Janus's picture
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-1 Transgender and Sports * Lia Thomas*


I enjoy a good debate and rattling peoples cages... So let's get this one going....Lia Thomas! For tou that don't know, Lia Thomas is a transgender female that competes in college swimming on Penn State Female swim team. Previously was a member of Penn State Male swimming team. And won a National Championship in Female swimming.
I am a big supporter of LGBQ+ rights. I do not judge who you like and what makes you happy.
With that being said. I can't support transgender women (male transition to female) participating in female sports. Especially when they have already gone through puberty. They have a genetic advantage that women can not compete with. I don't care if you are on testosterone suppression drugs. You have already received the benefits of testosterone in your system. I don't not in any way think transgender females should compete against genetic females, unless all involved agree to it. If all females agree, then so be it.

I am interested in others views. Even from our LGBTQ+ members.

Musclemem's picture

All these politicians who push all this shit don’t care about anyone. It’s all about more votes period. It’s sad that people can’t be seen for what they are. Do you sit or stand when you piss. I know some men sit I’m sure but that’s on them lol

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scootloko's picture

I say oh well they asked for it. First it was women who fought to be allowed to play on boy's teams and play against boy's, in the 90s my high school had a female kicker on the football team for instance (played soccer her whole life and had a mean kick). Then it was women who were quick to accept and defend the idea that a man can be a woman if he simply feels or dresses like one, I've even had women attack me for calling men "he" and tell me the men are actually women just because they say they are. Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you fought for girls and boys to be able to play together on a boy's team it should also be OK for them to play together on a girl's team. And if you feel a he is a she and should be treated as such just because he says so don't come with the "but that's different" when it comes to sports. Either a man can be a woman or he can't, period, you can't accept him as a woman only on certain occasions. Women fought for and defend this gender bender sexes are equal nonsense now it's biting them in the butt, it's funny to me. To be clear I'm not anti transsexual or something I'm just a realist. If a man wants to dress as a woman and call himself by a typically female name I don't see anything wrong with that and will defend his right to do so. Hell I live in Medellin Colombia they're everywhere here and a lot of them are as hot or hotter than real girls lol. Dressing in bark and calling myself pine doesn't make me a tree though and seeing yourself a certain way and wearing panties and makeup or getting an operation doesn't change your chromosomes or DNA. For most sports it's just not fair for women to have to play against males, we have an unfair advantage that's huge. Take this guy, he's 52 on a girl's college basketball team and leads the team in scoring and leads the state in rebounds. I bet money the same 52 year old man couldn't make a boy's high school team but he's better than girls in the prime of their life lol. When I was just 13 no 50 year old man who wasn't an ex pro had a chance in hell playing me but he can actually compete with high level female players and best them. I went to college older and even at 28 I had ZERO chance of making our boy's basketball team which wasn't even a good team but dude is killing it at 52 playing with girls. Anyone who thinks this is right or fair is delusional and not thinking logically.


Greg's picture

They should sidestep the gender identification issue altogether my making it an X Y designation not male female.

wanted's picture

Or they should play the sports in high heels

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KMC's picture

If I identified as a black female,.... I could be on the supreme court.

Full disclosure: I am neither nor do I identify as a black or female.

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gmassive's picture
KMC's picture

Wait,..... he gets paid money to beat up women, WTF ????

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Bill1976's picture

I couldn’t have said it better.

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GrowMore's picture

Who cares. Give them their own league and have done with it. Who gives a fuck about the 1% of people this affects. We are currently (in the U.K.) on the brink of families going into real poverty, children going hungry and our fucking government slowly stripping the copper from the walls of our country. And we are talking about some dude who wants to wear a wig and be called Barbra?

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FJB's picture

I'm in the US GrowMore and these fucking clowns are doing a great job of destroying our country. I feel your pain brother

MurderHornet2020's picture


BrofessorChaos's picture

I honestly do not think there are many people looking at this and saying, “yup, that checks out”. I’m left leaning, or I was, until the left lost their fucking minds in the last few years, and mused and everyone I know and associate with will not support or defend the allowance of Lei to compete with biological women. Even the most progressive people I know, will not say that this is totally fine and there is nothing wrong with it.

This was a step too far… and with the leaked Disney video on top of all of this social unrest is just pushing people like myself directly to the right.

Most people will tell you what they really think of it’s not public record. In person, people tell you the truth.

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BrofessorChaos's picture

Dude, I was gonna try to do this privately, but I think I owe you a public apology. I was being a total douche, and somewhat idiotic, and certainly ignorant. I acted self righteous, and pompous. Sorry bro.

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wanted's picture

I am soo for people doing what makes them happy
So maybe they should start there own team the transgender male. Then they will have to split that team by whosr balls are cut off and whose arent cause that wont be fair either.. and what about the poor girls who are missing out on there opportunity now being put in unfair races against ladyboys.
Just doesnt seem fair for anyone and nobody wins

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bundlz's picture

Its like taking steroids in the natural categorie

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blackjack115's picture

The biggest red flag that people tend to just ignore is the fact that pretty much all these transgender athletes were not at the top level when they were male and when they transitioned they are suddenly at the top level.

Janus's picture

I wish I could find the article I read that touched on this. It took last year's fast women's time from Several different competitions (track, swimming, etc) in high school, and compared it to males. At least 2,000-3,000 males were faster in every comp.

wanted's picture

Rules should state they can compete 2 years after balls are cut off

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Janus's picture

Even then they still have the biological advantages of bring male while going through growth phase. Muscles, bone structure, and even respiratory system.


BrofessorChaos's picture

That’s actually a solid point to make.

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Tommyb916's picture
