Harley1969's picture
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Help On Spiking Insulin Levels


I've been researching some on the importance of insulin spiking. I do not want to have to resort to slin because of the dangers of it so I'm looking to do it naturally and looking for some input from you guys. What I've read is that it's important to spike your insulin when waking as your body will be in a some what catabolic state from no food ingestion for 6 to 8 hrs. Ingesting carbs with a high glycemic value will raise your insulin levels and taking in some protein with this such as whey will be of great benefit. The higher insulin levels will force the nutrients into your muscle cells. This is important also for post workout within the 1st half hour after training. I've seen that a lot of people will drink chocolate milk post workout.
My questions for you guys are:
1. What do you take post workout?
2. How often per day do you try and spike your insulin levels?
3. What are the best high glycemic carbs to eat?
4. Anyone ever use BCAA for spiking insulin?

Thanks for the help...

gambit's picture

what i have been doing

  1. What do you take post workout?

- I been taking a fast powdered carb source, pre, intra and post. i dont like a meal in me before working out so i have around 50g of wazy maize or HBCD (Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin). the later seems to give me less bloat but costs more. intra about 40-50g more and post about 25g more before my meal.
2. How often per day do you try and spike your insulin levels?
Right now i focus on peri workout and again around lunch.
3. What are the best high glycemic carbs to eat?
For me anything fast. I was doing pixie sticks for while. frozen yogurt is good.
4. Anyone ever use BCAA for spiking insulin?
no, but i use some bcaa and things like creatine when i am spiking insulin.

Harley1969's picture

Thanks for your input bro, good info...

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generic stuff's picture

I have a custom blend powder from TrueNutrition that I have post-wo. A little sweetener from the flavor and carb mix in there, mixed with 2 cup milk. I'll also have a banana and sometimes a carb or protein bar.

Same shake with milk and oats in the morning before my first meal.

Harley1969's picture

I just googled this and it seems very interesting. I may give it a try, any noticable success with it for you?

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generic stuff's picture

Well, for a while now I have had to resort to using as a make-up for my calories due to work times and such.. So little bloat, but incorporated with a good diet you should have good results depending what you've mixed into it. I have a bit of carbs and fat in mine for easier gaining, but diet's more clean.

wanted's picture

Tablespoon of honey before bcaas and then honey after the gym

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Harley1969's picture

I've been trying the honey but I read where you should be doing complex carbs pre work out.

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Pmob's picture

I have Ice cream before bed. Orange juice post work out or a little sweet.

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Harley1969's picture

If you do it Pmob it must work cuz you look like a freakin Olympia competitor...

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