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+ 72 Proviron...Should you use it?


Resulting from numerous posts asking about proviron's uses and general questions, i have created a short fact sheet below, which not only encompasses common knowledge, it also identifies the un-common rules associated with proviron.

Proviron roster:

1) What is Proviron?
2) Proviron's uses x4
3) Benefits of proviron use on cycle
4) Proviron and Deca
5) Proviron dosages
6) Conclusion
7) My experiences

Proviron is a DHT derivative used by AAS bodybuilders to reduce the aromatisation of testosterone and its derivatives. Thus, effectively there will be more free testosterone, which the human body uses to build muscle. Additionally it has been reported through AAS users to help amplify the effect of a cycle (since it increases the amount of free testosterone).

However, in order to substantiate my aforementioned point, proviron does help to release free testosterone, thus increasing overall free testosterone levels useful for bodybuilding. In addition, proviron also helps keep estrogen levels under control in the male body (which means it can be used to compliment your AI (whether it be asin, adex, caber, letro)) - but this compound cannot be used for PCT.

Bodybuilders use proviron for four main reasons outlined below:

1) As a result of proviron's atomic structure it is incapable of forming estrogen. Therefore, due to the increased strength (in comparison to testosterone) in its binding ability to 'latch-on' to the estrogen binding enzymes, it prevents estrogen build-up.

2) As previously mentioned, proviron increases the amount of free testosterone in the male human body. This is a very important point to consider, since approximately ~98% of testosterone is bound to the sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG), thus, since it is bound to the SHBG it is not free testosterone any more and therefore cannot be used to build muscle.

3) As a DHT derivative, proviron contributes towards a feeling of 'well being' (commonly referred to as anabolic well-being) in males, thus it has been used to treat depression in men in the past. Additionally, bodybuilders use it to 'dry up' for competitions, however Masteron is the preferred choice and considered as a better option (proviron has been named as an oral masteron - this topic is debateable). The increase in hardness comes from a reduction in free estrogen levels, thus decreasing water retention.

4) Proviron is frequently used with compounds such as deca - as it adds an androgenic component to the cycle. Thus preventing a loss in male libido and impotence and helps a males sex-drive upto a certain point. However, it makes much more sense to use testosterone (and compounds like prop, tne, suspension) which are very useful since it's a natural sexual hormone.

A dosage of 25mg ED is considered to be an effective dosage for proviron.

To finalise supplementation of 25mg proviron a day during 19-nor-progesterone cycle will help to aid and (i use this word with caution) amplify the effects of that particular cycle, since there is in increase in free testosterone, which is what the human body utilises to build muscle.

I thank all you guys commenting on this proviron topic - and you may be asking yourself, why did i chose to write this...karma? Well...it would be good in encouraging me to continue to write posts and learn more to share my knowledge base, but also to gain opinions.

We have the simple facts (as above), but personal experiences are where it's at.

I came across proviron 2 years ago, where a friend had no clue what to do with it let alone what it was for, so he kindly gave me his proviron free of charge - and, i suppose, as a thank you, i decided to write this post (as above), so that if he were ever in a situation where he once again had proviron, he would know when, how and at what dosages to use it at.

So i proceeded with a little self experiment (not particularly scientifically controlled), i chose to do two AAS cycles, very simple ones, however, one had proviron in, and the other didn't.

The cycles are as followes:

Cycle #1 (Without proviron)
Week 1-12 = Test E/500mg per week/2 pins per week of 250mg
Week 3-14 = Aromisin/12.5mg EOD
PCT 15 days after last Test E injection.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Cycle #2 (With proviron)
Week 1-12 = Test E/500mg per week/2 pins per week of 250mg
Week 1-12 = Proviron/25mg ED
Week 3-14 = Aromisin/12.5mg EOD
PCT 15 days after last Test E injection.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

The controlled factors are as followes:

+) Diet was logged throughout Cycle #1 and mirrored into Cycle #2 - same meal sizes, portions, macro-nutrient breakdowns and mealtimes.
+) Training was logged throughout Cycle #1 and mirrored into Cycle #2 (however, an overall increase of ~5% resulting from the first cycle was carried forward).
+) Training time was consistent, same with intensity - I had the same job, so this control was relatively easy to adhere towards.
+) BF% monitored constantly throughout both cycles - BF% remained the same, with a +/- 1% when on cycle due to a tiny bit of bloat


I too, like GS took my asin in the morning with grapefruit juice and peanut butter, and after a week i found myself to be extremely drowsy and de-motivated in comparison to my 'normal' self. So, i did some reading, and found that free estrogen levels peak towards the end of the night, thus, i began takin the asin pre-bed.

Now, my findings as far as the proviron goes - well, libido wise i was flying high on Cycle #1, but with the inclusion of proviron in Cycle #2 made me want to penetrate anything and everything! In my opinion, the dosage i took was conservative, and although it's is hard to quantify, my 'hornyness' rose ~7-10%. Now we conclude...


My gains post PCT with Cycle #1 were 11.5 lbs, and in Cycle #2 were 11lbs.
Now, this has got me thinking. There are many factors which could have played part in here. In my opinion, post Cycles #1 and #2 revealed good gains, but the gains in Cycle #2 dropped slightly - this could be to do with my body being increasingly responsive towards external test sources among many other factors.

Although my conclusion is brief, i do believe proviron is an important factor in ones cycle, simply because the hornyness (feeling of anabolic well-being) was greatly appreciated by myself, through increases in free testosterone, but also in aggression and motivation in the gym

Thanks for reading,

References: (http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_5495558_proviron-side-effects.html)
Disclaimer: This post has been written 100% by myself P. If you feel i have breached copyright infringements I would like to see proof.

Mars's picture

Man, as it's come to be expected from you P.. Another great write up. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, Thank you! Much love brother.

I plan to include proviron in future cycles and play with my stane' dosage (instead of 7.5mg ED, run 5mg. ED - get bloods and compare)..
It's possible there was less water retention when running proviron in cycle?? Could this have been a factor in your experience / test?
As a side note the 'in body' tester is as accurate as the Bod pod - I compared the two within days of each other months ago.. both will calculate water levels in the body - the 'in body' is at most weight loss clinics (I simply walked in and worked out a deal with the manager, paid them $100 and I can go in anytime as much as I want for life and get tested).. I plan to use this in my own comparisons, down the road.

P's picture

Spot on, from my experiences proviron will help reduce the bloat which is often caused by water retention. Play around with your asin dosages, everybody is unique, so what may work for me may not work for you and vice versa.

DONKEYkick's picture

Muta put up some interesting anabolic/androgenic ratios.
I would highly recommend all to look over them to help decide whether proviron should be used.
Personally I like to use proviron with all cycles.

P's picture

Rawman's picture

Hey can you explain the benefits of proviron if masteron is been ran at 600-800mg already?

P's picture

No problem at all...there will be more on the way Smile

P's picture

There coming thick and fast lol Smile

Trenabolic's picture

Great post P.

Owes a Review × 1
jerseyboy81's picture

Proviron is one of the best things i've ever come across in my life. i even take it to increase my sex drive even when im not on a cycle. Not on a daily basis but if i know im going to have sex i will take 50mg 3hrs before hand or at the latest 1hr before hand and im an animal. Better then Viagra or anything else i ever taken. Just telling you guys what it do's for me not recommending anyone else do this without proper research. During a cycle i've taken it at 50mg while on cyp and prop and it worked wonders. Made my vanes pop out shredded water weight and made my muscles lean. Absolutely love this stuff and would never do another cycle without it. Only thing is im going to drop down to the 25mg a day like i see if i get the same results.

Trenabolic's picture


Owes a Review × 1
finafan's picture

off cycle what kind of dose do you use?

Trenabolic's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Skinflint's picture

Excellent information. Well written, very informative.

P's picture

I need a few more pieces of information before i can advise you.

Cycle history?
Cycle layout?

joebig517's picture

Masteron and proviron do the same job in effect, would running both be overkill and just more for the liver to have to deal with even though proviron is relatively mild in terms of liver toxicity?

P's picture

You will gain a benefit from running both, but you will not receive a synergistic benefit - and proviron is relatively mild on your liver, but regardless of the toxicity levels, with any oral you must always run liver protectors.

joebig517's picture

Good shout yeah liver protection shouldnt be overlooked for sure after all its a damn important organ to put stress on and not cater for as best you can, i may have to try mast as opposed to proviron next cycle if im stacking an oral, drawn to tbol/dbol undecided as of yet so i wouldnt want 2 orals on board but i rate proviron very highly so its food for thought by-passing the liver on the most part.... with nandralone id most certainly like to run one of the two compounds in case of any ill effect on libido plus i like the feeling of well being, extra gas and solidness to muscle it promotes.... wouldnt want to lose such effects.

Kronos's picture

I will try Proviron in my next cycle.And comment about it!!!!

Gsxr1000spanker's picture

Am I right in saying proviron is oral masteron? If so could mast p / e replace proviron in a cycle with the same results?
I understand that the change from oil to tabs can have a dramatic change in effect eg. dbol and equipoise are structurally similar but very different results. Is this the same with mast and proviron?

In a promo × 1
j223's picture

It is not, but it is very similar.

Proviron is oral 1-methyl-dihydrotestosterone

Masteron is injectable form of 2-methyl-dihydrotestosterne

j223's picture

25mg is good. I like taking the pharma grade Schering Provi which comes in a pack of 20 with 25mg each.

1 of those a day (25mg) and things are cool. Libido increased, more relaxed well being type of feeling as well as very slight estrogen reduction and less bloating.

2 at 50mg is GREAT!!! Libido very high, feel really good, confident, minimal bloating.

3 or 4 75-100mg per day be prepared to hit it 3-6x a day. Sex will be on the mind 24/7. Waking up with hardons every day and getting really weird sexual fantasies. Almost every female you see you will be thinking of things you could do to them or them do to you. Feel AMAZING at this dose. Super relaxed and extreme confidence all the time. Always in a good mood. Your muscles will look pretty damn rock hard. Favorite dose by far as long as you got someone/thing to put your dick in lol.\

overall 50mg was the most used dose. If I was going out or something I would bump to 100. If I was running low on proviron then I drop to 25mg per day

A50's picture

I try to add PROVIRON to almost all my cycles. I notice an increased muscle hardness and distinct spike in sex drive.

P's picture

What dose you prefer to run it at and for how long?

P's picture

It has been known, through experience and science that the use of proviron with no AI on hand can cause an estro rebound, since proviron has the ability to 'latch-on' to the estrogen binding enzymes prevents estrogen build-up. However, it doesn't remove the estrogen from the system in the way in which an AI does - so post-proviron use, the estrogen that was not able to bind to a receptor during proviron use, now can be attached to a receptor since there is no proviron blocking its pathway (this is the rebound effect).

So proviron have anti-estrogen properties (although somewhat limited) but it's ineffective to run as an AI.

MegaT883's picture

Nice write up P +1

Oldsoreguy's picture

I use proviron with every cycle now. In the beginning, with just my first test e cycles-proviron helped keep gyno away and since then have always included it into my cycles. It seemed that I had to x2 proviron when i upped the test e-and then dropped down when on a lower test e run. Its affordable and helped to keep that estrogen down when i felt it coming on, i did not want to get rid of all estrogen-just enough to keep the sides at bay.

joebig517's picture

Good post bro

wildaussie's picture

On all my cycles I use Proviron as it frees up any testosterone lying around in the system. Especially when winter comes and I use a lot of Deca and it makes me horny, no deca dick.
Also it is no good to solely use it as an AI <- No way.
Also I noticed that it hardens the muscle that extra bit more.
It works for me
My 2c worth on the subject.

trainbrain's picture

Thats a great contribution bro, thanks +3

joebig517's picture

This is how i use proviron coming up to the end of my test/EQ/var cycle (19wks) does as said previously i rate the stuff for hardness and libido and a bit of extra gas in the gym and does help IMO recovery before pct, yeah theres a chance of eastro rebound once dropping the proviron but if you run a suitable AI such as aromasin during the last couple of weeks before PCT and although some may disagree i shall be running aromasin @ 10mg p/d through first 2-3 wks of PCT and then dropping the aromasin to 5mg e/d for the last week of a standard nolva/clomid pct, some run low dose aromasin a week proceeding the end of PCT as such as it wont hinder recovery of the HPTA and helps In regatds to IGF.
Proviron is good stuff 25-50 mgs good for me depending on AAS used.

P's picture

They could. That would prevent any estrogen build-up, but be careful, if you stop before your PCT the chances of an estrogen rebound will increase. I'd personally recommend using a tail-end taper to your cycle, like prop for example, since you then have a 3 day period to wait after your last injection as opposed to a 15-16 day wait for test e.

joebig517's picture

I am also doing a prop taper in a couple of weeks alongside abother blast of var, it makes sence but never tried it before im looking forward to pinning here there and everywhere.... Ive read a bit on test prop tapers and it seems logical so ill give it a blast... Good advice.

P's picture

Aromasin would prevent the rebound effect, so whenever i use proviron i always make sure i have an AI on hand and my preference is Aromasin.

joebig517's picture

Good post mate very helpfull, im in the last 6wks prior to starting pct on a test E 250mg p/w/eq 450mg p/w/ and var 50mg p/d 16 wk cycle (ran var 50mg e/d for first 7wks/break of 4wks and bk on for the last 5 wks) and have been running 25mg pro-v e/d for the last 5 days i will be running it till a day or two befor i start my PCT of nolva 40/40/20/20 and aromasin 10/10/10/5. Undecided on the clomid as many say yey as they do ney (PCTs- nolva/clomid debate) but i see no point in clomid if using nolva as a "blocker" of eastro (dont like clomid) and assin to stop aromatization during pct also it increases IGF and test apparently... Ill also be supplimenting pct with creatine, glucosamine and d-asparic acid? I belive thats the amino acids name but might be wrong so dont hold me to that lol itl help the body produce natty test i have read.
Feeling a difference in mood its positive/happy on the pro-v (it wasnt so good couple of wks ago) and im a bit horny lol muscles do seem harder and its early days so i look forward to running it with the var till the end for some more lean gains at the end of cycle while i wait on my blood levels of "the juice" to be low enough for PCT this is a rehab cycle thus the dosing/compounds ive used as im recovering from a microdiscectomy i had 5mnths ago now which left me very weak and i was very fit and strong before my injury.... I was knackered before these aas kicked in the var seems to have helped alot within 2wks of starting it my diet and my re-introduction into training.
Cant wait for PCT :(

j223's picture

Proviron is amazing. It puts you back into that zone similar to first cycle. You know the feeling, where you've experienced high test levels for the first time of your life (other than puberty) and you want to fuck any woman even the older ones and shit. Where you need to fuck 6-9x a day and still want more. That's how proviron makes me feel, it makes you feel relaxed and ready to do anything - confidence, alpha male. There's a reason male porn stars take it.

My favorite for sure. I will always use when running deca since my sex drive isnt as high on deca.

Nitti's picture