geo.chapin's picture
  • 40

Hello people. New to this but looking forward to learning all the knowledge I can!


I'm a 25 year old gym addict! It all started from me being really fat 205 24%+ body fat then dropped down to 135 looking so skinny so wanted to gain 10lbs then 10 more and you know how that goes you get hooked and never satisfied! I started using gear at 175 so I gained about 40lbs to build that natural base! Biggest mistake I made when I decided to take gear was just listen to guy at the gym I took all his info and believed it 100% so I took his gear to find out after that it was bunk! Who knows what I was injecting! So please people don't do what I did and research research and oh yea some more research! Now I know exactly what I put in my body what works best how many mgs etc keep a log!
So I'm here to help out as many people as I can to take the best decisions possible when getting on gear.

PS don't believe what anybody says after you get your info do more research till you find facts to back up that info!

monsteronjuice's picture

I'd address the headline 'Hello. Everyone from eroids. New here and forward to learning a lot of knowledge.'......I mean doing a few cycles and roughly 50% have been bunk. Welcome aboard though . Tons to learn here. It's a great community.

geo.chapin's picture

Just changed it brotha. Thank you for your advice. Always having a student mentality no matter what

House's picture

I thought you did 5 cycles?

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geo.chapin's picture

I did. First 2 where bunk! Last cycle I finally got a legit source! To where all his gear is tested and I know I'm taking what i read on the label.

geo.chapin's picture

Thanks for your pointers appreciate it! Big help