EZ bar delt raises: this isn’t new BUT with C.Glass he changes up the hand placement and really it has made a huge difference for me in this exercise! He’s a great guy but unfortunately I have NOT been able to meet him. Hopefully one day I can be in Cali and train with him! I only have a picture of it, as I wasn’t able to find a video BUT I’ll explain it. Load an EZ bar as if you’re doing front delt raises. Instead of gripping it on the outside like you would a reverse curl where your thumb is higher than your pinky, roll the bar and have it on the outside but where your Pinky is higher than your thumb, I have found that being able to activate my front delt TONS more, as regular ez raises, and DB raises don’t fit well with me (Ive lived off standing press, and cable raises to grow my front delts until now) LINK:

Preacher flies: Dallas M being one of my absolute favorites in Olympia this year. His flow in his physique I think is just beauty and I love this way of flies he taught his coach. Really puts an extra stretch on the pecs. LINK:

Spider curls: this is another bicep exercise I see very little of (or I’m just blind lol) I usually do this last after I start with either a simple curl movement OR I hit something that hits the branci and so on! Go light on this because you do not want to swing and trust me it’ll blast your biceps. LINK:

Meadow rows: I was taught this by a buddy and this was the day I learned who John meadows was. He kept saying meadow rows, and I though damn that’s a weird name. this movement I believe is a great switch up from the basics of DB and BB rows. Our bodies adapt to routines easily so we always gotta switch it up!  you can put your free on your knee but I usually drag a seated bench over to rest on while doing this! LINK:

Restricted arm training: not so much an arm exercises but more of a type of training I don’t see a lot of either. Not something you want to do often or throughout the whole workout but I like to use it last TWO sets of my last exercise on biceps (my favorite is with spider curls at the very end. Last two sets of spiders I get wrapped up and it puts so much blood I cant even pick up my shaker cup and leave..) LINK:

Some of my favorites. That’s all for NOW, but here and there I might add to the list  I got a paper to finish and some BS homework, so back to that! Have a great day and hope you use some of these and comment below if you like them or other ideas to this post! But please no karma this is just my way of trying to give back to such an awesome group of people!

bolt781's picture

Chest day today...preacher fly's till the death!

bolt781's picture

I bet your becomimg granite brother as comp time gets closer! Ive utilized a nice mix of complex carbs and simple carbs about 1 1/2 before lifting which has really helped! Thanks for your help in that area as well.

Today I think my routine is looking like this(never really know till I get going-preacher flys for sure though lol)

Pushups to warm up

Incline bb press
Close grip flat bench
Decline db press
Then preacher flies like I said till I cant hold the damn db!
Fk Im all fired up brother lets obliterate this shit!

SlowBro's picture

awesome write up. always good to have a variety of lifts. i do those preacher flies alot, its an awesome way that you can retract your scapula 100% with no bench in the way to restrict its movement. you get a HUGE stretch this way.

keep learning all you can, seems like you have a great mind on you, glad to see your using it. alot of mindless idiots out there Smile

bolt781's picture

I've been nonstop thinking about doing them ever since I came across try's post! A few more days till chest...

SlowBro's picture

yeah they are awesome. another way to do it if you want less of an incline is hang off of an incline bench. you kinda sit 1/2 up the bench and let your scapula hang off the back of it, same concept. the part that hangs off the bench is mostly flat so its more like a flat hanging fly than an incline like how the preacher was.

bolt781's picture

Got ya! A change up on a change up...nice brother thank you...knuckles

Faz's picture

Great post, I'm always looking for new biceps exercises! +1

Catalyst's picture

Like it mate, good stuff. Keep it coming.

Big fan of spider curls. I sometimes do them half rep / full rep. Fries your biceps, best left until the end.

Those front delt raises, hand position makes a hell of a difference. Here's another variation for you, try doing them with an underhand grip like you were doing bicep curls.

Makwa's picture

I like supersetting incline curls with the spider curls.

Catalyst's picture

And that's why you're ahead of your peers st such a young age, you've already worked out its about finding what works for YOU. Doesn't matter who tells you, if you aren't getting the mind to muscle connection, bin it.

I've written a couple of shoulder workouts if you look through my forums. Super setting is an integral part of my shoulder workouts these days, as is volume and drop sets. Depending on the kit you've got available at your gym, some side lateral raise machines hit the side delts slightly differently to a dumbbell raise. There's an old dinosaur piece of kit where I now train, the handles are at a strange angle forcing you into a very strict unusual motion. I've found this has improved my shoulders, probably largely just because it's different. In theory, dude laterals and upright rows are your main isolation exercises here.

shiva4's picture

You put together some great ideas. Its good to see quality posts on here, especially on topics that aren't covered too often. thanks and +1

BigThing's picture

Love it. Thanks+1

bolt781's picture

That was a nice change of pace brother. Right now Im kicking myself for not coming across this sooner. Did chest and bi's this afternoon. The preacher fly's look killer! Meadow curls would have been a nice finisher too! Finished with spider curls, never have wrapped the arm though, so lots of ideas flowing here! Never knew meadow rows were...well meadow rows haha have been utilizing that for some time now. Anyhow I enjoyed this brother along with the videos. Thank you for this and knuckles!

bolt781's picture

Most definitely will let ya know. Truth be told Im already obsessing on doing them till Im obliterated brother haha! Everything is well and I appreciate ya my friend

Makwa's picture

Little different twist on things.
+2 anyway