vector2k4's picture
  • 17

Any ways to increase appetite?


I've suffered from an eating disorder my whole life, I haven't been to a doctor because of no health insurance, but I am sure it is an eating disorder. I pretty much get hungry once a day, around 8 pm, and struggle HARD to eat any time before 5 pm.

Just wondering if anyone has had a problem like this and overcome it, or if anyone knows any meds etc besides marijuana that increases your appetite? Thanks in advance...

ViolentChopper's picture

An old trick is a glass of warm wine an hour before a meal. Maybe mulled wine. I read that in arnies "education of a bodybuilder" book. I'm pretty sure he mixed something else in. I'll look into it.

italian92101's picture

Google, periactin...

OdyOdd's picture

equipoise helps.

scootloko's picture

Im not sure what your experience is but look up GHRP-6 when you get a chance. May be something that interests you

press1's picture

Thought I would just bump this as I've just started using B12 Injectable and God damn it works extremely well for appetite increase and makes you feel on top of the world at the same time while you run it. Get the Haemoglobin count increased too and get a tonne more oxygen in you for training - works wonders!!!

In a promo × 1
eatbig's picture

yep b12 works well. I feel like I can't eat enough. Its cheap too. I got 16 amps at 2ml for $4. I bought a few and now wish I would have bought more.

vector2k4's picture

So what, injectble vitamin b12? and where can you buy it? feel free to pm

eatbig's picture

FR sent bro

maxamax's picture

since this is a steroid site i guess i will be the first to point out the obvious, i assume your looking for gear that increases appetite? then eq is your choice. a fourteen week cycle of that will having you eating like a horse or maybe even a horse. the stuff is pretty intense in that regard.

vector2k4's picture

I'm currently taking 30mg D-bol ED and sust 250 every wed/sun, is there any way I could add that to my current cycle?

vector2k4's picture

sorry still new to steroids etc, what is eq?

Multipurpose's picture

Eq is equipoise(boldenone undecylenate)

vector2k4's picture

Any idea if I can add it to my current cycle?

Multipurpose's picture

You could and will help your appetite around 4 weeks but to really see gains from it you'd have to run it for 16 weeks, it's a very long ester. I ran it for 12 weeks and it helped my appetite around the third week and I did see some gains from it but the most significant increase was the appetite.

ungeheuer's picture

i found eq increasing my appetite only from weeks 4-10. i guess its until the steroid reaches a stable bloodlevel which takes long due to the ester. i also get very hungry whe nupping the dose or changing compounds.

ghrp6 is also supposed to increase hunger.

Multipurpose's picture

There are meds to increase appetite, check out the article I've seen a supplement called engorge that's supposed to increase appetite but I've never tried it. If you're on cycle eq will definitely boost your appetite.